64. Hurt

655 74 56

1010 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written Septembr 22 2019
Posted November 16 2019

Kaito grinned as he left the now sleeping girl's room, healing her illness made him feel giddy. His magic reserve felt a bit strained but that was fine. He'd done a large healing despite being new at all of this magic stuff.

'l wonder if I'll always feel this good after healing someone like that? I really hope so'

He really liked helping people, so the good feeling was a great bonus. He hid his wings, allowing them to slip out of visibility as he made his way back to his and Saguru's room. He silently slipped through the door and nestled back into Saguru's warm embrace. The detective wrapped his arms around the brunette, pulling Kaito closer to his chest "Where'd you go?" Saguru sleepily inquired, he'd noticed Kaito leaving but had chosen to stay silent. He trusted the younger not to get into too much trouble.

Kaito gave him a soft smile "I sensed something amiss so I followed the feeling" He gave Saguru a light peck on the cheek when the older's arms tensed "Don't worry Saguru, it wasn't anything dangerous" He grinned "There was a little girl who was really sick and I healed her" He breathed "I think that I'm going to be able to sense levels of illness in people" That was good, he'd be able to prevent those he cared about from getting too sick.

'I'm pretty sure that girl might have had HIV... So if I'm able to cure something like that... I could probably cure most of the other illnesses as well'


Saguru smiled at Kaito's obvious happiness, of course healing a little girl would raise his spirits "That's amazing, just make sure that you don't accidentally use up too much magic" He warned, knowing that he should probably remind him. He didn't want to lose Kaito because of something that could have been easily avoided.

'He might forget one day due to the joy of healing others'

Indigos softened "Don't worry Saguru" He smirked "There's no way that I'm going to leave you" He gave the blond a peck on the cheek "Especially since we've just started a relationship together" Even if they hadn't Kaito wouldn't leave him, Saguru didn't have much support to spare.


When the two woke up, the two of them ate a nice breakfast of rice and omelettes before leaving the onsen. The place was nice, but both teens had been eager to return to the Hakuba estate. It was too expensive to stay another night on a whim.

"When we get back, I'm going to head to the station to see if I can help out some" Saguru stated as they stepped off of the plane. He hadn't really been o the station recently and felt a little bad.

'At least there shouldn't have been any heist notices for them to mull over'

Kaito nodded "Kay, I'll stay back at the mansion" A mischievous smirk crossed over his face "I'm not sure that I'd be able to resist doing anything if I went there" He teased, grinning at how Saguru grimaced.

"Yes, I believe that it would be a great idea for you to stay behind" The blond breathed, feeling as if he's narrowly missed an unpleasant experience. He'd take any small mercies when they were given.

'I must have narrowly missed a disaster...'


"Kaito dear" Baaya smiled in greeting when she spotted the magician "Welcome back" She glanced around "And where is Saguru?" She mused, a little surprised to see that the brunette had returned alone.

'It's odd to see them not together nowadays...'

Kaito flashed her a warm smile "Saguru decided to head to the station" He held up both his own and the blond's bags "He dropped me off here first" He replied.

"Why don't you set your things down in your room" Baaya smiled "You must be tired from you trip so I'll make something for you" It was the least she could do for him taking care of Saguru.

'Kaito's presence has been so good for Saguru...'

"Kay, be back in a few!" The magician replied with a wave before bolting up the stairs. Baaya smiled at his energy.

'Ah to be young...'

She made her way to the kitchen and prepare Kaito a nice lettuce, cheese, and tomato sandwich. Managing to just set down a glass of chocolate milk in his spot right before he returned.

Indigos lit up when Kaito noticed the meal, he cast a bright smile towards Baaya "This looks amazing" He praised as he took a seat "Thanks Baaya"

Baaya watched Kaito take a bite with a fond smile "You've been so good for Saguru" She replied as she began to clean up some of the utensils used.

The magician grinned "He's been good to me too" A small blush tinted his cheeks as he lowered his gaze "We're dating now so it won't end anytime soon"

His words caused Baaya to fumble a spoon, making it drop onto the floor "Already?!" She gasped, she knew it would happen, just not so soon. Tears welled up in her eyes.

'My little Saguru is growing up...'

Indigos blinked curiously before a small smile graced his lips "You really care for Saguru don't you?" He breathed, bringing the glass of chocolate milk to his lips before pausing and placing it back down.

"I see him as my own son" Baaya's gaze softened as she knelt down to pick up the spoon "I'd do anything for him if it meant that it will keep him safe" She never really had a chance to have a child, but she didn't really mind much after meeting Saguru.

A sad smile tugged at Kaito's lips as he lowered his head "I love him too" He breathed, picking the glass back up. He met her gaze "I forgive you" He replied before drinking the chocolate milk.

Tears fell down her face as she watched the magician sway before swiftly falling into unconsciousness "I'm so sorry Kaito" Baaya choked out, clenching her eyes shut.

'I had to, for Saguru...'

Me: And the next ark commences!

Did berry shock you?

Hope you enjoyed~

(╹◡╹๑ ) It's so hard not to go on a posting spree....

Berry had been planning the next ark since before the cultists was even written XD

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