16. X-Ray

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1077 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ If I did, Kaito would be shot at more~

"Why are these stairs different from the rest in the house?" The magician questioned, noting that they were plain but smooth concrete instead of carpeted.

"To prevent possible lab fires from spreading to the rest of the house, it's much easier for carpet to spread fire than concrete" The blond replied as they came to a steel door with a passcode. Saguru swiftly typed in the code, not bothering to tell Kaito to look away. It would only encourage the other to see it as a challenge.

"Ah, I should have thought of that" Kaito sighed as he followed Saguru through the door. When the blond turned on the lights Kaito wasn't sure what to think of the lab. It was all clean and had various metal lab tables and steel cupboards everywhere. He glanced over to the left and saw a door with the red medical cross on it. "It's much more shiny than my lab" The magician blinked.

'I wish I had the room for something like this, I could run so many experiments at once'

"Well your civilian self has no excuse to have one, it would be hard to explain the existence of a lab in your house Kuroba" Saguru smirked as they headed over towards the medical door, it pushed open easily.

"The potential for so many goo concoctions..." The magician sighed dramatically, hanging his head.

'Maybe I could sneak in here...'

"You may not use this lab for pranks" The blond drawled, sensing Kaito's thoughts. The brunette gave him an innocent grin.

""I would never" Saguru scoffed at his words as he motioned for Kaito to sit on a soft bed, which the magician gracefully slid onto. He noted that it was void of any metal pieces.

"I'm thinking that a single full body X-ray would be optimal for less radiation exposure, however I'd like for your wings to be separately scanned as well. We're just checking your bone density and the damage to your wings" Saguru stated as he dragged over a portable X-ray machine from a large cabinet.

'Yeah, radiation is something I want to minimize'

"Then maybe four scans in total? My upper body, lower body, then each wing. That way it's more clear" Kaito offered, moving a wheeled cabinet out of the way with his foot. "Since we're not looking for cracks anywhere besides my wings it should be okay"

Saguru nodded at his words as he plugged in the X-ray machine. "That seems applicable, I already have more than four cassettes ready and the film processor is starting up and should be ready by the time we're done" He stated.

Kaito glanced around. "I don't see anything to protect yourself from the scatter radiation" He mused, only seeing a few lead blankets and goggles hung up on the wall.

Saguru picked up a remote. "This will bring down a wall to separate me from you while the X-ray is underway. It's easily retractable and much better than hauling around lead clothes" The blond answered with a smirk, lead was heavy.

"Okay, I just didn't want you getting fried" Kaito smirked as he put on the goggles before laying down on his stomach, allowing the blond to drape one of the heavy lead blankets over his entire upper body and head. The pressure on his wings was highly uncomfortable and somewhat painful but he bared with it.

'Extra protection for my eyes'

He heard a few clicks then the sound of moving metal, he stayed absolutely still for a few minutes until he felt the weight being lifted from him.

"It's stuffy under there" Kaito let out a huff as he watched Saguru swap the used cassette with a new one.

"True, but it provides more coverage" The blond sympathetically replied as he draped the blanket over Kaito's lower body. He then pulled out lead gloves and tossed them to Kaito who gratefully slipped them on. "I'd prefer for you to wear a backwards thyroid shield but it might block important connections in you wings" Saguru explained as he repositioned the machine before backing up and letting a wall fall between them.

'I'm sure I'll be okay just this once, at least my hands are covered'

When the X-Ray was completed, the wall retracted and Saguru stepped in to swap out the cassette with a fresh one. "Kuroba, I really would like to ask something" Saguru trailed off as he motioned for the other to get off the bed.

"What is it?" The brunette queried as he slid out from under the lead blanket.

"Did you intentionally damage your wings?" Saguru's voice was soft as he adjusted the target site size of the machine.

Indigos looked away from Saguru. "I wasn't thinking clearly... I was planning to crush them enough that they were just bone fragments that I could easily bind away and remove little my little..." The blond felt ill at Kaito's words.

"I am highly grateful that I managed to find out before you continued to harm yourself Kuroba" He breathed as he motioned for Kaito to crouch beside the bed so that it was at shoulder height.

The magician let out a soft hiss as the blond gently grabbed his left wing and stretched it across the table. "That's not very pleasant" He growled through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry" The blond replied, wrapping the teen up with a lead blanket before draping another onto his head, completely covering Kaito except for the wing. He then stepped back, the wall already starting to fall.

'At least he's being as gentle as possible'

After repeating the same thing with the other wing, both teens put away the heavy equipment before switching in a fresh cassette. It was vital to always have a cassette ready in an X-ray machine for emergencies.

"I really hope they turn out well" The brunette yawned as he helped Saguru push the X-ray machine back into its cabinet. "X-ray film is really expensive and I don't want to waste it"

Saguru nodded in agreement, he had enough money that it wouldn't matter, yet he didn't want to do a repeat. "I will process the films and refill the cassettes, instead of keeping the lights off, why don't I just stay in there while you rest" The detective offered, having noticed how the teen seemed a little stressed. Kaito nodded thankfully.

'I hate X-Rays'

Me: That's the end of the chapter~ hope you enjoyed~ Strawberries, blueberries,cranberries so yummy~ ... are cherries a berry?

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