11. Panic

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1013 Words~ Excluding (A/N) I don't own Magic Kaito~ If I did, there'd be a movie every year~

Update schedule for this book:
Guaranteed on MONDAY, SATURDAY
And Thursday if there is no other project taking up that slot
Chance of update on other days if I'm in a really good mood or am really ahead

In numb silence, Saguru used the water and cloth from before to clean the blood out of Kaito's wings. He knew that clean wings were vital for a bird's health and wondered if the same applies to the magician. Either way, he didn't like seeing blood on Kaito.

'Has this change affected him chemically as well?'

The blond pondered as he continued to gently clean the feathers, making sure not to drench them. He figured that the shock of growing wings was the reason for the trickster's weird actions.

'Who knows what other unknown changes have happened to him? He was dangerously light when I carried him earlier... Are his bones hollow now? More fragile?'

Saguru let out a sigh as he finished cleaning one particularly stubborn patch of dried blood, he didn't know what to think. On one hand Kaito had wings, something most people want, on the other hand he couldn't see an easy and painless way for them to be hidden.

'He wouldn't be able to be Kid, unless he decides he wants Kid to have wings... but then if he ever had to go to the hospital, or attended a regular school physical, he'd be outed right away...'


When Kaito woke up, he felt different, his wings didn't hurt as much as before. Taking stock of himself he froze, his wings were unbound and bandaged. Saguru had seen them.

'Oh god I'm going to be experimented on!'

He felt his heartbeat pounding in his chest as he sat up, wide indigos scanning his surroundings. Saguru was beside him holding a roll of bandages. "Kuro—" Kaito didn't hear the blond's words over his pounding heart, with a short whine he bolted through the window.

'I have to hide! He's probably already called people...'


The brunette's swift departure left Saguru stunned, he hadn't expected Kaito to bolt right away. When he regained his senses, a string of curses slipped from his mouth as he swiftly threw down the bandages and ran down the stairs. He'd seen the panic in the other's gaze, Kaito wasn't fit to be outside alone.

'Thank god he stayed passed out until it was dark out...'

That was the only blessing in the situation as Saguru swiftly slid his shoes on before bolting our the door. He hoped the night would help Kaito's wings stay hidden better.

'If he's found by the wrong people...'

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, the magician would be fine. Saguru would find him before anything bad happened.


'My life's over... I'm going to be a lab rat...'

A low whine caught in his throat as he ducked into the shadows, he needed to pilfer a large coat to hide his wings. He wouldn't let himself be caught before finding Pandora.

He saw a large man wearing the exact sort of coat he required, he stuck his hand in his pocket, ready to throw a gas bomb only for his hand to come up empty.

'He emptied my pockets!'


'I should have reacted quicker and caught him before he escaped'

There weren't many places a winged boy could easily hide, he immediately crossed off highly populated areas from his search list. Saguru knew Kaito couldn't use a disguise, he didn't have any materials on him due to his pockets being emptied before the bath.

'Where would Kuroba go?... Kaitou Kid likes high places, so it should translate to Kuroba liking them as well'


'So tired...'

Kaito's legs were shaking as he climbed the ladder, willing his hands to not give into his weakness. His broken wings were weighing heavily on his back, unable to hold themselves up they were like deadweight.

'Where am I...?'

His vision blurred slightly before he shook his head, clearing it. He needed to keep moving, he hadn't managed to steal a good enough coat to hide himself


The blond's nerves were buzzing, he knew he must look odd running through dark allies and looking up towards high buildings, he didn't care. He really wished that the person he was chasing didn't moonlight as a phantom thief.

'Chasing regular people is so much easier...'

Saguru let out a swear as he tripped over a discarded alcohol bottle, landing face first onto the pavement, scraping both his legs and arms along with his chin. "Bloody—" He paused in his outburst, a large black feather was laying on the ground. Ignoring the stinging from his injuries, he sat up and grabbed the feather, relief washing through him when it felt slightly warm.

'He's close...'


'I wonder if I can jump that?'

Kaito paused at the ledge of a roof, another roof was a few meters away, normally he could leap a gap like that with no problem. He bit his lip, he was tired and dizzy

'I'm not that high up, only four stories, I won't die if I fall, I need to keep going'

The magician took a few steps backwards before running towards the ledge and leaping off.


Saguru looked up, knowing that the magician likes high routes. Golden irises widened in horror as he caught sight of the winged boy's silhouette leaping from a building, and missing the ledge, instead only catching it with his arms.


He held in his scream, not wanting to alert attention towards Kaito, his feet had already began to move towards the target building, he could see a ladder a few feet away from the struggling teen.

'He's not strong enough to pull himself up!'

Fear raced through him as he began to ascend the ladder, praying to every deity out there that Kaito could hold on until he could help him up.


Kaito let out a ragged gasp, he didn't want to fall, he'd be too injured to escape notice. He could feel his fingers slipping, blood slicking his hold, he wished that bricks weren't so rough.

'Oyaji... I'm sorry, I tried...'

The magician's vision blurred as he felt his arms give out.

'I hope nobody notices me fall, I don't want to wake up in a lab'

Me: cliffy~ does Hakuba make it in time? Kaito won't die if he falls, but he'd be too injured to not need proper medical care~ hope you enjoyed~

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