Papas + Copia HC - Gamer

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Request: What if the papas&copia had a gamer s/o who is playing some of their favorite games for a while. What would the papas&copia do to get their attention (for me my favorite games are The Legend of Zelda series and the Fallout games so it would be a while to get me off if I'm immersed in it)


apa I: More than happy to just sit and watch you play your games if you let him. if you can explain the story line to him, or hes around from the very beginning of you playing it, hell actually probably get into it too. Anything he can do with his s/o pleases him and hes always so excited to learn more about their hobbies and favorite activities and listen to them talk about the things theyre most passionate about. that being said if its been a few hours and you havent got up for more than a drink or a pee break, he'll probably try and convince you to put it down for a while by enticing you with other activities. hell cook dinner, but only let you eat it if you put down the game for half an hour, or suggest going on a nice walk through the forest and get your fresh air, or even suggest a nap. but hes not a pushy old man, so if playing a game for 12 hours straight is all you really want, then he knows it just do be like that and hell let you go.

Papa II: though he also loves listening to his lover talk about the things theyre passionate about, hes a busy man, and probably wont spend much time watching you play. but he loves to just have some company around even if you two are doing completely different things, just being in the same room together and knowing youre there makes him happy. if he reeaaally wants to do something with you, or thinks youve been playing for so long your brain might melt (why do all old people think this), he'll try anything to convince you to get off for a while. whether he just actually wants to get you off and let you go back to the game, or take you out, or eat, or hang out with some friends, he'll do whatever it takes. Though is is an understand one when it comes to his lovers and his lovers only, hes a very impatient man and doesn't like to feel like hes been tossed to the side in favor of a screen, or anything for that matter.

Papa III: if it's a game he can get into, that's two player, he'll probably be right there playing with you. who knows, maybe youve found another hobby you can share. maybe he'll be the one that needs tearing away from the screen if he finds a game hes really into. III is most likely to hyper fixate on something cause he just gets so damn excited and his one track mind can only entertain the idea of being obsessed with one thing at a time. if you arent playing together, youre both constantly trying to convince the other to go outside, and do other things, and have human interactions that dont involve pressing X. it never works. you're both too deep in the hole to get out until you beat that level, or even the game. you'll just have to wait until you can fixate on something else.

Cardinal Copia: not very much of a gamer boy. honestly, he doesnt see the entertainment in sitting and watching a screen and pressing buttons for hours on end, and thinks even watching a movie is long enough for him to sit and not be doing four things at once. but if he knows its something you enjoy doing that brings you pleasure, all the power to you. much like II, hes more than happy to sit with you while you play and he reads a book, or does some paper work, or makes phone calls here and there. will try to entice you to give it up for a few hours with taking you to your favorite place, be it a restaurant, or museum, or on the premisis that if you don't go to sleep now your entire tomorrow will be ruined, and you know how much you hate it when youre exhausted from staying up late the night before. he'll pressure you into it very sideways, but leave the decision up to you, until you know that he's already made the choice for you but youre the one who still has to shut the game off.

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