Dewdrop Request - Sentence Starter

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Sentence start request, from anon: "Sorry isn't going to help when I kick your ass!" -Dewdrop

"Oh yeah? Well.... Aether pees in the shower!" Dew quipped desperately.

"Boys, no nee-" Copia started, but was cut off once again.

"Dew eats soap!" Aether screamed. "There! I said it! I saw you take the bathroom hand soap and squirt it right into your mouth! And one time I saw you take a bite out of the bar soap in the shower like who even does that do you know where that's been-"

"You said you wouldn't tell." Dew said angrily.

"What?" Copia looked at Dew. "Why were you eating soap?"

"Look it smells nice so I thought- that's not the point. The point is, I'm going to beat Aether to death with my bare hands."

"Dewdrop, you know that's terrible for you right- like I just can't imagine- how are you not sick? How are you not dead?" While the Cardinal considered the sheer strength of Dew's immune system and stomach acid, the fire ghoul lunged at Aether. He narrowly missed and jumped behind Copia's desk, now playing a game of chasing each other around it.

"I'm sorry, Dew!" Aether cried.

"Sorry isn't gonna help you when I kick your ass!" Dew taunted, small, but knowing he was faster than Aether if Aether ever decided to make a run for it. Dew had him cornered.

"Now boys." The Cardinal said loudly, in attempt to reign them in - Dew was already so angry he had started a fire on the top of the desk. "Hey- you know I need those papers, right?"

"Copia soap eater is gonna kill me." Aether whined.

"Fuck you!" Dew called, deciding to finally run around the side of the table. Aether ran the opposite way and just before Dew could grab him, Copia picked him up by the back of his collar and removed him, while Aether escaped. "Hey, I had him!"

"That's enough, Dew. You aren't going to kill Aether. And your grounded for... eating soap. I mean really, Dew, what the fuck?"
"But Copia I-"

"No buts." Dew crossed his arms and frowned deeply. "Now, go to your room."
"Copia it was just one time and it smelled like lavender-"

"I don't care- what part of lavender soap made you think, 'hmm, I'm going to eat this'? I don't care. Just go. You've caused enough trouble today." Dew shook Copia's grasp and stomped away, back to his bedroom. The Cardinal sat down in his desk chair with a loud sigh, staring at the charred remains of his work.

"Nasty little gremlins." He muttered to himself. "Nasty little gremlins."

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