Nihil + Imperator Grandparent HCs

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Request: Is it alright to send requests of imperator and Nihil? Cause I was wondering what they would both be like having a grandchild? Although I already kinda figured Imperator is the grandma that would kill if someone hurt her grandchild.

Papa Nihil: The Fun Grandpa. he's not worried about fucking them up (like he was with his own children, and like he did with his own children) because they're not his problem. will give them all the sugar in the house he can find and when they're out of candy he'll just give them a bag of sugar and let them loose in the back yard. would buy them all the noisey toys and only give them directly to the child as soon as you're about to take them home, because no matter which son the child belongs too, he thinks the deserve it. You'll HATE him, your kids will love him. he would turn your own children against you and start a small army of grandchildren to rebel against their parents and serve the true Lord - Nihil himself

Sister Imperator: She is Cold and Hard on the outside, and on the inside, she is Room Temperature and Still Pretty Hard. Don't ask, cause she would definitely pick a favorite (but i hc that she can hurt everyone she wants to, but the second someone hurts her feelings she's broken af) but if her grandkids ever said they didn't want to go to grandmas house or something mean about her (as kids do) she would lose it. also yes you're right, protective as fuck and would slash the tires and smash the windows of any care that dare drive on the streets your child lives on. Only Safety. Ruins christmas because your child got a slingshot from their daddy (duh, II) and she took it away and threw it out the window before you can even try it out because "someone will get hurt". "but sister, that's the point..." II says. "let the children have their fun..." nihil insists, knowing that slingshot will prove worthy in his small child army.

Request: So which papa would be the parent of the grandchild that tells off Nihil and refuses to do anything music related? (they still like music, but just would rather do something else with their life)

a) implying any of the grandchildren could POSSIBLY tell off nihil even if they wanted to. he's a convincing old man and he's sweet and all but they have a healthy fear of him. they know what he says goes. he's the colonel of their tinyhuman war on Regular Adults.

b) if anyone, it would 100% be II's children. he's raising them to be strong and stand up for what they believe in (shocker, that backfires on a lot of his other parenting ideals) and that includes even standing up to nihil about the music thing. all this kid wants to do is play fucking football but NOOOO nihil makes them sit around and listen to old stories and learn instruments. would be the best fighter out of all of them, but only physically, and the second he started yelling nihil would make him cry and then tell him if he "doesn't have a musical talent well, sorry, you're not part of the family, i don't make the rules"

Request: So I have an old HC that involves Nihil having grandkids and while it needs refinement now, this can stay: His grandkids legit dyed one of his robes pink because he said it was a nice color. Not only did he refuse to let them be punished, he wears it with pride because the "leetle ones made it for me"

ES YES YES. you're correct. although he is urging the children to revolt against their parents (and hurt other children with slingshots) he is very kind to them. he'll dress up your children like little princes and princesses in fancy clothing and have tea parties with them when they aren't in bow and arrow training (it's nerf, it's fine). one time he was doing a load of washing for the kids and snuck one of his own robes in, and it turned completely pink. when he showed the children they said "that's wonderful grandpa!! you said you love pink!" and he goes well yeah i guess i do. he wears the robe as often as possible and when the pink starts to fade he dyes it again. it's a happy reminder of his happy little minion grandkids and it annoys everyone else in the clergy Just Enough

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