2. A Detective's Worry

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1002 Words excluding (A/N)~ this chapter we get a concerned detective~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ If I did Kaito would be in danger more~

''Kuroba is late'

Golden eyes narrowed as he glanced at the classroom door. There had been a Kid heist the previous night but he hadn't noticed any trouble. Instead, the heist had been embarrassingly easy for the white clad thief, Hakuba was thankfully not sporting a new hair colour, instead he had been bathed in glitter. Unfortunately, glitter could get everywhere, and always reappeared when it was thought to finally be gone.

'Did he get hurt somehow?'

The blond was worried, Kaito had come to school plenty of times when Kid had been visibly injured during the previous night's heist. He'd even come to school after being shot, a memory which Saguru didn't like to think back on. Kaito had been pale and lethargic for days.

He didn't like the prank loving magician, but he didn't want the teen dead. Kaito was many things, a prankster, thief, magician, genius, chemist, and acrobat. Yet he wasn't a bad person, just someone he often wanted to strangle.

Saguru shivered at the prospect of an injury that would keep the energetic magician from going to school. Kid couldn't go to a hospital, Saguru had seen the shadows shooting at him and the hospital would be a death sentence. Being caught was one as well.

Kid had to have someone with medical knowledge helping him, the blond didn't like to think otherwise. The magician couldn't path himself up if he lost too much blood.


When lunch break came around, the blond's nerves were frazzled from worry. He glanced over towards Nakamori Aoko, Kaito's childhood friend. She seemed to be more annoyed than concerned.

"Nakamori-san, do you know why Kuroba isn't at school today?" Saguru asked, approaching the girl's desk.

'If he's sick then Nakamori-san would have been informed, though maybe not... They seem to have drifted apart recently. No doubt because of Kuroba's moonlight persona'

The blue eyed girl blinked at him in surprise before an annoyed scowl crossed over her face. "Aoko waited for Bakaito at his door but he didn't answer. He changed his lock so to keep me out so he's probably skipping" Aoko replied, taking a quick bite of her rice after she finished.

'He changed his lock, so something happened. Bad enough that he wanted to keep Nakamori-san out, Kuroba isn't afraid of her mop wielding'

"Thank you Nakamori-san" Saguru gave a polite nod before heading back towards his desk. He was going to visit Kaito after school, hopefully Aoko wouldn't tag along, the magician seemed more closed off around her when it came to injuries.

He dearly wanted Aoko's conclusion to be true, but he knew better than that.


The school day had been stressful, as soon as it ended he called Baaya, having her drive him towards Kaito's residence. This way he'd arrive before Nakamori-san returned to her house and could remain unseen by the girl.

It was annoying that Kaito and Aoko were neighbours. It had often in the past stopped him from pestering the magician, before he realized the thief's danger.

Now he only accused Kaito in private, where dangerous ears couldn't listen in.

When he arrived, he thanked Baaya before heading up the steps of the Kuroba residence before knocking on the door.

'I know Kuroba's home, the lights are on and it's unlikely that his mother is around'

After hearing no response after exactly one minute, he knocked once more, this time more loudly. He repeated this process, each time knocking louder until he heard slow, heavy steps on stairs.

'Kuroba's walking louder than usual'

He heard the click of the lock before the door swung open, revealing a sky blue pyjama clad Kaito. "What do you want Hakubastard?" The magician groaned, Saguru opened his mouth to respond but his words were lost. Kaito looked horrible, the boy's complexion was chalk white and he looked as if he suddenly lost a lot of weight overnight. Kaito didn't have much fat to begin with but now he looked as if he had absolutely no fat stores. His muscles were visible, thankfully stopping the magician from looking anorexic. "Well?" Kaito drawled when Saguru hadn't answered.

'What could have happened overnight? People don't lose weight that fast'

"I— My apologies Kuroba, I was concerned about your health. It is not like you to miss school" Saguru replied softly, knowing that mentioning Kid would get the door slammed in his face.

The brunette raised a sarcastic brow, not believing in the other's words. "What are you really here for?" Kaito sighed, stopping himself from using the doorframe as support.

The detective pinched his brow. "It's actually the truth, almost nothing keeps you away from school" Saguru stated, his gaze noting how the brunette's legs were trembling.

'He seems as if he can barely stand'

Curious indigos studied the detective before Kaito let out an annoyed huff. "I doubt you'll leave until you've satisfied your accusations" The magician sighed before glancing over towards Aoko's house. "Come in before Ahoko arrives, I'd rather deal with you than both of you" Kaito's voice soft as he stepped out of the way, waving his hand in a motion for the blond to enter.

"Thank you, sorry for the intrusion Kuroba" Saguru nodded, stepping through the doorway before removing his shoes. Kaito scoffed and walked over towards the living room, the detective trailing behind.

'He's walking differently, though he doesn't seem to be favouring a leg and his arms are moving fine... A torso wound?'

"Why would you be concerned about me?" Kaito questioned once the two of them were sitting down; Kaito on the couch, Saguru on a chair.

The detective noted how Kaito was lounging on his stomach rather than his back as he usually did. "We may not get along most of the time, but I don't hate you. As much as it pains me to say it, you're not a bad person" Saguru sighed, knowing that Kaito's scepticism wasn't baseless.

'His back must be injured'

Me: how was this chapter~ it was interesting to write~ hope you enjoyed~ I'll update within 7 days of posting this part~

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