70. Thoughts, Tests

560 66 24

1004 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~Yay 70K+ Words~

Written October 9 2019
Posted December 7 2019

I'm sorry... I truly am... But I couldn't resist

"So that's the location where Kaito is most likely to be hidden?" Saguru inquired as he looked at the offered picture. The building in the picture didn't really look that special, in fact it looked quite normal. He wouldn't let appearances deceive him though, normal was a very easy mask to hide under. The building was owned by a popular pharmaceutical  company called Life Expander, a very ironic name if they really were the people who'd kidnapped Kaito. Gold met azure "It seems too good to be true..." The blond muttered, shaking his head "It's too easy" The building actually wasn't that far away, it was actually located near downtown in Beika. It would make sense for them to have a base somewhat near where Kaitou Kid was most active, but still.

'To think that Kaito has been so close all this time...'

Shinichi nodded in understanding "I know, but a few of Kuroba's Crows have been spotted entering that building occasionally" He'd felt the same way when taking down his own organization "It's also the closest lead we have..." His voice trailed off for a moment "And considering the name. I'd say it's our best bet" He breathed, it was weird but criminal syndicates seemed to be fond of ironic names or code names. It was probably their ego.

Saguru let out a shaky breath at the confirmation, they were so close to getting Kaito back. He just hoped that whatever had been done to the magician wasn't too bad. Surely they had to at least making sure he was healthy right? Kaito wasn't the same as a lab rat. A person with wings can't be replaced as easily. They wouldn't dare risk killing him, right? "I really hope that Kaito is there" The magician had been missing for far too long as it was.

'Life just isn't the same without Kaito... Even before we were dating, or even friends he'd already cemented himself within my life. His presence had been one that I hadn't even realized the importance of until shortly before he was taken'

Kaito was the kind of person who easily left an impression on people, especially those he hung around frequently. Saguru really missed him.

Sympathetic azure observed the blond "You really love that idiot don't you?" He inquired, having been observing the other's reactions. He understood what the blond saw in the magician, but it was still a little weird for Saguru of all people to fall for Kaito in his opinion. Though his non-existent relationship may deem his opinion invalid. It wasn't like he was the best person when it came to relationships. Ran still wanted to kill him via karate.

Saguru nodded "After actually getting to know him, and spending time together" He paused, a small smile tugging at his lips "Despite his tendency to do idiotic things, he eventually became very dear to me" He breathed. Not to mention that he was already somewhat physically attracted to Kaito, even before the magician grew wings. He just hadn't propositioned the other from fear of being pranked to social death and because Kaito had always been rude to him.

'Kaito had a very good reason for disliking me back then... Every time I accused him, there had been a chance that the wrong people had heard... Once I stopped posing a threat to his civilian persona he became a lot more tolerable'

Shinichi smirked "Understandable, it's hard to hate him" He and Kaito weren't really friends, and probably never would be. Instead they were rivals or allies, it depended on the situation. Either way the respect between them was strong enough that they'd feel hurt if the other were to die. Maybe in another life they could have been friends, but their current relationship was good enough. They'd have each other's back no matter what, while at the same time trying to piss the other off.

Gold softened "True, almost everyone he's ever gone against likes him to some degree" Kaito was just that special.


"The artificial insemination didn't take, the egg wasn't fertilized" A female scientist sighed, the'd been excited when they'd spotted a much smaller hole nestled right below the subjects genitals. It was an easily missed location if one wasn't looking too closely. That extra hole had led to an area that wasn't present within humans nor birds, it was an anomaly specific to the subject. The subject hadn't seemed to have started producing eggs yet so it'd been injected with some specific hormones in an attempt to kick start the process. It had worked.

The subject laid about 1 egg every few weeks after the initial injection, of course none of them had been properly fertilized so they'd been small. Or at least small compared to a baby, the unfertilised eggs were about 5 and a half inches in length and 4 inches in diameter. They'd obviously kept the subject unconscious during the inseminations and layings in an attempt to keep it's stress levels down as directed. It was also interesting that the body had made it's own cavity to hold the egg, making it's presence within the subject visibly unnoticeable. As of now, they weren't sure if that would be the case when one of the eggs become fertilised. 

They also weren't sure if the fertilized eggs would stay within the subject and hatch there to make the birth more like a human's, or be laid and require warmth like a bird. They'd tried both fertilising the egg after being laid and before. The eggs already laid seemed to be incapable of nurturing life within them. Which meant artificial insemination directly into the subject was required.

The male clicked his tongue in frustration, directing a glare towards the unconscious subject as he tossed the violet egg into the disposal unit "Why aren't the eggs taking?!" He growled angrily, they were doing everything right. They'd even done compatibility tests between the subject's DNA and human DNA, the tests had come out positive. The subject was able to breed with humans, so why wasn't it working?!

Me: I really wanted Kaito to be able to lay eggs~ That's why I made him and Hakuba conveniently skip doing an ultrasound on Kaito during initial tests~ Plus he was newly changed so his body hadn't yet built up enough calcium for an egg to be visible on an X-ray. And Kaito only made sure he didn't have a cloaca, he didn't check for any additions.

A cloaca is the single hole birds use for poop, pee, and egg-laying... Meaning that Kaito was very relieved to still have all his manly bits.

I left the possibility open just in case I decided to go with it. Which I really wanted to do~ I wasn't sure if everyone would like it but if you've read this far, it's unlikely you'd stop reading due to egg laying. Don't worry, berry won't make something like that kinky XD

If anything she'll use it as humiliation and teasing and possible family making~

Hope you did with the enjoyment of reading~

This evil ark is almost over ^-^

The next ark is soon~

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