Papa II HC - Oblivious Flirting

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Request: Alright, how about an imagine with Papa II in getting with a Sibling who is insanely oblivious to his pickups that it ends up making him frustrated (even sexually frustrated lol) he ends up being blunt with his offering which in his own mind is defeat. Love your work, and yes I love making Papa II work for it by suffering hehehe.


Oh my god when I said I bet you guys have some good ideas i was fucking right because this is incredible. But also I wasn't sure if you wanted HCs or a one shot. I'm gonna do point form for now but I will 100% do this as a full perhaps two-shot in the future when i have more time on my hands.

Also NSFW go away children

- It starts very mundane at first. II has set his eyes on a specific member of the clergy, and he won't stop until he has what he wants - however romantic or not. He starts off very gentle about the thing. He doesn't want to completely freak them out and have them think he's an awful person if it wasn't something they're interested in

- a smile, conversation, he'll ask you questions about yourself. But they're being so clinical with him. Yes Sir, no Sir, right away Sir. He doesn't understand so he tries more. Brushing past them a little too close. Trying to get them alone anywhere possible. If he thought he was invested before, them being oblivious to his attraction only makes it harder.

- He thinks about them all the time. During sermons at the church. While he's speaking to others. Alone in his office, with the door locked. In the shower. It's almost too much to bare. He could simply accept an offer from any number of others who would have him so quickly and easily, but that's not fun. He's set on you, and unless you tell him no, he won't stop until he's had every bit of you. tasted every inch of your skin. Consumed you.

- After a month, him trying so hard now to get your attention people are starting to question his sanity, he finally puts it all on the table. while you're walking down the empty corridor he comes out of nowhere and without touching you, backs you into the wall. He's standing so close you can feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, his eyes staring directly into yours. "Look, my darling. I have been trying to get your attention, and I can't tell if you haven't noticed or aren't interested. But I'm interested. I want you. I want you here, I want you now. I want you anywhere."

- You are almost breathless and reply "I haven't noticed. I- thought you were just being nice to me." He explains that he isn't that nice to anyone without a good reason. He'll give you time to think about his offer. He walks away and you're borderline in shock for the rest of the day.

- But, that night, after thinking about his offer long and hard, you go into his office. He's sitting on the edge of his desk mulling over some paperwork. He smiles when he sees you. you tell him you've thought about his offer and- before you even finish he's already grabbed you by your cheeks and pulled you into a most lewd kiss.

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