34. L'hôpital

895 76 20

1012 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ and I hope you enjoy~

Written June 19 2019 <—— the one chapter I didn't edit later thus know zee date

Posted : August 17 2019

The magician still hadn't regained consciousness after a day, it was now nearing noon of the next day. Saguru still hadn't left Kaito except for when he needed a washroom break, thankfully Baaya was kind enough to bring him food.

'I want him to wake up, but I'm also fearful of what may be wrong when he does awaken...'

"Hakuba-kun!" Golden eyes glanced over from Kaito towards the doorway where Aoko and Ginzo had arrived, both looking slightly disheveled. Aoko pauses to catch her breath from running. "We took the quickest train as soon as we could after you called" The girl replied as she hurried over towards the bed. A soft gasp escaped from her as she covered her mouth in shock at the sight of the magician. "Kaito..."

'It must seem worse to her than to me since I know the reasons for his sudden weight loss...'

Saguru nodded his head in greeting to the weary eyed inspector as he followed in his daughter. Ginzo gave a tired nod in return as he took a spot beside his daughter, wrapping an arm around her in reassurance. "Kaito-Kun will be okay Aoko" He breathed.

The blue eyed girl turned towards Saguru, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "What happened? All you told us was that Kaito got hurt and was in the hospital..." Her voice was soft.

"I do not know the whole story" Saguru paused as he glanced towards the magician. "However I do know that he was trapped within a burning building with Kudo Shinichi the evidence pointed towards them being kidnapped. The reason why is one I do not know" Saguru replied, omitting how the two teens were unclothed and how scared he'd been.

It had been interesting explaining to the police, thankfully some of them were familiar with Kaito and believed that Saguru had used the magician's doves to find him. It had surprised the blond how many officers in Edoka knew Kaito die to him being acquainted to Ginzo.

'Even if Kaito does get caught, I wonder how many officers would happily arrest him. Everyone seemed so fond of him'


Ginzo tiredly ran a hand through his hair as he looked at the unconscious teen. Kaito looked horrible, more so than he'd initially thought he would. He'd been expecting broken bones, not this.

'Kaito-Kun is so pale and thin, he didn't look that thin the last time I saw him... How did he lose so much weight in so little time. He wasn't overweight or anything, but now he looks like he's been starved...'

"What did the doctors say about Kaito's condition?" The inspector asked, it was better to ask than to let his imagination run wild. Aoko looked up expectantly as well.

"Kaito currently is suffering from smoke inhalation and major bruising and swelling surrounding his brain. He regained consciousness once that I know of, however he quickly lost consciousness after that and has yet to awaken since then" Saguru replied softly, Aoko gasped while Ginzo stayed silent.

'That doesn't sound good... Kaito-kun is already weird, good but weird. What would happen if he were to end up with brain damage?...'


"Hey, since when have you called Kaito by his first name?" Aoko asked, her voice trembling. She wanted to change the subject away from the magician's injuries.

'Bakaito isn't supposed to get hurt, he's supposed to be running around playing pranks on everyone... He's not supposed to look so small and vulnerable...'

"Ah, Kaito and I have recently become friends over summer break" The blond replied, glancing away from her. Aoko raised a brow, when she'd last seen them together they were throwing insults at each other.

'Aoko never would have thought Hakuba-Kun and Kaito would actually become friends...'

She gently ran her fingers through Kaito's hair, her eyes glowing softly with happiness. "That's good, Aoko was worried about you both" She gave the blond a small smile before continuing. "The both of you need more friends, it's nice that you guys have finally stopped fighting"

'Hakuba-kun is smart enough to keep up with Kaito easier than me'

Saguru gave a small blush in response. "We never stopped fighting long enough to actually get to know each other well enough to become friends..."

"Aoko is glad that you guys have stopped fighting, though Aoko is curious, why did you guys stop?" Saguru shrugged.

"Things happened in a way that gave little time for arguing, I won't say more since it's a secret" He replied softly, knowing that he obviously couldn't tell Aoko without Kaito's permission.

'Kaito values the promise of keeping others secrets, I shouldn't try to dig into his and Hakuba-kun's first proper secret together...'


"We have failed..." Dr.Kalos sighed in dismay as he examined the burnt remains of the pit. It had taken a while for all of the fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars to leave. He hadn't expected anyone to be around to see the fire, let alone rescue the angels. The doctor hadn't been able to catch a glimpse of the angel's saviour unfortunately since he'd been far away from the action to avoid being caught.

"They're probably in a hospital somewhere, maybe they're in the one you often help out at? It's Edoka general hospital right?" Dr.Kalos nodded at his hooded companion, lips curled in displeasure. They had been so close to ascending to heaven.

"That may be true Kohaku, hopefully they weren't too damaged that we can't present them as a sacrifice" Dr.Kalos paused before continuing. "We have to hurry either way, one of the angels saw my face before I sent him into the pit. We need to either dispose of him or recapture him for sacrifice before he regains consciousness"

They'd be in a lot of trouble if the magician woke up and told the staff and police who had attacked him. They'd be able to trace the rest of the group through Dr.Kalos' connections. One couldn't ascend from earth to heaven early while they were in jail.

Me: that's the end of the chapter~ hope you enjoyed~ I wonder if Kaito will wake up before Dr.Kalos acts~

Berry just realized as of posting date all of her MK/DC Book covers are in zee blue spectrum... Berry doesn't even like blue that much XD sure she likes cold colours more than warm... but blue is still meh compared to purples and greens

(excluding puke green and lime/dull pasty greens)

What's your fav colours? Mine are royal purple, sapphire blue, and emerald green

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