67. Tests, Answers

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1008 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written September 29 2019
Posted November 25 2019

I'm sorry.... •~•

I'm so so sorry... I couldn't resist

Saguru momentarily froze when he realized that the one playing Kaitou Kid wasn't Kaito. A few seconds later, he snapped back into reality. He glanced around nervously for any spectators, after seeing none he quickly picked up the unconscious sleuth. He couldn't leave Shinichi here where the police or whoever had shot him could easily find him. He swallowed, weariness returning. He'd been so excited to see Kaito again.

'I wonder why Kudo-kun held a Kid heist...'


"The subject's healing speed is incredible!"


Saguru sighed as he gently laid Shinichi down onto Kaito's bed, he'd already changed the other into a pair of Kaito's pyjamas. He figured that the other would be more comfortable if he woke up in clothing designed to sleep in. It wasn't like Shinichi could sleep in the Kid clothes after all, especially when the house next door was where the inspector lived. Thankfully when Saguru had changed him, he hadn't found any injuries besides an ugly bruise on the other's chest. Shinichi was lucky that he'd been wearing a bulletproof vest.

'I had already known that they had associated with one another, but I never would have figured that Kudo-kun would dress up as Kid and take part in a heist...'

The blond looked at the other's sleeping face forlornly, he looked so much like Kaito. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, that doesn't matter, Kaito will be found alive.

'I miss him...'


"What do you mean that the samples are impotent?!" A male scientist growled, he didn't have time for games.

The female assistant held up her clipboard as if it could shield her from his wrath "I'm sorry, but the subjects sperm samples have come up as blanks"

The male snarled "Then how the hell are we supposed to breed it to make more of these things?!" The creature was obviously male, if the way it took after human males was any indicator. The main goal when finding a new species was almost always to find or make more of them.


Azure eyes groggily blinked open, it took him a few moments to recognize where he was. He was in Kaito's room. His gaze darkened as he pursed his lips at the thought of the magician. It'd been too long since he'd gone missing.

'Hakuba-kun probably found me, I don't think anyone but him would bring me to Kuroba's house'

He felt a little bad for leaving his fellow detective alone so far, but he'd had things to do. The blond had probably been watched for a good while after Kaito was taken. Thus the more sad and hopeless the other seemed, the more the Crows would let their guard down. Why wouldn't they if it seemed like the main force of the magician's search team was losing steam? It was both a cruel and calculated choice on Shinichi's part, but also a necessary one. He only hoped that Saguru still had the strength to continue the search with him.


"Check it's reproductive systems!" The male growled "Since it's part bird, maybe the human-like genitalia was made to mislead others in order to protect its real systems!" Or maybe it was both male and female for it's species, he didn't care. He just needed to know whether or not the subject could be bred or not.


The blond looked up from his book in surprise, he hadn't expected the other to wake up so soon. He gave a weak smile "I'm glad that you're awake" He breathed as he watched Shinichi reach the bottom of the stairs.

Azure flashed at him sympathetically "I'm sorry" The sleuth apologized, lowing his head "I should have contacted you about my plans but the reactions had to be real" He'd already known that the magician and blond were close.

'I probably gave him false hopes then scared him half to death...'

Gold stared blankly at Shinichi for a few moments before softening "It's okay" He swallowed, it actually wasn't. Thinking that Kaito had returned only to die had hurt. A lot "I'm sure that you will divulge your reasoning for last night's actions" Shinichi wasn't a cruel person by nature, surely he had a good reason.

Shinichi nodded, taking a seat on the couch next to Saguru "I needed both Kid's and Kaito's disappearances to not align" He breathed, meeting Saguru's gaze "It was too dangerous to have both identities stay missing for the same amount of time, Kid needed to take action" A sheepish smile tugged at the sleuth's lips "So I looked at Kuroba's notes for his next target and pulled the heist" His gaze lowered "Once I realized that the target was Pandora, I had to kill Kid" He finished.

'If I didn't kill Kid, the Crows would probably continuously pull stunts in an attempt to lure him out'

Saguru nodded in contemplation "So that's why you were mostly uninjured despite being shot down" He breathed "What of Pandora?" He inquired.

Azure gleamed as Shinichi gave him a wry smile "It's hidden for when Kuroba is freed or he escapes. Kuroba more than anyone should be the one to destroy it" That gem had ruined his childhood, so it would only make sense if he were the one to destroy it.

A small smile appeared upon the blond's lips "At least Kaito can easily rest once he's found and rescued" The magician wouldn't have to worry about planning any more heists.

'I hope Kuroba doesn't get annoyed at me for finding Pandora instead of him'

Shinichi snorted "I don't think Kuroba is capable of resting properly for too long" He smirked "At least he can heal a lot quicker now" Azure gleamed "Hopefully he'll heal before he runs out of his patience for resting" He finished.

"Agreed, that would be optimal in my opinion" The blond agreed, a restless Kaito wasn't a fun Kaito to be around. It would be better for all parties if the magician wasn't bored enough to start playing pranks on people.

Me: I've been waiting for so long to write this ark XD Finally...

Hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

This chappy makes me happy >~<

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