69. Floaty, Hopes

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1008 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written October 7 2019
Posted December 2 2019

Kaito was feeling really floaty, not really able to feel all of his limbs yet at the same time aware of them. He could feel something covering the lower part of his face, it was plastic. A breathing mask? Why would he need one of those? He was also somewhat aware of the weight of a few somethings hanging from his arms, though he wasn't really sure what those somethings were. He was just so, so tired for some reason. The voices around him sounded like nothing more than some random babble. He tried focusing but it was just too hard, he quickly gave up, allowing unconsciousness to take him.



Saguru headed out for school, sorely wishing that summer break had not yet ended, it was odd to be in a peaceful classroom. Everyone around him seemed to silently agree, even the teachers. The whole atmosphere around the school was just awkward. Kaito really had gotten everyone accustomed to his antics, only the newly enrolled students were able to go about as normal, often giving the older students curious looks.

There wasn't anything that he could do to help find Kaito right then, so he'd decided to at least go to school to collect notes and homework assignments for Kaito. The magician probably wouldn't need the notes, but the assignments would prevent him from being held back a year. Kaito was smart enough to complete them easily, though the sheer amount may make Kaito upset.

'When Kaito is rescued, he'll have a proper life to get back to'

When he spotted Aoko near the school gates he walked over and gave her a small smile "How are you today Nakamori-san?" He inquired, a little concerned about the magician's best friend. She had dark circles under her eyes and had traces of tear tracks on her face, though overall it didn't seem as if she had lost too much weight Akako was really taking care of her.

Aoko returned his smile with a smaller one of her own "I'm doing okay" She replied softly.

The blond placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder "That's good" He replied "When Kaito comes back he wouldn't want to hear about how sad you were" His words were hypocritical but that didn't really matter. The magician couldn't blame them for mourning at the start.

'As long as things turn better before Kaito notices anything is up it should be fine'

Blue eyes blinked in confusion, going slightly teary as she registered Saguru's words "You don't think that Kaito is dead?" She breathed, a little shocked. Normally after this much time has passed, it meant that the missing person was probably dead. It wasn't like Saguru to have obscure hopes, the guy was normally practical.

Gold softened at her words "I just have a really strong feeling that Kaito is alive" He paused, a little unsure if he wanted to continue "When he's found he may not be in the best condition, but Kaito is strong. He'll bounce back in no time" He finished, not wanting to give her false hopes about the magician being unharmed. That would only hurt her more in the long run considering said magician was most likely being used as a lab rat.

Aoko's smile became a little more real "I really hope that you're right, I miss Bakaito..."


'I'm being moved...'

Kaito could feel himself a little more than before, however his limbs still felt like jelly. He seriously doubted that he'd be able to escape whoever was moving him right now. He then realized that he also felt wet, the weight of water was tugging down at his wings. He cracked his eyes open a crack to see that he was in a washroom of sorts, he was in the tub. Embarrassment clung to him when he realized that someone was bathing him.

'I'm being treated like a child... Or even a dog...'

He tried to move away then the cloth neared his private areas but the hands holding him tightened their grip, preventing him from moving. A small whine escaped from the back of his throat at the helplessness of his situation, the one holding him just ignored it and carried on cleaning him. How humiliating, at least the person's movements didn't seem sexual towards him. Though that didn't stop the frustrated tears from welling up in the corners of his eyes. How many times had this been done without him knowing?

'I hate this...'


After school had ended for the day, Saguru hurried back to the Kuroba household. There had been plans previously made to meet up with Shinichi to discuss which location will be checked first. He'd wanted to hurry back when he'd gotten the text during lunch break, but the other had advised him not to. Any unusual behaviour may attract some unwanted attention from the crows. It was a good thing that they were both huge fans of Sherlock Holmes, it gave them a good excuse to hang out together.

'I wonder, will the checking be done soon after deciding?'

He hoped so, though at the same time he was a little wary. The rescue should be done right, he didn't want to know what would happen to Kaito if it failed. Would they take it out on him? Or possibly move him to a more hidden location? Both outcomes were quite horrible in his opinion.

'Just stay alive please...'

In all of his wildest imagination, he never would have imagined that he'd be working with the FBI. Even more so in order to take down a world-wide criminal syndicate. It was somewhat amazing that this would be Shinichi's second criminal syndicate take down. It made him a little more hopeful about the outcome since he would be working with people who had experience doing this kind of thing.


It was that stupid white room again, he was beginning to hate the colour white. What was it with scientists and the colour white?! Why couldn't there at least be a little more colour in his room. He suddenly shook his head, appalled.

'No, this isn't my room, my room is in Edoka'

Me: Poor Kaito is too drugged up to really do anything~

Hope you enjoyed~

I slept so well >~< if only that didn't result in time sensitive things in a game to need to be redone XD berry had been expecting to get up in the middle of the night

She isn't sure if she'd have rather slept bad or not XP

•~• next week....

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