47. [Insert Chapter Name]

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1039 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito and I hope you enjoy~

Written July 9 2019
Posts September 30 2019

"Aoko wants to apologize" Aoko stated softly after a few seconds, the magician blinked in confusion, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

'What does Aoko have to apologize for? I'm the one who hurt her'

"You having done anything wrong Ahoko" Kaito teased, playfully flicking her forehead with his free hand.

She gave a light scowl before letting out a huff, rolling her eyes at his antics. "Aoko recently learned about phobias..." She started softly "Aoko didn't know they could actually be serious... I thought that it just meant that you had a little more fear than everyone else..." She continued softly, guilt gnawing at her as she remembered the uncharacteristically strong reactions the magician had shown in the face of fish. "Aoko promises to never use your phobia against you ever again" Aoko finished.

'So Nakamori-Keibu did actually talk to her...'

Kaito flashed her a grateful smile "Thank you" He breathed in relief. "I might hang around more often now that I don't have to worry about it"

Aoko bit her lip, taking in the information. "You did stop coming by as often once your mom revealed your fear..."

'That and the timing was around when I started doing heists...'

Kaito gave her a wry smile "It's not your fault you didn't know, and I didn't confront you about it" He admitted, he'd been too wary of her pulling out a fish before he even managed to get to his main point. It was stupid, but he couldn't help it.

"Can Aoko ask why Kaito is afraid of them?" She paused before continuing "It's fine if you don't want to tell Aoko" She added quickly, now knowing that it could possibly be a really sensitive topic.

'Why am I afraid of them?'

The magician frowned momentarily in thought before shrugging. "I have no idea why, but whenever I see them, I just feel paralyzed with fear and a sense of helplessness consumes me" Kaito replied, not wanting to look further into that topic.

'If I don't think, I can't fear'

Aoko frowned before nodding in acceptance, noting her friend's obvious reluctance on expanding the topic further. "Aoko understands, and would avoid anything that did that to me as well"


"Hope you had a nice time!" Kaito grinned as he gave Aoko a quick wave as she walked up to her door. He discreetly sent her father a text explaining what had happened concerning their relationship, noting for him to give her extra attention.

He started heading towards Saguru's house once Aoko had safely returned home. It was still very difficult for him to see, so he relied on his doves to tell him when the traffic signals allowed people to cross. He could safely cross without traffic signals, however he wouldn't be able to spot any police officers nearby that could scold him for jaywalking. Kaito silently snickered to himself at the thought of both Saguru and Ginzo's reactions to him jaywalking while being unable to see.

'Saguru would freak out and Nakamori-Keibu would yell at me until I was deaf'


"You seem comfy" The blond looked up from his case notes, he'd been lounging in a soft armchair in the study while going through them.

'Judging by Kaito's mood, it seems as if his talk with Nakamori-San wasn't catastrophic'

"I take it Nakamori-San is okay?" Saguru inquired, just in case the other was putting up a poker face.

"Yeah, though my poor wallet has a severe scar that will take a while to heal..." Kaito flopped into another armchair, enjoying how he seemed to sink into it. "Called her my sister and took her to the new expensive breakfast place, I think it's called Breaking Fast" He smirked "It's apparently written in English so I think that they may have messed up the translation"

Saguru smirked at the information "I wouldn't doubt it, there are plenty of mistranslated items" He mused, plenty of them had been amusing, while a few of them had been somewhat creepy.

"Yup, and it was also way too expensive, especially with how much Aoko can eat when she's not paying..." Kaito whined.

"Poor you, I guess you won't be having a heist anytime soon" Saguru mused, knowing that the heist must be expensive due to how extravagant they were.

"Nope, I need to do some work to collect more funds... Being a phantom thief who never truly steals is expensive" The magician sighed, giving Tsuki a little scratch on the head.

The blond raised a curious brow "And how do you collect enough money for your heists?" He asked, knowing that the brunette didn't have an official job.

'I know he wouldn't steal because it would make more sense for him to just keep the heist targets'

Kaito pointedly looked in the opposite direction of where he knew the blond was, a faint pink tinting his cheeks. "Ah just your everyday job, except for not being on any official payroll of course. People would wonder where all my money was going if my pay was official"

Golden eyes narrowed at the magician "It isn't anything illegal besides not being on a payroll is it?" He was fine with Kaito being Kaitou Kid, however he didn't want the other getting even more mixed up with criminals.

"Not exactly..." Kaito mused, his face perfectly neutral "It's just something I'd rather you not know about it, not for legal reasons, but for my own pride"

Saguru scoffed "You're able to strut around proudly in heels while dressed up as a hooker, I have high doubts that much could damage your already overblown pride"

"Hey! That is an art!" The brunette huffed, crossing his arms across his chest dramatically. "Do you know how much work is put into looking like a sexy female hooker?" Kaito scolded with false anger.

"I would say a lot since you're biologically a male and your hooker outfits expose an unsightly amount of skin that had occasionally made me wonder about you" Saguru smirked "Though I guess your identity of a male was completely confirmed when I rescued you" Kaito tilted his head in confusion "You were completely nude as I carried you"

Me: That's the end of the chappy~ I hope you enjoyed~

Omg... this chappy was like looking into the future... XP It reminds me of the Kaito hooker oneshot I wrote recently despite this chappy being written months ago....

On days after rain
There are so many corpses...
The poor shrivelled worms


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