95. Aoko's Thoughts

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1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written January 18 2020
Posted February 10 2020

Aoko was conflicted, she didn't really know what to think about what she'd managed to piece together between what she'd learned from her dad, Saguru, and surprisingly her newest friend Ran these past few weeks. All three of them had managed to convince her that Kid was at the very least, not a bad person.

The tales of Kid's dangerous feats had left her both horrified and in awe. The fact that he wasn't bad really wasn't what was truly bothering her though. What bothered her was how convenient it was that Kid was being openly praised now that he'd retired from being a thief. It seemed like both Saguru and her father would jump at any opportunity to inform her of Kid's good deeds, it seemed forced but at the same time she could tell that they weren't lying. That combined with her sudden friendship with Ran was even more suspicious, Ran often talked about her own friendship with Shinichi and how he'd lied a lot to protect her.

'It's as if Hakuba-kun and dad are trying to make Aoko like Kid... While Ran-chan seems to be trying to make Aoko think that not all lies are made with bad intentions...'

When she combined those two thoughts, the resulting idea was scary. At first she'd dismissed the thought since Kid had staged a heist while Kaito had been Kidnapped, but then she remembered that there had only been a single heist during that time and said heist had resulted in the staged death of Kid. Soon after that Kaito had been rescued, it was too convenient, almost as if Kid had been trying to destroy any possible connections to Kaito. She bit her lip, Shinichi had been there and had supported Kaito. Shinichi also looked a lot like Kaito. She knew that Shinichi wasn't the real Kid since he'd been at the clock tower heist on the way home from a murder scene, but maybe he'd been the last Kid.

She'd been so against the idea of Kaito being Kid mainly because she couldn't believe that Kaito could be someone so awful. She buried her face into her hands, having already crawled under her blanket. Now that she knew that Kid wasn't bad, that he'd been trying to do good, it was hard not to be suspicious of Kaito.

'Aoko doesn't know what to think anymore... If Bakaito was Kid, then he's lied so many times...'

She sniffed, wiping at her eyes, the prospect of Kaito being Kid hurt. If he was Kid, then why didn't he trust her? She would have understood if he'd explained himself, probably.

'But then those bad guys were after him...'

She thought about how Ran had told her about Shinichi, and how his fear had been one of the main reasons why he'd lied to her so much.

'Was Kaito scared too? The people who captured him were the people who were after Kid...'

A small shiver ran through her frame at the thought of what would have happened if they'd known that they'd captured Kid instead of who they thought was a random boy with wings. Would they have killed him? Or would they have physically harmed him instead of being mostly gentle? She shucked off her blanket, she needed to speak to Kaito.


Ginzo frowned at Aoko's abrupt exit, usually she told him she was leaving when he's home. He glanced out the window to see her stomping over towards Kaito's house and grimaced.

'I hope things pan out between them...'

It would be horrible if things didn't.


"Nakamori-san" Saguru greeted in surprise, having heard the doorbell ring from Kaito's room. Why hadn't she just barged in like usual?

Aoko observed Saguru, the detective had to already know that Kaito was Kid "Aoko needs to speak to Kaito about Kid" She was sick of letting her thoughts on the subject wander, they often left her both tired and upset.

'Aoko wants to know the truth'

The blond was silent for a few moments, taking in the girl's red rimmed eyes "He's in his room" He replied, stepping aside to let the girl in. She didn't seem murderous so he figured that Kaito's life wasn't in any danger yet "I'll wait in the living room" Lying would probably make things worse for them.

She gave him a nod before heading up the stairs, determination filling her person. She wasn't going to let Kaito weasel his way out of this. She gave a loud knock on the bedroom door before pushing her way inside, not bothering to wait for a reply.

Kaito jumped, wings fanning defensively as wide indigos stared at the door "Aoko..." He breathed, allowing his wings to lower "You startled me" He'd been expecting Saguru, the blond didn't enter how Aoko had.

'Kaito is startled a lot easier now...'

Aoko was silent for a few moments, noticing that Kaito was using the false eye that he'd mentioned. If she hadn't known that it was false, she wouldn't have believed that it was anything but real "Are you Kid?" She wasn't going to beat around the bush, she'd already waited long enough.

'Aoko isn't sure if she wants him to admit it or not...'

The magician sucked in a breath, lowering his head as he avoided eye contact. His wings were trembling. His actions were answer enough "I was" He admitted, having no true reason left besides selfishness to lie to her.

She wanted to yell, to scream, to hit him, to cry at the unfairness of it all, but she didn't. Instead she looked at her friend since childhood with teary eyes, he was shaking and looked like he was going to cry. Her gaze softened "Please give Aoko a good reason not to hate you" Her voice was a lot softer this time as she slowly approached him, sitting down on the edge of the bed "Aoko's so confused" She breathed out.

'Aoko wants to stay friends, but we cant if she doesn't understand...'

Kaito swallowed before nodding, clenching his fists "I'll try" His voice was weak, though not due to illness. He'd tell her the truth, it was the least he could do. Hopefully she wouldn't hate him afterwards.

Me: Finally it's Aoko's turn to learn the truth~

Hope you enjoyed~

Now back to sleep for zee berry... since it almost 2am...

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