82. Reassurances, Blushing

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1026 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written November 11 2019
Posted January 18 2020

Saguru tilted the younger's chin up, meeting Kaito's gaze "I care about you" He stated, voice soft and gentle to Kaito's ears "If telling me will help you" He paused "Then please do, I felt helpless when I was unable to find you" Shinichi had done most of the work "So please let me help you if it's within my power to do so" He finished.

'I don't like seeing Kaito so unsure, he's supposed to be vibrant and confidant in himself'

The magician hesitated for a few moments before taking in a shaky breath. He allowed his weight to rest more against the blond "A person with wings is kinda special and unique right?" He asked softly, at the other's nod he continued "They" He let out a shaky breath before trying again "They were apparently attempting to breed me" He sniffled, a shiver running down his spine, he was feeling nauseous again.

Saguru felt like he'd been punched in the gut, a cold wave of horror washed through him "But you said that they didn't..." He felt silly, the word 'rape' was suddenly hard to say. It was a word that he did not want to be associated with the magician.

'I hope those scientists never see the light of day ever again! How could they do that?! Especially to Kaito!'

Watery indigo met gold, he'd felt how Saguru's grip around him had tightened. The blond's concern was somewhat heartwarming "They didn't" Kaito assured. They didn't rape him in the normal sense, and they also failed to breed him. He trusted Shinichi's word, the sleuth wouldn't lie to him. At least not about this.

Gold narrowed in confusion for a few moments before realizing what Kaito had meant "Artificial?" He breathed, when Kaito nodded, he was only a little bit relieved. He wanted to bundle the magician up and hide him away from all of the evils in the world "You're so strong" He whispered, feeling sick, he considered it the same as rape. He was just glad that Kaito seemed to be holding up decently, he leaned his head down to place a kiss onto the magician's cheek "I love you so much" Kaito was strong, but he'd make sure to be there when the magician needed him.

'I'm so glad that it wasn't attempted naturally... The act alone would have been even more traumatising. Though I still wish that it hadn't happened at all'

Kaito blushed, Saguru was making him feel so safe and calm. He was a little scared to think about how he'd be without his support "I'm only so strong" He gave a small laugh, it was weak. He could tell that he wasn't really himself right now, but it was kinda hard to stop the unconscious actions.

"And I'll help to keep you strong" Gold softened "Or at least to build you back up" He used to think that the magician was almost untouchable. After actually getting to know him, and after recent events, he could easily see how wrong he'd been. That untouchable feeling had always been a well placed mask, Kaito was just as human as the rest of the world. Yes he had advantages, but he was still vulnerable all the same.

'He's even more vulnerable right now than usual... His poker face is weak'

Kaito could feel his own nails digging into his arms again. He wanted to agree with Saguru, but right now he didn't really feel balanced enough to even be built back up "I'll do what I can" He breathed, closing his eyes, he just felt so tired despite how he'd recently slept.

Saguru snorted "Tell me something I don't know" Kaito almost always does his best with things that matter "At least your body isn't shaking anymore" The shaking had stopped a little bit ago, something which had pleased the blond.

'He must have been full of drugs while he was captive... Now that I think about it, he was showing some signs of withdrawal... Maybe his magic eased it?'

"I am probably going to feel miserable when I start laying eggs?" Kaito replied softly, wanting to lighten the mood. The fact that he was going to lay eggs was somewhat mortifying, but it wasn't something that he could really hide from Saguru right? He wasn't conscious enough before, but now that he was, it was scary to think about.

The blond choked on his spit, gold widening in shock "Really?" The uncomfortable look on the magician's face was answer enough. But he hadn't seen anything odd in the onsen, and he was pretty sure he'd gotten a good look.

Kaito blushed at Saguru's curious gaze, the other was glancing towards his crotch area. Gah detectives and their need to know! "So you were checking me out before..." He squeaked, sure he'd glanced at the other when he'd had the chance, but Saguru was looking at him as if he was surprised he'd missed something. That meant that the blond had done more than just give him a curious glance! He squirmed in embarrassment at the thought "I have another hole that isn't easily noticed" He replied, he'd been around Shinichi enough to know that it was just better to sate a detective's curiosity than to let it grow.

'I'm very curious... But I highly doubt that he'll show me, not that I'd blame him of course'

Saguru gave Kaito a reassuring smile "That would make it easier for society to accept us" Kaito gave him a bewildered look "We can claim that you were a hermaphrodite and never really noticed.

The magician's eyes widened in realization, his cheeks going a soft rosy shade "When we're older" They could get legally married, and it wouldn't look odd if they had a child together. But that was something for the way distant future. They were both too young, and Kaito wasn't comfortable with the idea of starting a family just yet. That and they've hardly been together as a couple.

The blond nodded "The future, yes" He planned to be with Kaito for as long as the other allowed him to be.

'I hope that stating some positives about his future will make him feel more comfortable about himself'

Me: Hakuba is being so sweet and kind to Kaito, the gentle touch that he needs~

Hope ya enjoyed zee chappy~

Which is your preferred basic cheese? (Cheddar, marble, mozzarella etc, not the fancy stuff but basic)

Berry likes marvel because it works for cheddar foods but also melts nicely so that it works for mozzarella as well ^-^

That way berry only ever needs to buy 1 type, it's so good for pizza >~<

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