6. Breaking Into A Thief's House

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1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ Hakuba isn't thinking straight either it seems~

'The lower levels of the house are probably more secure...'

The detective looked up at the tree, it seemed easy enough to climb. There were faint patches where bark had recently fallen off, leading him to think that the tree had been recently climbed.

'I wonder how many times Kuroba has snuck into his house this way...'

Saguru slung his bag over his shoulder, securing it to allow his hands freedom. He took in a breath, bracing his legs before jumping upwards, wrapping both arms around the lowest branch. With a grunt he heaved himself up until he was sitting on the branch.

'I'm not made for climbing trees like Kuroba...'

He stayed there for a few moments before hauling himself up another few branches until he was at the height of a window. He couldn't see through the window due to the black curtains blocking his view.

Saguru shimmied along the branch he was currently on until he was right in front of the window. A smirk crossed over his features when the window silently swung inwards at his touch.

'Figures that Kuroba doesn't bother locking the upper level windows. He probably would think it amusing if a real thief broke in, and would most likely chase them down with glee'

As stealthily as he could, he slipped through the window and past the curtains, leaving them open to allow the moon's natural light to give him sight.


All stealthiness was lost when the blond caught sight of Kaito laying limply on a bed, the blood on his chin sending a cold wave of panic throughout him.

"Oi Kuroba!" Saguru called, stumbling over towards the other's limp form. Without missing a beat, he checked the boy's pulse, sinking down onto his knees in relief when he felt it. "Damn it Kuroba..." Saguru let out a shaky breath, it seemed even without trying the magician still managed to mess with him.

'Wait, he should have woken up from the noise'

The detective released Kaito's wrist to switch on the light, having noticed it on his way over to the bed. "Wake up" It was unsettling to see the teen laying motionlessly, Kaito was known to be a light sleeper. He frowned, placing a hand over the other's forehead, recoiling away with a hiss.

'He has a really high fever, it needs to be lowered'

Saguru bit his lip before heading out of the bedroom in search of the bathroom and a clean cloth. He'd never been in the upper levels of the Kuroba residence.


When he found the required items, he carried them back towards the brunette's room, setting the cold water filled bucket beside the bed before dipping a navy blue washcloth into it. After wringing out the extra water he set the cloth on the magician's forehead, grimacing when he received no reaction. He then placed an ear thermometer into Kaito's ear, cringing when he read that the fever was 104 degrees.

'A fever that high is dangerous, I need to lower it or else he'll need to go to a hospital'

Saguru felt conflicted, he figured that the teen most likely had suspicious scars, ones that would raise a hospital's attention. Potentially dangerous questions may be asked, and with Kaito unconscious, false tales couldn't be as easily spun.

Shaking away his unpleasant thoughts, he dipped a different cloth into the water and began to dab away the blood from Kaito's face. The teen looked much better without the blood.

'His colour is a bit less pale than earlier, maybe his paleness was from blood loss...'

Saguru didn't like that, a fever after blood loss most likely meant infection. Golden eyes peered over the boy, there was no visible injury, but that didn't matter when it came to Kaito. Kaito was a disguise artist.

He gently began to poke along the boy's arms, his touch never lingering for more than a second. He'd already previously concluded that the magician's lower body was most likely fine. When he found nothing wrong with his arms, he prodded the other's shoulders gently, jumping back when a faint whine escaped from the unconscious teen.

"Kuroba?" Frowning when he received no answer, Saguru gently prodded Kaito's chest, confirming his suspicion that it was the teen's back that was injured.

'He shouldn't lay on his back if it's injured, he refrained from doing so earlier. But if I move him onto his stomach, he'd warm up too much due to his face being pushed into the bed.'

With those thoughts in mind, the blond snatched a star printed blanket from the floor and rolled it up into a cylinder, doing the same with a checkered gray blanket. He placed one beside Kaito before gently shifting the boy so that he was laying in his side. Then he placed the other blanket beside Kaito to stop him from rolling over.

'That should hopefully relieve his pain. I'd like to check the injury, but if i did so without Kuroba's permission, problems could arise'

He'd already broken into the other's home, to strip him of his shirt and have Kaito wake up in the process would be a nightmare to deal with. He carefully replaced the cloth on Kaito's head after renewing its wetness in the bucket.


When the magician's fever refused to break after a few hours, Saguru felt his concern rise. High fevers could result in brain damage, he didn't want that. After rechecking the teen's temperature and finding it at 104.3 degrees, he decided to draw a cold bath for the teen.

There was no way he was going to strip the other, he did not want to deal with the teasing if Kaito were to wake up. He'd just wrap Kaito in a bundle of towels after the bath, hopefully they would help his clothes dry.

'Hopefully the cold water will wake him up, it's odd being around a silent Kuroba'

With that in mind he headed over towards the bathroom and began to fill up the tub, careful not to make it too cold. He didn't want to shock the boy's system.

Me: well this was a fun chappy to write~ I really hope you enjoyed~ I'll post the next part within 7 days of this part being posted~

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