1. Losing Lady Luck's Favour

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1012 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito, if I did, it would have more episodes~~

'I'm so tired...'

The magician let out a soft, weary sigh as he fingered the gem in his pocket. It was a large white diamond, cut into the shape of a star, it's colour alone making it an unlikely Pandora candidate. Thankfully his black clad stalkers hadn't shown up.

The gem was called the Shining Star, and had only recently become unearthed from some newly discovered underground ruins in Finland. It was said to have the ability to take the worthy to the heavens.

Pulling the Shining Star out of his pocket, he held it up towards the light of the full moon, sighing when no red light emitted from the gem. "Another miss" The thief breathed, he couldn't help the disappointment despite knowing that the odds were slim.

'Now to return it to Nakamori-Keibu, maybe I'll put it in his shoe'

Indigos suddenly narrowed when the gem began to turn black. "What th—" His voice cut off when the gem suddenly shattered into glittering black dust before blowing away in the wind.

The phantom thief stood frozen in place for a few moments before sighing. Now he had to create a convincing fake so that Kid's name didn't get tarnished even more. He highly doubted that the police would accept a note stating that he managed to lose the gem.

Today just wasn't his day it seemed, he had woken up late, having to miss breakfast in order to arrive at school on time. Then he had actually got hit by Aoko's mop, it had come in from his blind spot and he hadn't yet done anything to provoke her. It seemed as if she was still angry from him breaking into the girl's locker room the other day, he never peaked, only unlocked the door.

'I don't want to go to school tomorrow...'

The thief swiftly shed his work clothes in favour of his normal clothes, knowing that nobody was around to see Kaitou Kid turn into Kuroba Kaito. He gave his upper back a quick scratch, it had suddenly begun to itch.

As he made his way home, the faint itching sensation had begun to slowly turn into a faint burning instead. "Did I get anything on me?" Kaito mused silently to himself, knowing that he wasn't allergic to anything.


Kaito grit his teeth, stopping himself from moaning in pain as he hauled himself through his bedroom window, grateful that his mother wasn't home.

He was on fire, his back felt as if he was burning, his whole body, a feverish red, sweat plastering his hair to his head.

'So hot... I can't...'

He swiftly threw off his shirt and pants before collapsing onto his bed, breaths long and heavy in a futile attempt to cool down. He faintly contemplated the shower, but when he tried to get up his vision blurred, resulting in him falling back down onto the bed.

Kaito clenched his bed sheets tightly in his fingers as he tried to steady his breathing, the burning sensation was still growing. His blurring vision sending a wave of panic to him.

'I'm dying... I have to be... Must have been poisoned somehow...'

His last thoughts were of searing pain and death as the magician slipped into unconsciousness.


A low whine escaped from Kaito as he regained consciousness, everything hurt. He felt extremely weak as he carefully shifted himself up into a sitting position. When he opened his eyes, he couldn't help the startled yelp as he saw the blood that coated his bed.

'Where did that come from?! I'm pretty sure I wasn't shot...'

He looked down at himself and grimaced, almost his whole body was covered in blood. The faint sound of feathers ruffling made him glance around, expecting to see one of his many doves, only to freeze when he saw them.

'Oh gods...'

He had wings, pitch black wings were attached to him, heart hammering in his chest, he thought of moving them, only to jump when they actually moved.

'They're real....'

Numbly, he spread out his wings, wanting to see the length of his wingspan. When they were fully spread, it seemed that each wing was approximately two meters long, making his full wingspan four meters.

Kaito closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, quickly slapping on a poker face as he examined his new appendages. He couldn't go out with wings, there would be so many questions, ones that he didn't want to answer. If it wasn't questions then there would most likely be tests, people loved to study the unknown, and wings were something that a lot of humanity had dreamed of obtaining.

He was just a high school student, they disappear all the time. Someone claiming it to be for the good of humanity may try and experiment on him, with hopes of duplicating his condition.

He felt his wings tremble and forcefully stilled them, it seemed like he'd need to practice moving them to prevent them from giving away his feelings.

'I can't tell anyone, not even mom. I already worry her enough whenever I go out as Kid'

With a sigh he slid off of the bed onto his feet, he needed to clean up and find a way to hide his wings before Aoko came barging in like she often did. He magicked the bloody bed sheet away, replacing it with a clean one in a puff of smoke.

With a glance towards his wings, the brunette contemplated how he would go about showering. He had a feeling that waterlogged wings wouldn't be good, knowing from experience with his doves that wings can take forever to dry. He didn't have time to experiment how waterproofed his wings were.


In the end, he decided not to risk waterlogging himself and cleaned his body with a warm cloth and soap, dunking his head in a bucket multiple times to rinse the shampoo out of his hair. It wasn't pleasant, but it worked. Now he just had to figure out how to hide his wings under his clothes.

Me: So how was the first chapter? I've always adored stories where a character has wings~ I'll update within 7 days of posting this part~

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