88. Ginzo

493 44 9

1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 14 2019
Posted February 1 2020

When Ginzo entered the room, he wasn't too surprised to see both his daughter and Kaito cuddled up together. Saguru was on Kaito's side while Akako was just standing near the bed, a smirk playing on her lips. He let out a relieved breath at how the magician seemed to be doing okay "I'm glad to see that you're doing well Kaito-kun" He stated, walking over to ruffle the teen's unruly hair. It looked worse since Kaito needed a haircut. He figured that the touch would be okay since he had no problem with the others.

'Would things like this be ruined if Aoko doesn't accept the truth?'

Kaito ducked, a small pout on his lips "Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better than I was before" His fingers curled but the gloves prevented damage from being done "I can't wait until I can leave this place" He didn't really feel up to it right now, it was nice and calm here compared to the rest of the world. He'd been isolated for so long that the thought of being around many random people was a bit unnerving.

Ginzo's brows creased a bit, it was odd for the other to admit that he shouldn't leave a medical facility, even if his words had been subtle "I'm sure that you'll pull through everything eventually" Kaito was strong, and he truly believed that the other would recover in time.

'I didn't spend so long chasing him for him to be defeated so easily'

The magician gave a small smile at that "I'll try" Though something about the inspector's demeanour was bugging him, but he didn't know why.

The inspector nodded, pleased by the other's words "Can I talk to you alone?" He doubted that the other's would leave easily without any prompting. He'd initially thought that he was going to wait, but seeing him again, he couldn't. He needed to know the reasons.

Indigo filled with wary confusion "Sure" He had no reason to deny the request. He felt Saguru squeeze his shoulder reassuringly.

"We won't be too far" He breathed, a little worried about what the other had to say. There weren't many reasons for the inspector to want to talk to Kaito alone. Some of the reasons that came to mind were mildly concerning.

'Now for the hard part'

Ginzo let out a breath once it was just him and Kaito within the room. He sat down next to Kaito, wrapping his arms around the teen in a hug. He didn't want the other to think that he was being interrogated or that he didn't love him anymore "I know that you're Kaitou Kid" He felt the magician tense, it was expected.

Kaito opened his mouth, about to spew out a lie before pausing. Ginzo was still hugging him, but not too tightly. He'd be able to easily escape if he wanted to, that meant that the inspector wasn't trying to capture him. Indigo watered as he leaned into the hug "I'm sorry" his voice cracked. He tried to say more but words weren't really coming to him.

'Shit... I'd been hoping that it would just be awkward...'

The softness of Kaito's voice made Ginzo's gaze soften, he'd never heard Kaito sound so apologetic before "It's over now right?" He asked softly, hugging the teen just a little tighter. Kaito was trembling.

He sniffled before silently nodding into the inspector's shoulder, his throat felt like it had closed up. Why was it so hard to talk right now?

"Then it's fine" Ginzo breathed, he pulled back from Kaito, giving the teen some space "Can you tell me why?" He had a horrible feeling that it had something to do with Toichi's death, the dates added up to that conclusion.

'Toichi was too good of a magician to make such a horrible mistake, I've always thought so'

Kaito's gaze was lowered, hands curled up in his lap "I didn't want the bad guys to win" He wiped his eyes "I also didn't want more kids to lose their parents" It still sent a pang of pain through him whenever he thought about how he'll never see his dad again. He didn't want others to feel that pain if he could help it.

"So you decided to team up with the FBI to take down a group of criminals?" He'd already put together that the people who had captured Kaito, had been part of the group he'd occasionally seen skulking around heists. His voice lowered, into a more softer tone "I would have looked out for you if I'd known"

'I would have helped him hide his injuries from Aoko... God knows how much effort he had to use to hide them from the both of us...'

He knew that he wouldn't have been able to stop Kaito without lethal consequences, so at the very least he wanted to help where he could.

Kaito wrung his hands together nervously "You remember that big take down a good while ago?" At Ginzo's nod he continued "That was when I started working with the FBI" He grimaced "Kudo wasn't shot like the news had reported" He shrugged "I couldn't very well keep my identity hidden at that point so it was covered up" Thankfully the real Shinichi had vouched profusely for him.

"Those people killed Toichi didn't they?" Any group dangerous enough for the FBI to get involved with had the potential to counter a great magician like his friend.

'Both Toichi and Kaito have gotten hurt so many times, and I'd never even noticed...'

The magician nibbled on his lip "Kind of?" He gave a small shrug "They were at the very least connected to the recently defeated group" He'd actually done most of the work against Shinichi's Crows, while this time it seems like the roles were in reverse.

Ginzo was silent for a few moments before replying "I don't even feel all that mad about you lying to be honest" He was mainly relieved that Kaito was okay, and that he hadn't lost a rival like he'd thought. His gaze softened "I'm actually more hurt that you didn't confide in me" He'd raised the boy as his own after all.

Me: And Ginzo confronted Kaito~
Ginzo's part isn't over yet~

Hope you enjoyed~

Stupid rats kept lifting their house than lowering it for noise all night •^• they lucky they cute...

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