60. Chattering

611 72 10

1005 Words excluding (A/N)~ Berry no owns MK/DC~

Hope you enjoy~

Gah... My google docs is taking too long to load... I guess I'll start another one for this... 220 pages takes forever to load...

Berry writes on Wattpad then transfers to google docs to fix minor errors (Mainly skimming for blue or red squiggles) before putting it back on Wattpad~

~Yay 60k+ Words~

Written August 22 2019
Posted November 7 2019

Extra chappy in celebration of first snow where I am~

'Since he seems relaxed, I guess now is a good time to tell him'

"Hey Saguru, I've got some really good news for you" The blond raised a curious brow at the somewhat random comment.

"And what sort of good news are you referring to?" He inquired, inwardly wincing when he had to tug a few times at a clot of dirt. He really doubted that it as felt nice to the other.

Kaito glanced back, flashing a bright smile "Dr.Kalos didn't betray you" The blond's fingers momentarily stilled "One of his lackeys spotted me on that night..." The brunette blushed, remembering how ridiculous his actions had been back then. "He told me that if his lackey hadn't seen me, he wouldn't have gone after me, no matter how much he'd have wanted to" Kaito finished, turning his head so that he was now facing forwards instead of looking back.

'I could tell that Dr.Kalos wasn't lying, for such a creepy guy, he seems to keep his word'

Golden eyes narrowed sceptically "How do you know this? I thought that you didn't remember getting captured"

"I don't" The magician smirked "But I paid him a visit in jail to get my facts straight" Indigos winced at an especially hard tug on his feathers.

'Ow... Okay that kind of hurt...'

"Why would you visit him?!?" Saguru scowled, realizing that the other had most likely done so while his vision was still impaired "Do you even realize how dangerous that could have been?!?" He hissed. Kaito had no plausible reason to sneak into where Dr.Kalos had been held besides talking to the criminal. If he'd been caught doing so, unwanted questions would have been asked.

The magician snickered at his friend's obvious distressed worry "Don't worry, I wasn't seen and everybody there thinks he's crazy. Nobody would believe him" He paused "Plus I needed to know, if there was a chance things hadn't been as bad as you thought"

"What do you mean?" Saguru asked, Kaito grinned.

"Well I've noticed that you actually don't have many people around you, especially ones that you trust. I wanted to tell you that your trust in Dr.Kalos' grasp of patient confidentiality hadn't been misplaced" Kaito flicked away some suds from his shoulder. "Sure he was a crazy cultist, but at least your judgement of him was correct when it came to the medical field"

Saguru let out a sigh "What are you trying to tell me?"

"I'm trying to tell you that you can still trust your judgement" Kaito smirked "I don't want you doubting yourself just because one of the few people you trusted turned out to be crazy. He technically didn't betray you after all" The brunette replied, not wanting the blond's social circle to diminish due to Saguru always second guessing himself. He seemed just like the kind of person who would do so if it'd resulted in a friend getting hurt.

'He needs more good people around him, he's too socially secluded right now'

Saguru pursed his lips, he sort of understood Kaito's point but he still didn't like the fact that he'd trusted a crazy person. "Very well, I'll try to better my ability to read others" If he could read people better, there was less of a chance of him, or those close to him getting hurt.

Kaito blew out a breath, knowing that he'd probably done the best he could do to get Saguru to understand. "On another note, are my wings almost clean yet?" The magician asked, it was hard to fight the soothing lull of the older's fingers weaving through his feathers yet not actually touching the skin. If they weren't in an onsen, he'd probably had allowed himself to fall asleep.

The blond paused and gave Kaito's wings a cursory look before combing out a small clump of mud. "They appear to be, however it would be best to do one final comb through to double check" Saguru stated, knowing that if he'd missed some mud, it could cause irritation and potential infection in the future depending on how stubborn Kaito was in admitting that a spot had been missed.

"Kay, thanks" The magician replied, stifling a yawn. The combination of steamy air and Saguru's gentle touch were making him sleepy.

'I'll wake up better once I get into the actual onsen, then I'd actually be moving to keep myself awake'

After a few more minutes, Kaito felt a bucket of warm water being dumped onto his back, his wings twitching slightly at the sudden load of weight tugging at them. "There should be no mud left" Saguru concluded.

"Than—Gah!" Kaito quickly grabbed his seat to prevent himself from falling off of it, only to realize that in doing so he'd been sent into the water via Saguru shoving the seat with his foot. He quickly put his wings away before surfacing the water, spluttering.

"Is he okay?" Indigos stung slightly at the water dripping down his face as he opened them to see an unknown male peeking in. The man was shaven bald and was dressed in similar attire to how Kyuumi had been dressed.

'Dammit! He could have warned me instead of shoving me!'

Kaito visibly pouted as he made his way to the side of the onsen and leaned on it. Saguru nodded in affirmation. "Yes, he just slipped a bit" Kaito inwardly grumbled, wondering if the blond was taking revenge for the many pranks played on him in the past.

The man nodded "Very well, sorry for intruding..." He paused awkwardly "But we need to occasionally check on our guests to make sure they haven't drowned or passed out..." He replied before stepping out, leaving the two teens alone.

"Why'd you shove me?!" Kaito huffed, annoyed.

Saguru gave a small smile "You were facing the other way and didn't see the door opening" He shrugged "A verbal warning would seem suspicious if overheard, in addition..." He smirked "I thought that it would be quite amusing to see you go sliding into the onsen"

Me: Kaito always brings out the childish parts of people~

Ummm berry will tell you her favourite tags to search through on Archive of our own.... 

Berry prefers when it's malexmale in regards to these tags, she doesn't care for female leads...

Conditioning, ovipositor, oviposition, egg laying, dehumanization, objectification, tentacle rape, breeding, human cattle (not actual cows but...), non-consensual body modification (in regards to breeding).... and more that berry is too embarrassed to say...

Maybe someone could make a fic involving some of these? (ω╹๑ )

Berry has her hands full with her current works and addiction to a certain app (Restaurant Story) and is currently going through the Conditioning works on AO3...

I like the suffering and degradation of the characters with these tags ╹◡╹

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