Nameless Ghouls HC - Disney Movies

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Request from Anon: Current ghouls favorite Disney movie(s)?

Aether: The Aristocats! He's a simple ghoul and loves the classic (if you try and tell me he's not a cat person be ready to throw hands)

Dew: Maleficent. Although he's not a big movie buff, he likes when Maleficent makes the baby cry because children also have that reaction to him. (Secretly thinks Alice In Wonderland is the shit though)

Rain: Lilo and Stitch! He things the story is generally very cute and likes to compare Dew to Stitch (Messy, was found somewhere in a forest probably, danger to society). It's his #1 go to movie no matter what.

Mountain: Beauty and the beast. Classic love story. Has a major crush on Belle and also the beast sometimes eh. Thinks Belle deserved better. Thinks Gaston should rot.

Swiss: The Emperor's New Groove. Thinks that shit is so damn fucking funny (because it is). Every time the llama comes on screen he points to a different ghoul and goes "you".

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