30. Super Spy Kaito

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1018 Words excluding (A/N)~~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ I hope you enjoy~

~Yay 30k+ word market hit~

It's past midnight... So here's the chapter since my cat clawed at me because she didn't like how I was sleeping and wanted to cuddle...

'This is going to be a piece of cake'

Kaito slunk through the streets, nobody passed him a second glance as he traversed. It was all in the posture, confidence attracted attention, so did many other emotions. He was a master at hiding behind his poker face.

The building didn't really stand out much, it was just a simple abandoned warehouse that surprisingly didn't look too sketchy. It was run down enough that the major populace avoided it, but not run down enough for it to be occupied by druggies. The fact that it was a few kilometres from the main city may have also helped with this.

Indigos instantly took note of the new security cameras, they were of an old make, but their condition was I mistakenly new.

'Either these people can't afford the new shiny cameras on the market, or they intentionally chose them to not stand out as much'

The magician smirked, they didn't know who they were about to go up against. He gave a low whistle, signalling Kimi to be at attention before waving towards the security camera facing the front of the building. She took off and landed in front of the lens, blocking the view. There were no other cameras facing the front so Kaito swiftly entered the building. The rusted but surprisingly sturdy lock stood no chance against him.

'As if something like that could keep me out, now if I was an accident prone Meitantei, where would I be?...'

He silently switched into a completely black version of his clothes, he'd blend in better with the dim lights. The lights were just bright enough to allow the silhouettes of objects or people to be seen.

'Enough to not run into anybody if you know the area, and enough to not attract attention'

The teen was excited, these people were not idiots, which meant he could enjoy a small challenge.


Kaito blinked, in the middle of one of the underground rooms, was the Meitantei, a very naked Meitantei. He crouched down and squinted at the weird engravings in the wooden floor, he didn't recognize any of them, however, they gave him a bad feeling.

'Why is Kudo so heavily restrained like that?'

The room was a weird one, Shinichi was in some sort of circular pit surrounded by approximately ten foot tall walls that expanded into the floor Kaito was currently standing on. The magician looked around and the only normal exit from the pit seemed to be a retractable ladder.

'So even if he did somehow manage to escape his restraints on his own, he wouldn't have been able to scale the wall and escape on his own'

Kaito frowned, this was all too weird. He stood up and turned around only to have something hard make impact with his head. The last thing he saw as he backwards with blurry vision was Dr.Kalos holding a metal pipe above his head.


Dr.Kalos smirked, it was just his luck to have the target come to him. He glanced at the crumpled form of his angel with glee before pulling out his phone to call the other's. They would all ascend to heaven tonight.

He set up the gasoline spray, at the push of a button the whole circumference of sacrifice area would be drenched in the flammable liquid. The wooden floors would allow the fire to spread inwards towards the sacrifices. The angels would burn and their ashes salvaged for consumption.

He climbed down the ladder and removed the clothes from the second teen, angels didn't need clothes. They hadn't planned for two sacrifices so he couldn't restrain this one like the first. Dr.Kalos shrugged, he'd just retract the ladder. He left Kaito sprawled on the ground.


Shinichi blinked groggily, groaning at the pounding headache that assaulted his skull. He just wanted to sleep. A sudden chill ran through his body and he reached for his blanket, or at least tried to. Azure eyes flashed open in panic when he noticed the restraints, and then his state of undress. He remembered his stalkers.

'I'm such an idiot! Why do I get captured when I'm no longer Conan?!'

The sleuth grimaced as he tried to move, he was completely immobilized. The only saving grace about the situation was that his body didn't feel like he'd been sexually assaulted, it was a slightly comforting thought considering he was bound and naked. Azure eyes suddenly took note of the other person in the room.

'Is that Kuroba?! Why is he here?'

Concern gnawed at him when he noticed the small pool of blood surrounding the magician's head and similar state of undress excluding the restraints.

'Oi... is he dead?'

"Hey Kuroba!" The sleuth half whispered half yelled, wanting to catch the thief's attention, but not wanting to catch their kidnapper's attention. After calling for a few minutes and receiving no answer, Shinichi closed his eyes and took a break from trying to rouse the unconscious thief. Not dead, just unconscious, he would never believe the thief to be capable of a simple death.

'When he wakes up, hopefully he won't be too concussed to free me, then I could stand on his back to get out then pull him up with me'


Saguru frowned, it was nearing dinner time and Kaito hadn't returned yet. He'd had figured that the magician would at least call in if he wasn't going to be there to save Baaya the effort of prepping his meal. He couldn't help but feel concerned about Kaito, taking out his phone, he called Kaito only to receive a dial tone say that the phone was either out of range or disconnected. Golden eyes narrowed.

'Kaito wouldn't have disconnected his phone without notice'

He glanced over towards Sora, he gently picked her up and carried her outside. "Find Kaito" The blond stated, he'd figured that since the doves were always around the magician, at least one of them would know and tell the other doves. He had faith in Kaito's ability with animals.

'Now let's see where that idiot ended up...'

Me: that's the end of the chapter~ Kaito's confidence led him to underestimate his opponents~

I wonder if hakuba will save them or be too late? Or will Kaito do his magic and free them~~

Berry likes scrabble ^-^
Berry also sucks at scrabble...

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