40. Awakening

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1028 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ I really really wish I did~ I hope you enjoy this chappy~

~Vote results at zee end~
And another question

Written June 27 2019
Posted September 7 2019

Yay~ 40K Word marker has been hit~~

Bleary indigos fluttered briefly, Kaito laid still as he discreetly took in his surroundings. The smell of antiseptic and the constant beeping clued him in that he was in the hospital, someone was also in the room with him.

'Why am I at the hospital? I haven't had a heist since summer break has started, and if there was a heist, why don't I feel handcuffs?'

"Kaito?" The magician's thoughts paused at the familiar voice, he felt his tension fade, he knew that voice. "I know you're awake, medical equipment doesn't lie" Saguru stated softly, as he gently took hold of Kaito's hand. He'd lost even more weight, making the hand seem almost frail.

"Sa—" His dry throat sent him into a small coughing fit, the magician's breathing mask was swiftly removed, a straw being placed at his lips. He swiftly took a few sips of water, soothing his throat. "Why am I at the hospital?" Kaito inquired, once he was sure he wouldn't go into another coughing fit. He blinked open his eyes and scowled at the light, everything was blurry.

'My head hurts, but not too bad...'

The blond narrowed his gaze at the magician "What is the last thing you remember?" He inquired, remembering that the other did in fact have a head wound.

'The last thing I remember?... Everything's fuzzy...'

After a few moments of silence Kaito perked up. "I remember us talking about me spending summer break at your place... Then nothing" The brunette admitted, blinking a few times.

'Why is my vision so blurry?'

"Why are you blinking so much?" Saguru asked, he'd noted how the other was blinking significantly more than usual during their brief conversation.

"Everything's a blur of colours" The brunette sighed, annoyed with his lack of clear vision. He then looked over towards the splash of colours he'd identified as Saguru "Anyways, you never did tell me why I'm in the hospital" indigos narrowed "I don't remember doing anything stupid enough to land me in one" He paused with a small smile "At least not recently"

The blond let out a small whine and pressed a button to alert a nurse or doctor to come. "Kaito, you were severely injured, and your head received major trauma" Saguru paused "You've been in a coma for the last four days"

'A coma?!? Is that serious?!'

The magician quickly schooled his expression, not wanting to add even more concern to his friend figuring that he'd already done that enough during the last few days. "Head trauma? Maybe that's why I don't remember..." Kaito sighed.

'And maybe why I can't see well?'

The blond opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by Dr.Kusama politely stepping through the door. The doctor took a look at the now conscious Kaito and smiled. "It's good to see that you're awake Kuroba-Kun, I'm Dr.Kusama, the main doctor watching over your condition" He greeted with a warm smile as he extended his hand.

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