Various Members HC - Introverts

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Request: Hi I saw the papa iii with a shy/awkward and introverted s/o and I was wondering if you could do the same for papa II, Copia, rain, and Swiss?

Papa II: this can go two ways with this man. he's a pretty reserved person himself - not shy, or afraid to speak out, he just doesn't want to say things that don't matter. he loves a s/o who can get him out of his comfort zone and kind of give him that energy and brighten him up, but sometimes that can get exhausting. he loves a quiet and reserved s/o because he thinks the truest form of intimacy is sitting in comfortable silence. he knows when you want to you can be energetic and a little crazy, but most of the time, he thinks you're the best person to relax around. in all, if you like bone daddy, he probably likes you too.

Cardinal Copia: perfect!! rat man is both awkward and shy!! though when he needs to be he can be quiet nasty and extroverted, he loves having an s/o who understands what it's really like to just want to be quiet sometimes, or to be too afraid to do a social thing. this may be a problem when you want to order a pizza over the phone, but you just decide to use uber eats. you find a way around it, and if you don't, Copia will step up and do what he has to to make sure that you're not uncomfortable or anxious. people who always have energy mildly terrify him and unless he's already drunk, he would much rather stay in with his lover than go out and get drunk, maybe even stay in and get drunk with his lover. clubs and bars are just too fucking loud for him.

Rain: cool with him. he can be super energetic sometimes and go nuts!!! maybe hell get a little crazy!!! but soon after he tires, and he wants someone who he knows wont expect the crazy energetic mood to last all the time. Rain can't be a constant party!!!! he needs a partner that knows that (and a partner that appreciates that rain "getting crazy" is putting extra toppings on his froyo at pinkberry. just dont tell rain it isn't that crazy). his ALWAYS down for a sexy little quiet nap or a sexy little movie day or a sexy little snack run. he thinks adding the word sex in front of the activity makes it cool. i don't know you'll have to ask him yourself.

Swiss: He loves more of an energetic s/o. someone who can keep up with his antics without asking for a potty break, and someone who can keep the party going and get him hyped when hes starting to fade. That being said, if he loves you, he doesn't mind. if you need breaks from the party and energy, he'll dole them out graciously. if you want to have a day to yourselves to just chill inside without having to go out or get crazy, he'll find ways to be a little bit crazy in the house. but SWISS ARMY FUN FACT TIME: he fucking loves reading. feral, maybe, but if you get this man a good book he wont put it down until it's done, and hell pick up another one right away. he'll turn pages until his fingers are bleeding. he just fucking loves books and the smell of books and reading and learning. ive heard that this is something introverts also enjoy. you may discuss.

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