42. MRI Results

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1007 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ I really wish I did...

Berry just realized that as of now this is her second longest book and third longest story~ Yay~

~Yay 8k+ Views~

Written June 29 2019
Posted September 14 2019

"I like almost giving people heart attacks" The three occupants jumped at the unexpected voice. Kaito flashed them a cheeky grin as he made his way over towards his bed.

"Bakaito!" Aoko cried, leaping at the magician to trap him in a hug, almost knocking Kaito off his feet. "Idiots aren't supposed to get hurt" He froze in surprise for a few seconds at the sudden assault before returning the hug.

'Urk... I prefer being able to see when people are after me...'

"I'm fine Aoko" He laughed, petting his friend's hair soothingly in an attempt to calm her. "It's virtually impossible to get rid of me" The magician added.

"I would have to confirm Kaito's words, he is very hard to get rid of" Saguru stated, remembering all the times in the past when the magician had decided to pester him. Kaito snickered at his words.

Aoko pulled away, wiping away tears from her eyes, a small smile on her lips. "True... Bakaito is almost always around to mess with people"

"So when are you scheduled to be released Kaito-Kun?" Ginzo asked, once his daughter had calmed down.

"Ah, preferably they want me to stay a week for observations..." Kaito paused for a moment before continuing "But Dr.Kusama said that it would be better if I leave as soon as possible to deter the other staff from being nosey" The magician grinned "He's actually personally reading my MRI right now to reduce the wait time"

'Dr.Kusama really seems to truly care about his patients, he seems curious about my condition, but is respecting my privacy'

Aoko blinked "Aoko doesn't understand, shouldn't they be trying to keep you here as long as possible?" She knew that the longer a person staid, the more money the hospital got.

"That's true but..." Kaito scratched his cheek sheepishly "Since the circumstances surrounding my injuries are strange, he figured that the less attention I receive, the better"

'It's less likely for people to find out about me if I don't receive attention'

"Now that you mention it, you're condition is strange... Why are you so thin? And why did your injuries heal so quickly?" Ginzo inquired, looking pointedly at Kaito's collarbone that seemed to just have skin stretched over it, jutting out much more than what was normal for the teen.

Kaito gave a small shrug "I got really sick at the start of the break, and how should I know why I'm all better?" He crossed his arms in mock annoyance "I don't even remember getting hurt" The magician scoffed, feeling a little guilty for being rude.

'Though being rude is much better than having them find out'


"Okay, I've read the results" Dr.Kusama announced once he stepped into the room, all attention turned towards him. "The scans look quite promising, the swelling has been reduced greatly, though there is still some present" He paused with a smile "The location where the swelling is most present is his occipital lobe, which is the part of the brain that controls sight" He let out a breath before continuing "This is good news because this means that as the swelling goes down, his vision may improve, it's highly improbable of Kuroba-Kun permanently losing his sight"

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