61. Awaited Time

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1008 Words excluding (A/N)~ Berry doesn't own MK/DC~

I think this chapter might make you guys happy....

~yay 15k Views~

Written September 2 2019
Posted November 9 2019

"Somehow I don't really believe that was the sole reason for you shoving me..." Kaito smirked, sending a wake of water his way.

'Of course it wasn't'

Saguru didn't bother to dodge the water, he was planning on getting in the onsen anyways. "You really shouldn't purposely splash water out of the onsen" The blond replied as he walked over and entered the warm water, pleased by it's pleasant warmth.

Indigos gleamed, a sudden urge to cause mischief appearing within the magician "I'll do what I want!" He snickered before snatching Saguru's towel and scurrying away, grateful that the onsen wasn't too shallow or too deep.

"Kaito!" Saguru growled, somehow only mildly surprised by the magician's antics. He went to chase the other before pausing and sitting back down near the shallow area. He'd had preferred to get his towel back, but a better way to get back at Kaito seemed to be to ignore him. He'd eventually come back within grabbing range, until then he'd be patient. Kaito was a lot faster than him after all.

'I should have already known that Kaito would eventually go after my towel... Its the sort of childish thing he'd do'

Kaito smirked at him from the other side of the onsen, holding the towel up in his left hand like a trophy "You're not going to come get it?" He teased.

The blond raised a brow, gold glancing to the side. "Why should I? It's not like you're wearing a towel either" He grinned then the brunette froze and looked down at himself, shock coating the younger's features.

"What?!?" Confused indigos looked around "When did I lose my towel?" Kaito asked before his gaze narrowed at the blond "Did you somehow take it without me noticing?" He murmured, his gaze filled with suspicion.

Saguru stifled a chuckle as he shook his head "No, you lost it when I shoved you into the onsen" He smirked "I got a full view before you hit the water" He teased, he wasn't lying either. He had accidentally seen Kaito fully naked once again after he'd pushed him. Since there had been no danger to distract him, he'd be lying if he said it hadn't been a nice view. Kaito was fit enough to live up to his crazy feats.

'He's quite attractive, it's a shame that I didn't get a better look'

Kaito frowned, nodding in understanding "That makes more sense than you actually managing to steal it without me noticing" He flung the wet towel over towards the bathing area, the weight added by the water allowing him do do so with ease. "There, now neither of us can fight over the towel" He snickered, knowing that the other would have probably attempted to snatch it back eventually.

"Kaito..." Saguru paused, shaking his head "I don't even know how to react to that childish move" He sighed, now neither of them could leave the onsen without flashing the other.

'I wonder if he thought that through or not...'

A cheshire grin spread across Kaito's lips as he sidled up to Saguru and leaned a bit on his shoulder "Aww does Saguru-chan have something to hide?" He cooed into his ear.

The blond rolled his eyes and shoved the brunette off "I assure you, I don't" He replied smoothly, not in the least disturbed by the other's closeness.

The magician gave a small pout, slightly disappointed that he hadn't managed to make Saguru at least slightly flustered. He'd been hoping that the other's English upraising would have made him more self conscious. "I had actually expected you to be a lot more prude" Kaito confessed, leaning against the wall beside Saguru but not touching him.

Saguru gave a small chuckle at the statement. "It's true that I may have never been within an onsen before now" He glanced at the teen "But since I'm here with you, I figured that you'd try to mess with me at some point" He paused, giving a small shrug "Plus I'm not adverse to feeling your naked body leaning on me" He added with a straight face.


"Saguru!" Kaito gasped, sounding scandalized, bringing his hand up to his chest as he leaned away despite the wide grin on his face. "I didn't know you were capable of such phrases!" Kaito laughed, giving the other a light smack on the head. It was more like a tap than a smack.

'I can't believe he actually said that!'

Saguru smirked, amused that he'd caught the other off guard. "You're a very attractive person Kaito, I've already told you that" Saguru replied, leaning a bit into the other's personal space. The magician blushed slightly. "And I'm also a healthy teenage male, of course I wouldn't mind" He breathed.

'Oh shit! I knew he was attractive, but he's kinda sexy when he talks like that!'

Kaito turned his torso a bit away from the other to hide the beginning of a problem but stayed facing the blond. "So to make things clear..." He paused, blushing a little more. This wasn't how he'd expected the trip to the onsen to play out "We're both attracted to each other and like the other's personality?" He inquired, wanting to clarify things since he didn't want to risk screwing up their friendship if he read any of Saguru's actions wrong. He liked their friendship, it was fun.

Gold gleamed in understanding "That appears to be the case..." He narrowed his eyes in thought before glancing back towards Kaito, giving him an appraising look "Should we date?" He asked, unfamiliar with actual courting.

The magician gave a small snort at the lacklustre pseudo confession "I'm not against trying if you're not" He smiled, amused by the oddness.

'I really do like him a lot, I'm also physically attracted towards him. Maybe if we date I could develop some romantic feelings towards him. Saguru seems to be in the same position. If not I'm pretty sure we could still be friends if it doesn't work out'

Past Berry: this was fun to write~ berry had a little pause before writing this (not that you'd notice besides the date time stamps) because she wanted to think about if I wanted to get them together now or not~

So instead of writing this she focused on writing Kaito Oneshots and the mini series called 'breaking' within it (ParentalNakamoriXKaito)

It gave a nice way to pause in this yet not waste time ^-^

Current Berry: XP of course they get together in an unconventional way~

Hope you enjoyed~

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