Papas + Copia HC - Proposal

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Request: Papa's and Copia asking their s/o to marry them?

Papa I: hes the type of guy that would spring it on you at breakfast. sure hes been planning it, and had a ring and all of that, but he just didn't know when the right moment was. he decided over eggs and a cup of good coffee and the rising sun was the best time. he just wanted it to be special, and intimate, and he couldnt think of a better time than when you two are alone, in the the sweet sunday morning glow.

Papa II: He's the real big spender here. he'll get you the nicest ring he can find no matter the cost, one that you would love, and plan a week long vacation to a destination youve always wanted to go to but never had the chance. There, hell shower you with love and flowers and gifts, and on the middle day of your trip, plan a wonderful intimate dinner for the two of you at an exclusive restaurant, and propose just as the sun is setting over the ocean. he figured you couldn't say no after all of that. you'd be stuck with him forever.

Papa III: this one is all about his s/o. if they're just as over the top and dramatic as he is, then that's what theyll get. all out, house full of rose petals, incredible champagne, beautiful dinner, the proposal, and then probably a night of the best sex of their life. but if theyre more reserved and calm than he is, he'll go for that. a nice pinic in the park under a the single cherry blossom tree near the clergy, a walk through the magnificently maintained garden. the proposal to him is all about showing his s/o that he knows what they like, and listens to what they want and don't want. its about showing he cares, and hes going to continue to care for the rest of time.

Cardinal Copia: he's the youtube proposer. he'll watch compilations of the best proposals on youtube for hours and hours and compile all his own favorite ideas. he'll get the ghouls to do a musical number, sisters of sin are doing a dance routine, it's really really extra and ridiculous and the entire time his s/o's face is bright red and at the end they start crying happy tears. Copia thinks its unhappy tears because either theyre going to say no or they dont like his singing live.  he asks you whats wrong and you smile and tell him to continue so he does and he asks you to marry him and presents you with the ring, and of course you say yes. after all that effort?? but you have to explain to him that it's happy tears, not only from the proposal, but the effort into it (and also laughing crying from seeing the ghouls dance and sing like that)

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