36. Stalking

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1002 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ I wish I did... money is nice... anyways hope you enjoy~~

Written: June 22 2019
Posted: August 24 2019

Shortly after Shinichi left, or rather was dragged out by an irate Osakan, Saguru was left alone with his thoughts. Having the great detective of the east as an ally lifted his spirits greatly. He'd heard rumours about the teen, and most of them were true.

'I hope Kaito won't be too annoyed about me involving Kudo-kun... At least this time Kaito actually knows him and apparently has worked well with him in the past'


"How tha hell did ya manage ta get yerself kidnapped, severely injured, then heal completely in under a week?!" Heiji growled as he tugged his friend through the hospital's halls towards the exit, making sure to keep a good hold on the scruff of his shirt. Shinichi was going anywhere without him unless he wanted to run around half naked. "And then when I go ta check up on ya, yer not even in yer room. Instead I had ta scout tha hospital for ya and end up finding ya talkin ta tha British bastard" Heiji scoffed, levelling his best friend with his best annoyed glare. His eastern counterpart gave a sheepish grimace as he looked away.

'It's not my fault trouble always comes looking for me...'

"I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time Hattori" Shinichi replied, inwardly cringing at how often that seemed to be.

Green eyes narrowed in disbelief. "Then how are ya healed already and who was tha look alike in tha bed? He looked awfully similar ta ya" Heiji remembered the shock at seeing two Kudo Shinichi in the room.

"He got captured as well, he's Hakuba-kun's friend" The sleuth hoped that at the mention of the blond detective, the other would let it go.

Heiji shook his head, eyes narrowed as he met Shinichi's gaze. "Things are never that simple when yer involved..." He paused in thought before continuing. "Tha only other guy with tha same face as ya in Tokyo is tha thief ya always chased" The last part was said soft enough to be inaudible to everyone but the two detectives.

'It's annoying being friends with detectives... I sort of understand some of Ran's annoyance in the past...'

"That's not for me to tell, he's a really good person. Please let it drop" Shinichi asked quietly, wary of eavesdroppers. The other was silent for a few moments before nodding.

"I trust yer decisions, he's done nothing truly wrong in my books" Shinichi let out a relieved breath at the other's words.


"Has there been any change in Kaito's condition Hakuba-kun?" Aoko asked as she took a seat by the other side of the bed. The blond shook his head.

"Unfortunately no, Kaito hasn't so much as twitched" Saguru replied regretfully, he was concerned as to why the magician's healing magic hadn't already healed him.

'Maybe he was healed, but healed wrong?'

He inwardly grimaced as he remembered how bones that healed wrong had to be rebroken, he wondered if that was what had happened with Kaito.

'He wasn't really all that aware when I first found him...'

Aoko let out a disappointed sigh, it wasn't any fun when Kaito wasn't able to do something crazy. "I really hope Bakaito wakes up soon, it's hard with both him like this and my dad going crazy about Kid not returning his last heist target..." The girl's words were soft as she sadly gazed at her childhood friend.


"Which one should we grab first?" Kohaku asked as they surveyed their new location, it was just their luck that a local drug gang had been captured by the police around a week ago. Nobody had claimed the freely new area until now.

"The one that's mobile, he'd be the easiest to hide once the authorities are alerted" Dr.Kalos smirked as he surveyed the concrete floor, they'd burn the angels more swiftly this time. All he'd need to do was douse them in gasoline and toss a match. It wouldn't be as beautiful a burning that he'd hoped for, however beggars can't be choosers. "The unconscious angel would be hard for the police to hide, and this means he'll be easy to find"


"We're being followed..." Heiji whispered softly to Shinichi as they walked down the streets, they'd been heading towards their favorite coffee shop since the eastern detective hadn't had any in a while.

'It feels like the same people from before...'

Shinichi gave a discreet nod in agreement before carefully pulling out his phone and lazily texted Megure-Keibu. It paid well to have close connections with the police to be able to text them. Texting was much less likely to alert their stalkers than calling was. "It seems as if that coffee shop has been closed due to a family emergency... Why don't we head back to Beika?" Shinichi stated, green eyes gleamed in understanding. The hospital was in that direction.

'They may go after Kuroba as well...'

"Sure why not?" A sly smirk appeared on the osakan's face. "Race ya!" With that the two bolted towards the hospital, doing their best to keep their concern off of their face.


"They're running!" Kohaku gasped, readying himself to go after them.

Dr.Kalos grabbed his shoulder "It's fine, they're just racing, teens do stupid things all of the time. We haven't been spotted, follow them discreetly"


Both Saguru and Aoko jolted in surprise when Shinichi and Heiji ran into the hospital room, both teens were sweating slightly and panting a bit. "Kudo-Kun?" The blond inquired, confused by their sudden appearance.

'Why would they come running back so soon?'

"The guys who took me and Kuroba are still after us, Hattori spotted them following me. I called the police before we ran here" The eastern detective replied as he sank to the floor exhausted, the fake race had swiftly turned into a real one due to their competitive nature.

"I'll call dad!" Aoko yelped, fearful of her friend becoming even more injured than he already was.

Me: that's the end of the chapter~ it was really fun to write~

What is your least fav MK/DC ships?
Mine are CoAi andKaito/Ai

I like Ai as a character... But I like the other ships involving Kaito and Shinichi more~

I don't care much for Shinran or KaitoxAoko either... But I fine with them I guess...

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