Various Members HC - Haunted Hay Ride

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Request: ''Tis the spooky season! How about papa II,II,dewdrop, Copia,&swiss taking their s/o on a haunted hay ride? (I was planning on going with a friend cause I've never gone on one, but we can't :/ )

Papa II: he hates halloween because when he does his usual paint and dresses in his full robes during the season, everyone goes "wow i love your costume!! spooky pope!!!" and he has to calmly explain that it is no costume, and he is actually a spooky pope. they think hes a method actor and continue to commend his work. but that being said, he will do absolutely anything if he thinks it will bring a shred of joy to his s/o, so if a haunted hayride is what you seek, a haunted hayride you will get. but a dirty-horse drawn carriage through a regular farm does not a haunted hayride make. it isnt good enough for his love, so he'll make one. he decides to organize his own horse drawn carriage - a much cleaner one -  and take you through a dark and eerie forest that he actually genuinely knows to be haunted, and tell you cryptic dark stories of the old ones. he's satisfied, and you're terrified - you both win, and he makes sure that you're anything but scared and a little bit more satisfied before bed that night. you know how excited he gets when he goes off about the old ones....

Papa III: *jenna marbles voice*: "Hell Yeah". he would take you through a haunted corn maze and try and pull you as far and deep into the maze as possible, and convince you to get a little naughty. he says the ghosts like to watch, they dont mind. when you assured him a haunted maze is no place for kanoodling, he would get you a candy apple and a fun little witch hat to wear during the hay ride. he would act appropriately frightened for every scare, and hold your hand and pull you close when you were a little more than appropriately scared. he would be

Cardinal Copia: you may all personally thank my dearest Rubrikate for changing my opinion on The Cardinal. maybe ill get into it another time but hes out of the Bad Books for now but i need to collect my new brain before writing about Realized Copia. he would take you into the horror house and act like a big tough macho man every time an actor popped out to scare you. but one snuck up on him and he shrieked like a little girl and blamed it on the small child in front of you two. after that, he thought at least on a haunted hay ride there would be a chance for some nice relaxing spooky time, but as soon as the thing starts he remembers that you just happen to be afraid of the dark, and it is more than just a little dark out. You sit on his lap the whole time and he would hold you tight and just tell you to breath in the smell of the fallen leaves and think about the pumpkin pie he would buy you at the market when you got off.

Swiss: He wants to do all of the halloween things you can imagine. Carve pumpkins, play with makeup and costumes, haunted houses, pumpkin pie, corn mazes, haunted hay rides, trick or treating, watching horror/thriller movies, fun halloween snack recipies, apple picking, decorating the house. he loves the spooky season and he will be sure that all of october will never be a dull moment. you actually went on the first haunted hay ride that opened for the season, but he wasn't impressed or scared, so it became his absolute mission to find a better, scarier one. youve been on eleven different hay rides and he still isnt satisfied. youre beginning to think youve developed an allergy to hay and the stuff costumes are made out of. finally you decide to just fill your car with hay, pop a scary music soundtrack into the radio, and drive really fas and dangerously down a country back road. hes not scared because its spooky and fun, hes scared because he thinks youve lost you god damn mind. you aren't driving fast enough.

Dewdrop: okay he is also one to go ALL OUT for halloween because he can wear his mask in public and no one will question it but also because his gasoline is the horrified screams of children. dewdrop is what goes bump in the night from october first until november first. the rest of the time its aether getting a midnight snack. much like Swiss, he wants to do All The Fuckin Things, but he goes overboard on not just the haunted hay ride, all of it. Dewdrop is Swiss on speed. instead of going to a haunted house to be scared by the actors and machines, he goes around and hides in all the nooks and corners to scare the other patrons. every time he makes a child cry a demon gets it's mask. if you dont get kicked out his work isnt done. but on the haunted hayride, the most important halloween activity to you, he promises to keep things to a reasonable level. but then again reasonable is a very debateable term so hes hanging off the back or telling the horse conductor (idk what word to use LMFAO) to go faster and faster and asking if the horses are walking to a rhythm and if theyre trained or if theyre just doing their own thing.

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