53. Plans of Fun

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1004 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own Magic Kaito~ and I hope you enjoy~

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Written July 25 2019
Posted October 19 2019

The new story ark started a few chappys ago~ I'm sure you guys will love it~

Kaito gave another shrug "Yeah, was mostly blind for a few days but my vision and magic returned sometime last night or early this morning" Shinichi grimaced at the information.

'If that had happened to me... I wouldn't have been able to go about as usual... Especially if murders continued to happen around me...'

"Knowing you, you were probably able to still cause trouble without your full sight" Shinichi smirked.

"Of course he was" Saguru scoffed "I think that it's impossible for Kaito to go too long without causing at least some sort of mischief" He finished.

Kaito gave his best innocent smile, making both detectives roll their eyes. "I'm not always up to something you know" If they hadn't known him, they would have fallen for the magician's act.

"Kuroba, any outwards displays of innocence coming from you will always raise the suspicion of those who know you" Shinichi smirked, crouching down to pick up a discarded feather and examined it.

'Maybe I'll have Haibara run some tests on it, I obviously won't tell her where I got the sample, but I'm curious to know how the DNA would show up'

Indigos narrowed accusingly at Shinichi, the magician was completely familiar with the other's contemplating look. He especially didn't like the possible insinuations it meant when it was directed at one of his feathers. "Oi! You better not give that to your creepy scientist friend!" Kaito scowled, pointing at his feather. Kaito wanted to keep that creepy girl away from him at all costs. The magician wasn't a semi-suicidal detective who loved to take potentially lethal medications based on a chance of things going right.

Saguru gave Shinichi a nervous look, the other was a detective like him after all, and detectives loved finding answers. Azure eyes studied the other two for a few moments before Shinichi let out a defeated sigh. "Fine, I won't have her do some tests on it" He breathed, placing the feather into a vase filled with roses in a show of surrender. It looked surprisingly good in contrast to the red. "I wouldn't have given your identity away to her, but you should do some tests on the feathers, it would be dangerous if they came up as human" Shinichi added the last bit as an afterthought.

'I just wanted to know if the feather came up as human or bird, or maybe even both'


'On that night I found Kaito thanks to one of his feathers... What if he'd shed more that night and the wrong person got their hands on one...'

The possibilities made the blond feel a little uneasy. "Thank you Kudo-Kun, I hadn't thought of that" He admitted.

"Ick, more tests!" Kaito whined, falling backwards into the couch so that he was sprawled across it. "I'm sick of tests!" His wings stuttered momentarily before spreading out. He'd already had enough with Saguru and at the hospital.

"Don't worry, these ones will just include you're discarded feathers" Saguru gave the magician a sly smirk "Unless you're offering to allow me to pluck some of your feathers?" He teased, already knowing the answer. Azure eyes studied the two curiously, a sharp gleam present.

'I would never actually do that to him, forced feather removal is thought to be painful or at the very least stressful'

The blond didn't know for sure, mainly because he couldn't believe everything on the internet and had no desire to test the theory.

"You do that and I'll hit you with my wings!" Kaito growled, wrapping his wings around himself defensively. "I'm pretty sure I can muster enough force with them to knock you out" He'd grown attached to them in the short time he'd been able to see them without either fear or panic hitting him. He didn't want his feathers to be plucked.

"I promise to only snatch already loose feathers that were bound to fall anyways" Saguru soothed, a little startled by Kaito's threat. It wasn't like him to threaten with physical violence.

Kaito's shoulders relaxed as he unwrapped himself. "Good, you better keep your word" The magician breathed, a little embarrassed at his overreaction.

"I've learned everything that I wanted" Shinichi stated, he gave a small smile "If you ever need any help, you know how to contact me" He sent the magician a glance before bowing to excuse himself. He was content to know that Kaito was okay and a little intrigued with their interactions.

"It was nice to see you again Kudo-Kun" Saguru got up to lead the other out.


"You're too polite" Kaito snickered when the blond returned "Kudo is a big boy now, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have gotten lost" He continued, indigos gleaming with amusement.

Saguru raised a brow at the odd phrasing but didn't question it since Kaito was prone to being odd "It's part of how I was raised, it's only natural to be courteous towards guests" He paused, gaze narrowing at the magician "Well all guests except for ones that moonlight as international criminals" He teased.

'We've been sort of enemies? Or maybe friendly rivals for so long that it would feel weird if I suddenly treated Kaito like I would a normal guest'

Kaito stuck out his tongue in response "Let's go into some deep woods tomorrow for flight practice, I can see so there won't be too much of a problem"

Saguru nodded in agreement "That sounds ideal, the sooner you can fly, the less likely you are to do stupid stunts on your own and crash" He paused in thought for a few moments before continuing "I'll do some DNA tests on your discarded feathers tonight first, hopefully the results will show that it would be fine to just leave and loose feathers on the ground instead of collecting them all" He finished.

'It would be a pain to collect every single feather he sheds in the woods... Kaito does seem to lose them a little more frequently than most birds'

Me: That's zee end of the chappy~ it was interesting to write~

Before starting reading MK/DC fanfics I didn't really ship hakukai XP fanfiction quickly made me tolerate it, then love it~ though I still like shinkai most~

Berry has had insomnia (worse than normal) last few days >^< hate it! So tired but can't sleep good...

Berry refuses to use sleeping aids because doesn't want to become dependent on them XP kinda like how berry doesn't want to be a slave to the need of coffee~

No coffee for zee berry~ or tea~

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