92. Inquiries, A Call

433 42 15

1010 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 8 2020
Posted February 7 2020

Berry is planning to write chappy after energy consumption~ so here is a extra chappy~

In total there be 98 chappys of this and over 100k Words~

Aoko frowned as she thought about what her dad had just finished telling her, she hadn't realized that Kid had done so much good despite being a thief. Yet, if that were the case, then why had he given up on the thief so easily? Last time Kid had gone missing, it had taken years for her father to lose hope, yet the last Kid sighting was less than a month ago. Kid was rumoured to be dead, so why wasn't he the worried and stressed mess he usually was whenever something bad happened to the sneaky thief? It just didn't make any sense.

'Dad must know something about Kid. If Kid was as important to him as he'd said, then there's no way that he wouldn't be worried about him, or at least upset if he really were dead...'

She pursed her lips, not liking that her father was hiding something from her. It wasn't like she'd blab about it to others if it was important "Kid's not dead is he?" She stated it as more of a fact than a question.

Ginzo grimaced, his daughter had always been quite smart "He's alive but retired" He admitted "He's also been pardoned so he's not actually a criminal anymore" A great relief on his part since then he wouldn't have to worry about feeling guilty for not turning in a criminal "He was actually working with the FBI"

Aoko nodded "That's good" She gave him a small frown "You would have been really upset if he'd died" She still wasn't fond of the thief, but she at least understood that her father was. Also, if she were to be honest, she didn't think that the guy deserved to die.

'Good guy or not, he still took up too much of dad's time'

The inspector's gaze softened "Yeah, it would have been horrible for the little shit to die" Kaito was family.

A small giggle escaped from Aoko's lips "I guess all crazy magicians are alike, Kaito is annoying too" But she still couldn't help but care about him. Though now that she thought about it, weren't the FBI the ones who's saved Kaito? "Did Kid take part in Kaito's rescue?"

'He did retire around the time of the rescue...'

"Yes" Technically, Kid had taken part in the rescue, he just hadn't been one of the one's doing the rescuing.


Kaito let out a sigh once both Shinichi and Ran had left them, it had put him a bit out of his comfort zone to be around the karate champ like this. Though judging by the apologetic look Shinichi had given him, the sleuth had at least not wanted to cause him discomfort.

'It's nice that she's agreed to help with Aoko, but it's still scary to have her so close to me'

"Your talent for winning people over still amazes me" Saguru breathed against Kaito's ear, the magician squirmed, the other's breath had tickled.

Indigo glanced up into warm gold, a small blush tinting his cheeks "It's probably because I'm most likely a sorry sight" Ran had probably pitied him due to how he looked. He knew for certain that he didn't feel at the top of his game, so he knew that he also didn't look it.

'I'm just grateful that she didn't deck me on sight...'


Both teens suddenly jumped when Saguru's phone began to ring, having not expected the interruption. The blond frowned as he dug out his phone from his pocket, when he looked at the screen, he didn't recognize the number. Kaito gave a small smile, telling Saguru that he didn't mind him taking the call "Hello, this is Hakuba Saguru"

"Is Kaito there?" The voice was laced with concern. He raised a brow not recognising the voice.

'The woman sounds concerned, but I should be careful. Kaito doesn't need more stress right now'

The blond gave the magician a sideways glance before replying "Who are you?" He wouldn't give away Kaito's location to some random person.

There was a small pause on the other line before the woman replied "I'm his mother, I've been trying to phone him but he hasn't been responding. Neither are Aoko-chan and Ginzo" There was another pause "I did some looking around and identified your belongings in Kaito's room" Chikage replied, she'd been a little surprised to learn that a detective had been living in her house without Kaito.

'His mother? So she's finally decided to check on him...'

"Yes he's here" There was a bit of bite in his tone, he was angry that it had taken this long for the woman to make contact with Kaito "And he's doing fine, not that it seems to matter much to you" Kaito raised a brow at the harsh tone.

Chikage grimaced, dread pooling in her stomach. Something must have happened to her son, wasn't the detective supposed to be more mild mannered? "There was an accident, I couldn't try to contact him until recently" She glared down at her crutches, because of the accident, she hadn't been there for her son when he'd needed her.

'An accident... That makes me feel a bit better about the lack of her presence...'

Saguru let out a breath, forcefully calming himself "You can talk to him yourself" He tossed the phone to Kaito, who easily caught it. He met Kaito's gaze "It's your mother"

Indigos widened in shock before he hastily put the phone up to his ear "Mom?!" He asked, voice soft. It'd been so long since he'd seen or even talked to her.


Chikage bit her lip, tears threatening to fall as she clenched the phone to her chest. She'd just finished talking to her son. She needed to call Jii so that he could drive to to see her son, her baby had already been through enough without her as it was. She needed to see him.

'I should have been around more often, why did I think that letting him live alone was ever a good idea?'

She hadn't been told much, just bits and details. But even the small bits that she'd been told made her feel guilty for not being there for him.

Me: Chikage is FINALLY going to see Kaito~ It only took 92 chapters right? XD

Hope you enjoyed~

•~• Berry's fav noodle shape is macaroni/elbow since it's easy to cook. I even use it for spaghetti and Alfredo dishes XD

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