Papas + Copia HC - Embarassing

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Request: S/O walks in a WTF moment in front of the Papas+Copia doing something embarrassing. How would they react, and how would they go about it knowing their S/O has seen something they shouldn't. It could be either be something dirty, funny, or just plain weird. I just want a good laugh.


This was such a good idea thank you for it

Papa I: It's been talked about before on this blog plenty, but the eldest Emeritus brother is an avid knitter - but only in secret. He does it at home when he's alone sitting in his recliner, with glasses barely hanging on the bridge of his nose, a lamp on beside him, while Family Feud plays in the background. And one evening when he was working on a new scarf pattern - some of his best work yet, he thought - his s/o decided to use the key they have to his house and surprise him with takeaway dinner! He is absolutely mortified to have a single soul know about his hobby, and if he didn't love them, he'd kill them. He insists they get all their laughing done now and swear to never tell another living soul as long as they both shall live. But its nice not to have to hid his needles and yarn every time they come over now.

Papa II: His hidden secret is that he dances. But in true II fashion, only to certain types of music, and only does certain styles of dance. He loves swing dancing and classic ballroom, and in his spare time he'll watch videos of it on Youtube, when he can figure out how it works. On a particularly good day while he was tidying up his office, he caught himself doing a few little hip twists, and suave spins, and hand motions. But his s/o caught him too. Dancing around alone in his office like senile old man. He is so embarrassed he grabs his things and goes home immediately. No matter how many times they call or promise it wasn't weird, and that dancing is a normal symptom of being alive, and that it was cute, he won't listen. It will take him years to recover from this one, and he's not easily embarrassed.

Papa III: I think it's hard to embarrass this man. He's confident and extremely open about his likes and dislikes, and doesn't even have a single guilty pleasure because he isn't guilty about anything that brings him pleasure. The only ways I can think of embarrassing him would be if his brothers/nihil caught him doing something sexual that was a little more than a little depraved, or if he poured his deepest heart out to someone and they didn't return the feelings. So i apologize for a let down on this one but unless you're gonna break his heart or show Nihil what III does at the sex club every friday night, you're out of luck with getting him to blush. PLEASE feel free to argue this with me id love to hear your thoughts

Cardinal Copia: This is his absolute worst nightmare. His s/o told him they wouldn't be around tonight because they had a work thing to go to, so at the end of his day he thought he'd release some physical stress. He goes into his bedroom, maybe lights a few scented candles for ambience, and starts touching himself. But, the work function ended early, and they thought why not surprise their lover (And he'd been so pent up lately....) They walk in on Copia just as he's reaching climax, and just lock eyes as he finishes. They're staring in shock, he's just frozen solid. "well if you wanted it that bad. why dont I help?" Copia is too terrified to be able to have sex ever again for the next ten years and pretty much kicks them out. He sends them apology flowers and sorry cards and calls them twice and hour to tell them how awful he feels about what they saw. no matter how many times they say its okay and that it was maybe even kinda hot, he will never stop feeling a little gross about it.

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