Minecraft World.

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Ask: The clergy has a giant shared Minecraft world that they can all play on. What would era IV make homes/or bases like? I think dews made himself a satanic underground lava base really deep down


Copia: Makes a scale replica of the church inside and out down to the decor in everyone's bedrooms because he wants to make them feel at home. doesnt understand why if they have those weird green guys they cant have only a few rats.

Aether: Hangs out and builds stuff around the church with copia probably. boots the others when they cause too much trouble.

Dew: Definitely just makes a new pit to lava every single time. Probably exploring caves and gets lost 100% of the time. will go out looking for other peoples shit to fuck up on purpose. He made a little satanic base near the lava once and spent hours decorating it but then he walked away and forgot where it was so now theres a trap somewhere that leads directly to the afterlife. (this is inspired by how i played minecraft)

Mountain: Goes around looking for animals all the time and builds gardens. he's not that interested in the game really, but its a way for him to be included without really doing much, so he still plays.

Swiss: Will never play in front of anyone and pretends he never goes on the server. he sneaks on and fucks up everyones shit just enough that it doesnt look really bad but something is wrong somehow. this is his payback for when Dew did that to his room as a prank. no one is allowed in his room.

Rain: a little too easy. he makes bases under water all the time to watch the fish. doesn't tell anyone where it is because he knows theyre always ruining each others bases and he really couldn't handle losing anything he spent days on. always rearranges everything when hes done because he doesnt know what to do in the game when his house is done

Cirrus and Cumulus: They probably play the most i think. keep making cute little houses together, also taught the others to play bc it was their idea to have a server in the first place. they know where rains base is but wont tell him because they dont want him to have to up and move just after he finally changed his banking address

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