86. Not A Magician?

478 41 12

1007 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 6 2019
Posted January 27 2020

Saguru gaped, not believing what he had just heard, surely he'd heard wrong? "You're joking right?" He inquired, magic was what Kaito loved the most, so why wouldn't he want to be a professional magician? "Magic is your life" The magician normally couldn't go a day without doing some sort of trick.

'What could have happened to make him change his dreams?'

A warm smile played on Kaito's lips "Magic is my life, and there's almost nothing that could make me give it up" He paused for a moment, glancing down at his hands "But that can just be a hobby" Indigo gleamed "I've found something else that I'd rather do for my job" A soft white glow appeared on his hands, wings unveiling at the same time "Healing Maya..." A warm and fuzzy feeling bubbled within his chest "It made me so happy" He wanted to feel that happiness more.

"But your wings..." Concern laced his voice, Kaito couldn't really do magic consciously without his wings being out. He admired the other's intentions, but he couldn't help but be worried about what would happen if everyone knew about his magic.

'He could be captured by the government for tests or used for their own gain, and the law wouldn't stop them...'

Indigo softened as Kaito clasped Saguru's hands within his own "I'm not an idiot" He smirked "No matter how much it may seem like it" He gave a reassuring squeeze "I'll become a doctor and secretly boost people's health, and I can see if Akako can teach me how to use magic while hiding my wings" His voice became more animated "I can cure diseases before they even get noticed, and speed up healing on already ill patients" That feeling he got when the little girl had cried and hugged him had stuck in his mind. He wanted more happy moments like that for others.

Saguru's lips curled up into a smile "You've always been a softy for little kids" Magicians tried to make people smile, and knowing Kaito, he'd do the same as a doctor "I'll have to keep a closer eye on you to make sure you don't overexert yourself" He breathed, Kaito was one to push limits after all.

'He has the intelligence to get through med school even if he didn't have an advantage with his magic'

Kaito stuck out his tongue "And I can get paid as I patch you up" He smirked "Detectives seem to get into all sorts of trouble" He knew that he couldn't stop Saguru from going out to confront criminals, no more than he could have stopped Kaito from being Kid. Instead, he'd support the other, and maybe even lend a helping hand once in a while.

The blond raised a brow "Speaking of trouble, I believe that the FBI may want a favour from you" Shinichi had insinuated the possibility, and Saguru deemed that it was quite plausible. 

'They wouldn't throw away the chance to use Kaito's talents for themselves'

The magician gave a small grimace in reply "Of course they do" They were always pestering him about one thing or another "Maybe I could do some missions for them off and on" He'd still be helping people, and it would let him pretend that he was still Kid. He didn't want his life to be too normal, that wouldn't be any fun.

Saguru snorted "Who would have guessed,that you would be the one to be on the payroll of law enforcement before me" Sure he was a detective, but he wasn't actually being paid.

Kaito flashed a grin "I know right?" He couldn't actually ditch the FBI before he got a decent job, his mother really wasn't bringing any money in "I'm sure that it would look awesome on my resume if I was allowed to include it"

"Nothing is normal when it comes to you" Saguru breathed, uncurling Kaito's hands. Thankfully they hadn't yet drawn blood again. Gold softened "And I wouldn't have it any other way" Kaito's face flushed when the older kissed the palms of his hands.

'I wouldn't be able to be content with a normal life, I'm too used to the oddness that Kaito brings'

"You're always kissing my hands" The magician blushed.

"That's because they're important to you, thus important to me" As either a magician or doctor, the other's hands were precious and vital for Kaito's success. He really wished that the other would stop unintentionally damaging them.

Kaito's blush deepened, Saguru's words were just too much for him "Bastard" The word was filled with fondness instead of venom.


"Aoko-chan" Akako called softly, attempting to wake the other up. She'd sensed that now was a good time to visit the returned magician.

Blue eyes tiredly blinked open "Akako-chan?" She yawned tiredly before freezing, she'd forgotten where she was "Is Kaito okay?" She hadn't meant to fall asleep before seeing the magician.

'Kaito looked so bad when I saw him, what if he freaks out again? I don't want him to go through that again...'

The red witch smiled "Kuroba-kun should be fine with us visiting so long as you don't go after him" She trusted her magic.

Aoko's gaze fell, feeling ashamed of her past actions towards Kaito "Aoko will do her best not to upset him" Kaito wasn't the normal Kaito that could withstand her brashness, right now he was a more fragile Kaito than what she was used to. She didn't want to hurt him.

Akako nodded, pleased with her girlfriend's words "Then we should head over, his aura feels relatively relaxed right now" It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was probably the best it could get for now.

"Aoko can't wait to see Kaito" She'd technically already seen him, but the magician had either been unconscious or emotionally unstable. It hadn't felt the same.

'I don't want to see him scared like that ever again, it doesn't suit him'

The witch smiled "Our presence will do him some good now that he's more settled" A pair of light grey gloves materialized in her hands, Aoko's eyes glimmered at the use of real magic.

Me: Did Kaito wanting to be a doctor surprise you? Berry thinks that it fits with this Kaito~

Detective or cop doesn't fit well with THIS Kaito, other Kaitos? Maybe •~• it depends on the plot...

Hope you enjoyed~

Berry just finished a really amazing anime called Made in Abyss.... it almost made berry cry.... I seriously recommend it~

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