Copia HC - Daughters

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Request: How would Popia be with a daughter that's similar to him in the sense of being an awkward&shy bean?(not flirty, just awkward) Would he try and help her be more confident? Or any other things I'm probably not thinking of?


Popia would DEFINITELY try to help his daughter be more confident. but like i said in the original daughter ask, he's more a backseat parent. He would DEFINITELY talk to mom about how he can help and what they might do to help their child be more confident (not in a "mom and i were talking about you and..." way cause we all hate that shit) but in a way where he just cares about you. whatever he did he would NEVER tell you it was to try and make her more confident. he would take them shopping to find clothes that make them happy, like a nice dress or whatever they wanted to wear, no matter what it be. (mom says a new pair of shoes does wonders, but he's not so sure on the science behind that). He'd never hinder you from making plans with your friends unless it was absolutely certain that you needed to be home for a good reason, or if he thought you might not be so safe at that party. he knows you need friends and isolating you will do nothing for your social life or self esteem. like i said,not much of a "talking about your feelings parent" aside from saying he loves you and listening to when you need to talk, so he would just do these things and hope you understand where it's coming from

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