Papa III, Copia HC - Grief

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Request: Could i request Papa III and Copia for helping a s/o who lost a very close family member? I just lost my grandmother and would love to read some Papa III and Copia stuff (that and I love your HC's). Thank you. If you do not wish to do this, that is totally okay


Papa III: does everything he can to comfort you. his usual extravagant, over the top behavior wont work here, and he knows that, so he does his best to dial it down for you. still buys you enough flowers to make your bedroom look like a rose garden, and will attend any family events you have to go to just to support you the best he can. as much as he understands loss, he's not so sure how to translate his knowledge into helping someone else, so he just does his best to make sure you're coping as healthily as possible and makes sure that you know he's there for anything you might need.

Cardinal Copia: Boy, has this man experienced loss. surviving the plague can show you the worst the world has to offer when it comes to having everything you love swiftly ripped away from you. he wants to be helpful, but mostly waits for your direction. you need cuddles? his lap is always available? you just kind of feel like crying for a while? its healthy and he'll hold you through it. you need a distraction? he'll take you anywhere you want to go. need to be alone for a while? no problem, copia will catch up on any missed work at the clergy until you call. he's trying his best to help you, but understands that he can't possibly be everything you need, so he encourages you to reach out to friends, other family members, and even professional help if you think you need it. there's no shame in asking for help, ever.

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