74. Title Name

543 66 19

1008 Words excluding (A/N)~ Me no do with zee owning of MK/DC~

Berry can't think of a chappy name~

Written October 21 2019
Posted December 21 2019

Ginzo felt his eyes burn as he continued to restrain Kaito against himself, the other option of the floor didn't really seem like a good idea. It wasn't the pain from the magician's frantic assault on his arms that was making his eyes burn, it was more from the pain in his heart at seeing his pseudo son like this. Yes his arms were all bloodied and seriously hurt, but seeing Kaito like this hurt more. Just what had those fucking scientists done to him?! He continued to murmur soft words of encouragement as he carded his fingers through the struggling teen's hair, he needed to calm Kaito down before he became too stressed, he could already feel a faint heat radiating from Kaito. He was thankful that he'd been briefed on the subject before the magician had woken up.



After spending an unknown amount of time struggling, Kaito was confused. The others had caught up to him but he hadn't been drugged up yet, why were they letting him attack one of their own? It just didn't make sense, why hadn't they retaliated instead of attempting to calm him down? The thudding of his own heartbeat within his ears began to lesson, allowing the surrounding sounds to start becoming a little more clear to him. He paused mid-bite.

'That voice...'

The voice murmuring softly was one he vaguely recognized, it belonged to someone he trusted. He made a soft noise of confusion in the back of his throat, where were the scientists? He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to forcibly calm himself as he sent a few sparks of healing magic throughout himself. Hopefully that would fix his vision and hearing problems, the magic gave a slight soothing sensation after all.


He leaned into the hug, a different sort of tears falling from his eyes than before as he listened to Ginzo's soothing reassurances. A few moments later the inspector's words paused for a moment before continuing "Are you finally with us?" Ginzo asked softly, Kaito's hands were clutching his shirt as he sobbed into it, wetting the material.

'If Nakamori-keibu is here... That means that I'm safe...'

The magician nodded into Ginzo's chest, still sobbing, though a little less than before. He pulled away to look at the inspector with tear filled blurry vision. He wanted to make sure that he wasn't hearing things. He brought up an arm to wipe away his tears, clearing his vision. When he was met with the sight of Ginzo's face he almost burst out in another wave of tears. He was real. Safe. Ginzo let out a relieved breath, giving Kaito a grin as he ruffled the magician's hair. He was relieved that the heat had stopped radiating from the other "Almost everything involving you is crazy" He huffed fondly in exasperation. So that crazy cultist hadn't been lying after all.

Kaito blinked before glancing away, for once he was embarrassed about his knack for getting into crazy situations "Sorry..." He breathed, his voice very rough from lack of use, noting that both Saguru and Aoko were nearby. He then grimaced when he noted that the blond had a newly bloodied nose.

'Did I do that?'

Seeing the flash of guilt within the magician's gaze, Saguru offered a small smile as he slowly walked over and crouched next to him "It's fine" He replied softly "You were confused right?" He inquired with a knowing look, feeling pleased when the younger nodded.

"Thought" Kaito winced, okay, ow. Talking kinda hurt, maybe he'll just say key words "Mistake, take chance, escape" He coughed a few times after getting out the words, rubbing his throat. Maybe his magic hadn't really fixed that because it wasn't damaged or infected with sickness, it was just out of use. He sent a different thrum of magic at his throat to both softly stimulate it and ease any pain from it being stimulated. Hopefully that would do the trick.

'It's a little odd that Aoko is just being silent'

Saguru nodded, the magician's actions made sense, especially since Kaito had also been panicked and desperate at the time "Then you aren't to blame" He assured "You wouldn't normally use that sort of violence an anyone so it's fine"

Indigo softened as he brought up his hand to Saguru's face and healed the damage he'd both intentionally and unintentionally done "Let's call this payback from before" He gave a small laugh as he remembered their time in the mountains. The blood on his own hands and the metallic tang in his mouth suddenly caught his attention. He visibly paled as he recalled his actions, horrified indigo whipped towards the inspector's arms. They were really bloody. He'd really been trying to cause as much damage as he could "-God!" He choked out, only the last bits of his exclamation being audible.

'I can't believe that I did that to him... And he's still bleeding a fair amount...'

Ginzo, after seeing the magician's previous display of healing offered his arms, he knew that Kaito hadn't meant to hurt him. Someone else? Yes. Him? No "It's fine" He replied softly, giving his daughter a confused glance. Why was she just hanging back? Kaito swiftly sent a soft white light over Ginzo's injuries until nothing but a few scars and some blood he'd previously spilt remained "Nothing that couldn't have been easily fixed" He stated.

Still feeling ashamed, Kaito nodded. He wasn't really up for an argument just yet. Saguru frowned, giving the magician a gentle bop on the head, Kaito was being stupid again "We should get you back to your room so that you can rest a bit more" He breathed, hopefully the other would rest better now that he knew that he was safe "You don't need to explain anything" He assured "Kudo-kun and I have already done so and we have the Crow's data to tell us the rest" He didn't want to put any pressure on Kaito, the magician still seemed a little out of it. He smiled "Though we will listen whenever you want to talk" He promised.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

Berry really really loves this ark~ despite it not being about harming Kaito~ She really likes the emotions

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