63. Visit from a Angel

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1008 Words excluding (A/N)~ Berry doesn't own MK/DC~

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Written September 17 2019
Posted November 14 2019

Extra update because berry was glancing through her chappys and just got so very excited for future reactions >~<

"I have a job for you wasp" A voice stated from the other side of the phone.

Wasp's grip around the phone tightened at the voice "I thought that I was retired from duty" Wasp grit out, a small tremble in their voice.

A dark chuckle was heard "Don't worry, it's an easy job" The voice paused "There's been rumours of a real life angel existing. Have you heard any of them?"

Wasp was silent for a moment "But he's only a boy" They trailed off "Surely I don't need to kill him?"

The voice made an amused sound "I don't need you to kill him, I need you to subdue him for transport. Healing abilities are awfully similar to immortality, maybe we can learn something from him"

Wasp froze "He's too young-" They were swiftly cut off by the voice.

"You know what will happen if you disobey me don't you?" The voice threatened.

Wasp closed their eyes "Very well... Please await my call" Wasp replied, they really hated when the targets were young.


Kaito smiled contentedly as he nuzzled into Saguru's hold, both were clothed in the onsen's casual yukitas beneath the blankets. After finishing up in the onsen the two had just spent the rest of the day cuddling and chatting within their room. It had been nice, at first Kaito had been a little nervous that things might be a little sexual because of their conversation within the onsen. He didn't really feel ready for that sort of thing yet. Thankfully Saguru hadn't tried to make a move on him. They'd already eaten and had settled in for the night. Saguru had fallen asleep quite quickly, Kaito had not.

'Something feels odd in the atmosphere of the onsen'

He hadn't really noticed it that much, but throughout the night the feeling of something wrong kept growing stronger. Indigos glanced sadly at the sleeping blond before carefully slipping out of his warm embrace. He was going to check out whatever was making him feel like this.

Silently, he slipped out of their shared room, managing to not make a single noise in the process. A sly smirk spread across his lips. He really was the best at sneaking around.

'Now to find out what's making me feel odd'

The magician skilfully slunk through the shadows, his presence indistinguishable within the darkness as he approached a room. It wasn't one of the rooms they'd booked so it must belong to one of the owners. That didn't really matter, what mattered was that he could feel a faint pull, leading him towards that exact room. It was a strange, new feeling for him. He felt like he needed to go in there.

He slid the door open with relative ease, the lock no more than simple child's play for him. Indigos blinked in confusion at the tiny form of a child resting in a futon. He hadn't really expected that.

'Was I called here by this child?'

Kaito frowned as he approached the sleeping child, wincing when he knelt beside her. She was radiating heat like nothing else. He gently put a hand on her forehead, grimacing at the fever he felt. He bit his lip, the little girl was sick. Really sick.

'Did my magic bring me to her so that I could heal her?'

He gave his surroundings a wary glance. He hadn't been drawn to other sick people. Was she dying?

'I'm going to heal her'

With his mind made up, the brunette allowed his wings to take form. The dark feathers easily hidden within the shadows. He closed his eyes as he focused on the softness of his magic within him. It seemed to give him a soft and fuzzy feeling whenever he drew upon it. Kaito let out a steady breath as he felt the magic wash over himself momentarily before branching out towards the little girl. He didn't really have a sense of time while healing her, his fuzzy magic soothing him to a point that the thought of time didn't really matter. All that really mattered right now was healing this girl.

"Am I dying?" The soft voice startled the brunette out of his magic induced trance, the soft white glow quickly faded, leaving the room once again under the cloak of darkness.

Indigos blinked "Why would you think that little miss?" He asked softly, flashing her a soft smile. He didn't feel any of that heat surrounding her from before.

"The pain is gone and you're visiting me" The girl replied, reaching towards his wings. Kaito froze when her tiny fingers ran along their tips, her brown eyes wide in awe "Aren't you here to take me to the afterlife?" She asked, tiny traces of fear laced within her words.

Kaito shook his head "Nope, I came here to heal you" He magicked up a white rose and offered it to her "What's your name?" He asked, grinning when the little girl accepted the rose.

Tears began falling down her face before she suddenly leapt at the brunette, hugging him "Thank you Angel-san!" She cried. Indigos softened as he returned the hug, patting her reassuringly on the back.

"It's okay" He soothed "Please don't cry"

"Mommy told me that the angels would take me soon" She whimpered into Kaito's chest "She said that my pain would be gone when I left"

Kaito's mouth went dry "Why were the angels going to take you?" He inquired softly, voice barely audible.

"My blood went bad after I accidentally cut myself on some glass" She paused " Since then I've been getting sick often, but the icky medicine stopped working and I kept getting sicker"

Kaito gave her a little squeeze "Well you're all better now little miss"

The girl smiled "I'm Maya-chan!"

The brunette chuckled, pulling back from the hug to meet her gaze "Well Maya-chan, can you do me a big favour?" At the girl's nod he smiled "Don't mention me or anything about angels okay? Bad people would go after me if you did" He replied, wishing that his wings didn't need to be out for him to consciously heal someone.

Maya nodded, eyes wide "Of course!" She promised.

Me: So Kaito's magic is affecting him more now...

A new threat is coming?....

*buzzing with excitement* •~• ......

Have you guys ever played plague inc or a knock off of it? Well it's a game where your goal is to murder all of humanity with a virus, bacteria and more etc...

Which is more horrifying, having the virus known and killing, or spreading it to everyone undetected before suddenly making it 100% lethal with bodies dropping constantly?

Berry likes being subtle then WHAM everyone is dropping dead via seizures, organ failure etc ^~^

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