57. Tree Tangle

629 82 53

1025 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

I hope you enjoy~

~~Wow 2K+ Votes~~

Written August 13 2019
Posted November 1 2019

Extra chappy since this story has the third most votes out of everything I've written~~ So happy~

And because I really really want to get to the next chappy >~<

When Saguru awoke, he immediately noted that the magician was nowhere in sight, instead he'd been left all alone within the tent. He let out a soft yawn as he rolled over with the intention of going back to sleep. He figured that Kaito was out doing something and looking for the sneaky teen would have been a waste of time.

'It's a wonder how that idiot can function on so little sleep...'

A sudden crash snapped away his lingering drowsiness. Alarmed, he quickly crawled out of the tent, standing up once he had room.

"It seemed like a good time to drop in?" Kaito laughed from his position in the overhanging tree beside the tent. Saguru covered his mouth to hold in a chuckle, the magician was hanging upside down all tangled within the maple tree's branches.

"How did you even manage that?" The blond snickered, figuring that the other was okay based on his attitude.

'I'd always thought that Kaito did everything perfectly or at least near perfection. But after spending time with him I've realized that it had only seemed that way since he wasn't showing his true self'

"I was practising some sharper maneuvers by weaving through the trees" The magician replied, making no move to correct his position. "I figured that the more dexterity I had while flying, the better" Kaito smirked, Saguru nodded at the information, silently agreeing with the logic.

Golden eyes glanced over Kaito once more "Your wings look sort of stuck, do you require some assistance?" He inquired, noting that if not for the wings, Kaito would have easily slipped to the ground.

A small embarrassed blush tinted Kaito's cheeks "That would be nice... I could get down on my own but my wings make it take longer and I seem to be unable to retract them when they're restrained" The magician admitted, Saguru smirked.

'So he is stuck but won't actually admit it'

"Okay I'll untangle your wings and you can do the rest" Saguru replied as he fetched a medium log to stand on. Thankfully Kaito wasn't stuck too high up and he could reach the other's wings when standing on the log.

"Thanks" Kaito grinned, clutching onto a sturdy branch above him so that he wouldn't fall onto Saguru once he'd been freed.

The blond frowned when he got a better look at the tangle, inwardly grimacing when he'd realized that Kaito would have had to bend his back in the weird ways that he could in order to get down. The problem was that if he'd done so, he'd have damaged his wings, and at the very least become injured before healing himself.

"Were you flying upside down or something?" Saguru scoffed as he began breaking the small branches tangled between the feathers.

'It's the only explanation for how he landed so awkwardly'

"Yeah, it was working out fine at first, but then I got distracted and fell out of the current I was riding" Kaito sighed, tensing slightly when one of the branches scraped his wings.

The blond ignored how the magician tensed and continued to break the branches. "That's understandable..." He paused for a few moments before continuing. "Do things like this always happen when your trying out something new?" He inquired, curious to know how many details he'd actually missed before they became friends.

Kaito glanced back at him from the corner of his eyes "Yeah, I mess up all of the time when trying out new tricks, I just keep practising them until they're perfect before I show them to anybody" He gave a wide grin "A magician can't improve if they're too afraid to mess up during practice, they'd subconsciously limit themselves to prevent any possible failures" Kaito finished.

"That actually makes a lot of sense... A lot of the things I've seen you do are completely crazy and dangerous. They often seemed almost impossible to get right on the first try" Saguru breathed before frowning slightly. "But then that means you've gotten hurt a lot without anybody noticing..."

'It's bad enough that I neglected to notice a lot of his heist injuries, but for me to not notice his injuries from practising tricks as well...'

"Stupid detective" Kaito chided "I did my absolute best to keep my injuries under wraps. If they'd been spotted easily, it'd been a failure on my part" He scoffed. "But since you already know about Kid, and about my practising... I guess I'll call you for help whenever I need it..."

The blond raised a brow "So there's actually been times when you've needed help but didn't call for any?..." He asked as he snapped an especially persistent branch.

The brunette closed his eyes, remembering how he'd once accidentally skewered himself in the side. "Yeah... There were some close calls because my assistant had been in another city and my mom was never around. But that won't happen anymore since I've got you to help me" He grimaced when a sharp branch shifted uncomfortably between his feathers. "Since Kudo returned it's been a little better since Beika isn't too far so he'd be able to patch me up in time. Plus his medical knowledge is quite useful. So even if you're too busy I've usually got that option"

'He does use a lot of dangerous equipment...'

Saguru smiled softly at the trust before snapping the last branch that's been close to stabbing through Kaito's wings. "I'm glad that you've at least had Kudo-Kun, though I wonder, how could he help you if you're in your house and your door is locked?"

Kaito let go of the branch, landing onto the ground gracefully. "I gave Kudo a key since he only usually comes around when I'm injured or there's an emergency" He paused for a few moments "I should actually give you a key too just in case..." Indigos narrowed as a sly grin crossed over the magician's face. "Though... Maybe that's not needed since you apparently have no problem breaking into my house" He teased.

The blond spluttered in embarrassment "It wasn't my idea! Baaya insisted that I do it!"

Me: This was fun to write~

Berry has no heat in her apartment despite it being around zero degrees here 0.0 berry adores it~

And there was a mega wind storm on top of the cold XP wind gusts over 110km/h~ so many broken trees there were

Coldness gives berry energy~ though had to give rats a lot of extra bedding~

Anyways hope you did with zee enjoying~~

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