65. Ashes fall

666 69 53

1012 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written September 22 2019
Posted November 19 2019

"You have done well Wasp"

Baaya turned around, shooting a teary glare at the intruder "Please be gentle with him, he reacts to stress like a bird" She pleaded, fingers clenched. She didn't want Kaito to die.

'They don't know that he's Kid, so he has a chance...'

The figure nodded, stepping purposely towards the unconscious teen. He ran a finger along the feathers in awe "Noted" He breathed "It would be a waste for such a fine specimen to die early on"

A small tremble ran through her frame "I'm the only witness, leave Saguru out of this" All of this was for Saguru, if he was hunted down it would have all been for nothing. Kaito was Kid, so he should hopefully be strong enough to hold on until Saguru found him. He had to, for Saguru's sake.

"Very well" He breathed, raising his gun "I'll honour your last wish" He replied, firing the gun. It was so sudden, she almost didn't feel the impact of the bullet to her chest. Almost.


Saguru stared, his house was on fire. Why was his house on fire?! He'd just returned from the station to see multiple firetrucks surrounding his house. His heart quickened as he frantically looked around, surely both Kaito and Baaya had gotten out safe right? He jogged over to one of the firemen "What happened?" He breathed, desperation edging his voice.

'Why is my house on fire?!'

The fireman turned towards him "We don't know" He replied "Do you know the people who live here?"

Saguru shook his head "I live here" he replied.

The fireman pursed his lips, putting a reassuring hand onto the teen's shoulder "I'm sorry, but can you help identify the body?"

"The body...?" The blond choked out, his blood suddenly going cold. Panic filled him at the thought of a body. Kaito and Baaya were supposed to have been the only person people within the mansion. The only people who the body could be. He felt himself sway a bit but quickly steadied himself. Maybe a stupid robber had gotten in and had died instead.

'Oh dear god, please let it have been a robber'


It wasn't a robber. A few sobs caught in his throat as he looked away, it was Baaya. But if that was Baaya, where was Kaito? Had he left before the fire started? Or had something happened and he'd gotten trapped and hadn't yet been found. Tsuki suddenly landed on his shoulder, her snowy white feathers dusted grey with soot. he carefully scooped the little dove up in his hands and began to look her over for injuries. He needed something to occupy his mind. He'd break down when things were sorted out.

'Not yet... I need to be strong'

The dove suddenly pecked him "Why would you do that?" He mused half to himself, Tsuki extended out her foot, attached to it was a mini camera. Gold widened in understanding "Thank you!" He breathed, nuzzling her before gently removing the camera. He would never cease to be impressed by Kaito's talents.

'His doves are so smart... but...'

He suddenly remembered Watson, his beloved hawk didn't have the ability to free roam like Kaito's doves. His eyes stung, hopefully her enclosure had been damaged enough before Watson had succumbed to the smoke of flames. He'd rather have her free than dead.

He glanced around, he couldn't do much here so it'd be better off if he left for someplace he could view the video feed "I don't think your master will mind if I stay at his place for a while will he?" He asked Tsuki, hopefully Kaito would show up before he reached the Kuroba residence. It'd be nice if he didn't need to use the key Kaito had gifted him.

'I need to know who killed her'

Baaya was too smart to accidentally set the house on fire, it had to have been done by someone else.


Saguru buried his face in his hands, all the feed told him was that Kaito had been kidnapped by a masked man, and that Baaya had been shot. There hadn't been any sound on the video unfortunately. It didn't really help that the video started with Kaito already unconscious, there hadn't even been signs of a struggle.

'Why hadn't there been a struggle? There's no way that Kaito would go down without a fight'

All he knew was that Kaito was in serious trouble, the teen's wings had been out, meaning that he couldn't show the film to just anyone. It also meant that Kaito had most likely been the initial target "Dear god..." Saguru muttered to himself, sagging down onto the magician's bed. He'd decided to watch the film in Kaito's room for privacy "They're probably going to experiment on him" He sobbed, it had been one of the magician's biggest fears. He wiped his eyes, where should he even start looking for him?


Kaito felt a little chilled, bleary indigos opened, only to be met with nothing but white. He was in a small white room, both the walls and floors were padded and there was an equally white toilet in the far corner of the room. He was also, he realised belatedly, naked. He was wearing nothing but a metal band around his wrist. He tried to remove it but it wouldn't go past his hand, it seemed to have been welded around his wrist. He'd need big tools to remove the band.

'I hope Baaya can take care of Saguru until I can get back...'

He frowned for a moment before glaring at one of the many 'hidden' cameras pointed his way. The creeps, he should at least be allowed some clothing. He then noticed that his wings were still out, indigos widened fearfully. He'd forgotten to put them away before drinking the drugged chocolate milk.

'So they already know about my wings... Okay, that's not good...'

He forced himself to remain calm on the outside. He'd thought that he was going to be used for ransom! Not captured like this. He glared at the door, it had no lock or doorknob. He'd have to wait and meet his keepers before escaping.

Me: I've been waiting to write this since before the cultists~

Baaya had faith that they'd get through this~ I wonder if that faith is well placed?

She really had no choice, she couldn't risk earning them and getting them both hurt, so she did what she could to keep them both alive...

Hope you enjoyed~

•~•...... so excited

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