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Papa I: Romance is the only deal breaker he needs

Papa II: Clingy, needs attention all the time. He's very clear with everyone he "dates" (see last post about types) about what the terms of their relationship are. When he's with you hes only focused on you, but when you're not around that's it: you're not around. If he started seeing a new girl and she popped around to his work just to say hi, he'd block her number. Clingy is different from soft, too. Sometimes the moment warrants a little extra attention, but he gives so much that asking for more just seems ridiculous and annoying.

Papa III: Closemindedness. He needs someone who's down to try whatever, in life and in love, so anyone who just shoots down all his ideas and wants to lounge at home forever is a definite no. Someone who takes themselves too seriously to get a little wild when the moment calls for it, or even to get too silly when maybe the moment doesn't. He doesn't need to be reigned in like Dew, he knows where the lines are, he just needs someone who will walk them with him.

Copia: Someone with no work ethic. His whole life revolves around getting promoted and doing the job to the best of his abilities because he has to, so if he had a partner who just wanted to lounge around all the time and never really put in effort, it wouldn't last more than a month. He needs someone who just as determined and motivated as he is, because they'll understand all the late nights he spends at the church.

Dew: Someone super neurotic, clean, and organized. If he left a towel unfolded in the bathroom and you mentioned it, it would drive him insane. He won't be told what to do, and if you're constantly begging him to clean up and not drink the dish soap and do his laundry and not bite the candles, and he refuses, it's not gonna be a healthy relationship. I can't imagine anyone like that dating Dew and vice versa, but if somehow they started dating, it really wouldn't last more than a few days.

Mountain: Someone who's way too high energy and has no idea when to shut up. In a romantic relationship he can't stand the type of person who would talk through a movie. Mountain needs some quiet time to just hang out and be with his thoughts while having some company, and someone who can't let him have that isn't a good match. Comfortable silence is the name of the game. Also someone who took themselves too seriously to get a little dirty and have a little silly fun sometimes.

Swiss: Insecurity. Everyone is insecure sometimes but if you let it get in the way of your life and make it someone else's issue he has no interest in being there for it. He's too confident 99% of the time to spend any of his mental energy trying to convince someone they're good enough. They should know it, and if they don't yet, then they need to figure it out and come back to him. Also someone who doesn't take care of themselves, like showering and keeping a presentable appearance 75% of the time. He puts a lot of effort into how he looks and whatnot and expects the same of his partner.

Rain: Someone judgmental. If he was around someone who was constantly talking shit about other people not only would it make him insecure, but it would also make him uncomfortable. He doesn't see a reason for someone to be so hateful for what seems like no reason, unless they're just having a bad day. He'd constantly be worried about what theyre saying to other people about him and it would ruin the relationship.

Cirrus: Anyone but Cumulus

Cumulus: Anyone but Cirrus.

Aether: Someone who's personality isn't balanced like his. If they're super independent and refuse to accept help anywhere, then he doesn't know how to love them. If they're too needy it'll just end up just being more work and another person for him to take care of, and he'll do nothing but resent them for it. Also someone who's super emotionally unavailable even after a long time of being together. He just needs someone who can be just as up and down as he is. and can help balance him even more. 

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