41. Poulet Vert

821 74 43

1055 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ i hope you enjoy this chappy~

Nope... There is absolutely nothing wrong with the chapter name...

Written June 28 2019
Posted September 9 2019

Dr.Kusama was silent for a few moments before speaking. "I promise to do my best to keep the other staff silent about your condition" The doctor stated with a soft smile. "I have no idea why you and Kudo-Kun recovered so quickly, but I have a hunch that it would be bad if others found out"

Saguru blinked at the doctor in surprise, his faith in them had fallen after learning of Dr.Kalos' betrayal. "I would hope that you keep your word, lives are at stake." Golden eyes met navy blue. "I'm only telling you that much because you've obviously seen the police around. I will not tolerate any more harm coming to Kaito"

'He'd only just recovered from the fever before winding up injured again'

"Awww Saguru loves me!" Kaito teased, grinning as he grabbed at the blond, pulling him into a playful hug.

"Let go of me you octopus!" Saguru growled as he attempted to escape the hug, all of his attempts thwarted by the magician's skillful grasp.

'At least he's calmer than I would have expected him to be after everything'

"I'm going to go check to see if one of the MRI machines are currently free, please keep each other out of trouble" Dr.Kusama laughed before leaving the room.

Saguru blinked, mouth agape "He's labeled me a troublemaker..."

'I've never been labeled as one before...'

Kaito snickered at his friend's distraught tone "I'm corrupting you!" He teased, pulling away before sticking out his tongue. "The great London detective is no more a snobby twat!" The magician grinned.

"I was never a twat" Saguru huffed, crossing his arms in mock annoyance.

Kaito's grin grew "You haven't denied the snobby part"

Saguru rolled his eyes, smiling fondly at the energetic magician. "I must admit I was quite snobby when we first met, however I do believe that you changed that by continuously outsmarting me"

'Awww! Humility looks well on Saguru! Even if I technically can't see, I know it'

"Yes, the new and improved Saguru is less of a stick in the mud" Kaito smiled.


"Okay, there seems to be a room available for you to have an MRI in" Dr.Kusama reported as he returned.

"Okay, lets get this over with" The magician gave a smile as he removed his IV, he'd done this so many times in the past that he didn't need to see. Saguru instinctively lurched forwards to grab him as he slipped out of the bed, only to pull away when Kaito met the ground elegantly. "I'll be fine Saguru, I do a lot of things that I shouldn't in the dark, at least I can see colours like this" He laughed as he carefully stepped over towards the other blur he'd identified as Dr.Kusama.

'I guess having a alter ego who moonlights as a phantom thief greatly increases his ability to work with unclear vision... It makes sense since light would attract unwanted attention, Kid only attracts attention when he wants to'

"I'll stay here and call Nakamori-San and her father" The blond replied with a smirk, noting that the brunette didn't need babysitting right now.

"My mother wasn't called?" Kaito asked softly, Saguru purses his lip.

"Both Nakamoris and I have repeatedly attempted to call her but have yet to actually speak to her" The blond replied, inwardly cursing the flighty woman for being so hard to get ahold of.

'Kaito could die, and it could possibly take weeks for her to find out...'

The magician's face went blank momentarily before breaking out into a grin "Okay!" He smiled before following Dr.Kusama out of the room.


"Hakuba-Kun!" Aoko called happily as she stepped into the room, her father not far behind. Both looked much better than they had the last few times they'd visited. "Where's Kaito?" She inquired, noting the empty bed.

"Kaito left for an MRI, he should be back any minute now" Saguru replied as they took a seat.

'It makes sense for Kaito to see Nakamori-san as a sister due to Nakamori-Keibu stepping in so often as his parental figure'

"Why does Kaito-kun need an MRI? I thought that he would be fine once he woke up" Ginzo asked gruffly, he didn't know much about medical stuff.

"Kaito is partially blind right now, he can only see blurs of colours" He paused at the shocked expressions, holding a hand up to prevent interruptions. "Kaito is his usual cheery self, and there's a good chance that it's only temporary since his eyes weren't physically damaged. The hope is that the cause is swelling, and that swelling will eventually fade" He breathed.

'I admire how well he's taking it, I know that I'd be terribly distraught if I were in his place'

"Aoko is so glad that Bakaito is awake, hopefully his sight comes back soon" She added, blushing faintly. The blond noted the new clothes on the girl.

'I've got to remind Kaito to let her free'

"Even if he doesn't get his full vision back, Kaito-Kun will be fine" Ginzo stayed with a confident smile, the blond raised a brow.

"Why do you say that Nakamori-Keibu?" He inquired, genuinely curious in how the inspector could have such blond faith.

'Kaito is only human... No matter how special and crazy he is'

"You haven't known Kaito for long so it's understandable that you don't know" Aoko began with a fond smile. "Aoko remembers that Kaito spent a whole summer blind" At Saguru's startled look she giggled "Don't worry he wasn't hurt, he was just being a dummy. He wanted to be able to walk perfectly in the dark, he refused to open his eyes, even when his dad asked him to" Aoko paused in thought "Aoko thinks that we were eight, it shocked everyone that he didn't listen to Toichi-San, but eventually we stopped fighting him when we realized how serious he was" She finished.

Ginzo nodded in agreement "His persistence was both adorable and horrifying at times, I don't know how many times that kid almost gave me a heart attack that summer" He smiled fondly "But eventually he could move around like normal, it was amazing"

'I am astounded that Kaito has managed to live this long with how crazy his stunts can be...'

Me: that's zee end of the chappy~ it was fun to write~

Do you still read a favorite book series from when you were little? Mine is Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter ^-^

That's actually where my name came from, first I was Berrypaw (on games where I interacted with people, until a male cat named that came into existence (He's a jerk •^• how dare he soil zee berrypaw name) berry was berrypaw first XD

Anyways then I switched to this name because it seemed catchy and I can still be called Berry ^-^

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