Papas + Copia HC - Loud

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Request: Do you think we can get some headcanons for how Cardinal and the papas would react to a female s/o that gets really loud in bed ;)

Papa I: Doesn't really mind either way. hes knows body language well enough that he can tell if you're enjoying yourself or not, no matter how loud or how quite you are during. Honestly, his hearing is bad, so the louder you moan the better - he'll actually be able to hear it. He's pretty quiet during sex, which means he can hear your exclamations of pleasure all the better.

Papa II: Loves it. He record it in his phone and listen to it like music. he would make your moans his ringtone. He would pleasure you and not expect anything in return, just to know you're having fun, and so he gets to hear your ecstatic moans and groans and whimpers. He would keep edging you until you were absolutely screaming just cause he likes the way it sounds. He could probably get off just listening to you scream his name while he's pleasuring you. He only really makes noises when he's really close, and then it's a quick "Oh fuck- im gonna- im gonna cum-" and then .. well.. you know the rest.

Papa III: Loves it too. It boosts his ego a little too much when you're whimpering and crying out his name during sex, or any sexy activities, and it turns him on to know how much you're also enjoying yourself. He's actually pretty vocal during sex too, with a little dirty talk mixed in with a groan and a moan and an "oh fuck" when he's getting close to finishing, so he likes that his partner is the same way. He doesn't want to be the only one making any noise during sex, and sometimes when his partner is really quite he feels like they're not really enjoying themselves or that he's not doing a good job, no matter what of your directions he follows.

Cardinal Copia: Kind of confused?? you like what he's doing that much??? that you're moaning loudly and begging for more??? really? he thinks you're faking it the first few times because it seems like you're just putting on a show to big up his ego. you have to actually sit him down straight and tell him that no, you're not faking it, you're actually just enjoying it that much, and you've always been pretty loud in bed. and that's when his ego flies through the god damn roof. "well if you like it that much than we can just do it all the time, right? like,,, all the time?? constantly?? cause i will if you want me to. do you want me to do that? can we do that?"

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