GHOST BC X Greetings

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Papa I: a nod, perhaps a handshake if he feels like standing up. You're not getting a hug out of this man unless you Need It. He doesn't see the need for personal greetings every time you see each other, so he'll probably just say. "You're here now. Let us begin the thing that we planned to do."

Papa II: A firm handshake, maybe he'll kiss your cheek politely. It may feel warm but he's just doing it to be polite because that's what people do in Europe and he's trying to be nice. If you've been friends for a while, he might just pat you hard on the back like guys do at bars when they say "They just let anyone in here! haha hey buddy" but won't say anything because you don't need to.

Papa III: He's here to make a good and sexy first impression. He's the type of guy to kiss his best friends wife on the cheek politely, and if he's really going for something, when he shakes their hand he'll kiss their knuckles with full eye contact. Not much of a hugger immediately, but if you've known each other for a while and your comfortable he'll definitely hug you whenever he sees you.

Cardinal Copia: Tries to do a thousand handshakes at once but it just looks weird. If you go to hug he'll do it really lightly and it will just be uncomfortable for both of you. If it's the first time youre meeting, say through a mutual friend, he might give you that awkward little wave. If you've known each other for a long time he'll hug you and give a pat on the back.

Aether: A firm handshake and a warm smile if it's more of a professional thing, but if not he'll definitely hug you if you're down for that. He's open to however the other person wants to complete the interaction, and is pretty good at telling whether or no someone wants a hug or not.

Dew: Will walk around you in circles and take a sniff like an animal. it makes everyone uncomfortable. Will offer you a sip of "Coffee" from his thermos but it's just fabric softener. usually another ghoul will step in before you can take a sip.

Swiss: much like papa III, always trying to be sexy and impressive. He'll shake your hand and it's a normal thing but for some reason it feels weirdly intimate. Maybe its the eye contact. If you're just buds he'll pat you on the back hard and go "Yes, eh?" and the appropriate response is "Yes, yes. You?"

Rain: hugs hugs hugs all around. they make him feel nice and he assumes that they made everyone else feel nice too, and who wouldn't want to feel nice, right? if he accidentally hugged someone who was not interested in that he would be mortified and apologize profusely, and ask how they prefer to be greeted for the next time they meet.

Mountain: A handshake or a casual wave. He's not a big hugger, especially with strangers, so he's got no interest in a warm embrace with someone he just met. A stern pat on the back will do. not super interested in knowing a lot of people or having many friends, he's around for the vibes, so he's not gonna do too much.

Cumulus: definitely a hugger. and even if you don't love hugs you know she'll give it to you good. really brings the party to every interaction.

Cirrus: maybe also a hug, perhaps a playful punch in the arm. she also doesn't know how to greet people, much like copia, so she's sort of open to whatever the other person goes in for

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