71. Horrific Revelations

568 66 46

1007 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 10 2019
Posted December 9 2019


'It hurts...'

Kaito didn't really know what was being done to him, his drug addled mind was making it too hard for him to really concentrate on things happening around him more often than not. All he really knew, was that at that very moment, he was in a lot of pain. How could he feel so numb, yet at the same time be in so much pain? He wasn't sure, maybe the numbing agents only numbed his connection to his limbs? He'd built up a high tolerance to most pain relieving agents, so with him unable to move, he wondered if the people in charge even knew that he was in pain. He couldn't feel exactly where the pain was coming from, but he knew it was real. He also wanted it to stop.

Indigos managed to open just a sliver, and what Kaito saw made him want to cry and curl into himself for safety. He didn't even have the ability to let out a distressed sound, the drugs were still fresh in his system.

'I want to go home...'

He'd been cut open, his insides were clearly visible for him to see. There were people sticking their hands inside him, doing who knows what to him. He recognized the cuts to be the ones used for doing a vivisection. A wave of horror and disgust washed through him, he really was a lab rat. For one he wished that he hadn't regained a bit of consciousness and had been allowed to be blissfully unaware.


"So you understand the plan?" Shinichi asked, reading the blond's body language with sharp azures. It was vital that everyone stuck to the plan. They couldn't have Saguru becoming distressed and rushing around in an attempt to find Kaito. That was a surefire way for someone to get killed or even captured "I can't have you rushing in there to save Kuroba" He breathed "Doing so would endanger everyone, including Kuroba" He finished.

Saguru nodded, gaze clear "I understand" He agreed "I will not do anything that could possibly jeopardize the operation" He affirmed. No matter how much he wanted to, he wouldn't just run in there in an attempt to save Kaito. He wasn't an idiot.

'I just hope that Kaito's in a good enough condition that there won't be any complications in retrieving him'

Shinichi gave him one last hard gaze before nodding in acceptance "Good, you'll be on standby until the danger is clear. Then you can move in with the retrieval team" He breathed. Shinichi himself was part of the team meant for flushing the Crows out of the building. Saguru hadn't been allowed onto that team, it was too dangerous. Depending on Kaito's mental state, the blond may be required to help the magician recover. Kaito was too valuable to lose in the FBI's eyes, which also meant that Saguru to some extent, was also too valuable to lose.

'I'm glad that Kaito got involved with the FBI. It would have been a lot harder to track him down without their help'

The brunette's team also wasn't meant to linger within the building, it was meant to join the chasing team right after flushing the Crows out. They had to chase, it was too risky to allow a member enough time to attempt to erase all of the evidence. They had to put enough pressure on them that the Crows had no choice but to flee. Though just in case, there were multiple firetrucks and ambulances on standby.

Saguru had become more content with his own role once Shinichi's had been explained to him. He was fine letting the other detective take the limelight if it meant that he got to see Kaito even a few minutes quicker. Some things were more important than chasing criminals. He'd wait, then rush in after receiving the signal. The other members of the team were meant to collect information and locate any civilians. Saguru's main goal was to find Kaito, and maybe take some information as well if the magician was in a good enough condition. If not, he was to bring Kaito to one of the many ambulances laying in wait. All of them have been stocked with at least a bag of Kaito's blood type, and there was also a surgeon on wait nearby. Kaito had been taken for experiments after all, and they weren't going to take any chances.

The magician's condition regarding his wings hadn't been kept a secret to the higher ups who'd been deemed trustworthy by Shinichi. It was a given that some people had to be told the reason why Kaito was believed to be alive instead of dead. That, and Kaito may not be conscious enough to hide his wings.

'I hope that everything turns out okay...'


Shinichi's team had been successful with how suddenly they'd swooped in from all directions. They hadn't tried to capture anyone until they've left the building , they'd only acted like they'd been trying. They hadn't wanted a dangerous fight to break out within the building. Shortly after the chase had started, Saguru and the rest of the retrieval team had been given the signal to proceed.

Saguru's blood was currently racing with adrenaline as he hurried through the corridors, he was so close to finding Kaito. He's already checked most of the current floor and only had a few more rooms to check before heading to the next floor. The blueprints were useless and he hadn't yet been sent Kaito's location via the security room meaning that the others were still working on cracking the code.

'Kaito better be here and not at the other potential location'

He ran into the next room and froze, ice chilling his bones. He stood frozen for a few moments before rushing over towards the figure on an operating table "Kaito!" His voice broke when he reached Kaito's side, tears streaming down his face at the sight of his beloved magician all cut open. A small whine caught his attention as a sliver of indigo became visible before disappearing.

'Dear god... He's conscious...'

Me: I've had this planned for months, finally I get to write it~

Hope you enjoyed~ This was really fun to write~

The scientist ark has ended~

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