Papas + Copia HC - Cooking

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Request: Cooking time with Papas and Copia with their s/o. But the s/o accidentally burns their hand.


Papa I: doesnt trust any recipes you find online. If the book isnt covered in an inch thick layer of dust and have cooking stains on the old frail pages, it's not good enough. pulls out some mysterious book you had no idea he even owned, tells you it was his great grandmothers. actually, tells you a two hour story about how it was saved from the house fire, and none of his brothers know he has it. when you can finally start cooking, papa pretty much butts you out of everything. old man is a bit of a control freak. tells you to prep vegetables, but ends up doing it himself. wont even let you stir by the end of it. in the midst of taking the spoon from you, he accidentally bumps your hand and you burn yourself on the side of the pot. this man could not possibly feel worse.even though its barely first degree. he runs cold water for you, gets you an icepack, and sends you to watch some tv while he finishes dinner. you think hes mostly just happy to be able to work alone.

Papa II: very big on splitting the work evenly. also has a book that he claims is his grandmothers, and that none of the brothers know he has it. you both have to do equally hard work. gets a little lazy around the end though. he can think of things he would much rather be doing (i.e old people stuff like knitting or shoving a golf club up your-) so you have to finish the meal by yourself. promises he won't make you do extra work next time. But you know him. The old man gets tired. you politely decline his little golf club idea while he watches tv. just as your about to bring the plates out to the table, you slip and burn your hand on the stove as you fall. Papa II rushes to your side, picks you up with such strength you wouldn't even guess his age, and sets you down at the table. brings the plates and tucks in. "its more important that the dinner not go to waste. your hand will still be burned after we finish, and theres nothing i hate more than a reheated bolognese."

Papa III: idk how you would ever convince this man to cook. probably would pay someone else to do it. i would say that he ALSO claims to have an old book neither of his elder brothers know about, but Copia stole it. The cardinal may be dumb, but he isn't stupid. he knows Papa III would never cook his own meal, never mind follow a recipe. he can't even follow the directions on the hand washing sign in the bathroom. He doesn't even notice it's gone. you decide to just make up the meal as you go, and the second you burn yourself (early on in the preparation... you and your papa are more similar than you thought) he throws the whole venture away to aid your injury, and decides that cooking was a terrible idea and that he should throw the whole kitchen away. "why i even have a kitchen? I can't cook. ive never even washed a dish. ill have to pay someone to remove it...." while he can't cook, he is an expert and hiring someone to do it and then throwing on an apron and splashing some flour on his cheeks to pretend. he knows you dont believe him. he just hopes he looks cute enough that you forget.

Cardinal Copia: the only time you will ever see PwussyBoi Copia ever take a risk is in the kitchen - hence why he stole Papa III's cook book, the Emeritus family may have some deep, deep, problems, but their recipes are flawless. kid can make pasta from scratch without even a peak at a book, and his sauce will knock your socks off (that is the ONLY time you will EVER hear me say that about copia, mark my words). its a shock you managed to burn yourself, considering he would hardly let you in the kitchen. he trusts you, but when it's his night to cook, he wants to truly show you how he can shine. and he's trying to impress you. he's not strong, or sexy, or extravagant like the Emeritus brothers, and he's taking this underdog role a little too seriously. When you burn yourself your Cardinal drops everything to help you, but only quickly, he still has a rue on the stove and if he doesn't keep stirring.....

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