79. Reunion

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1025 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written October 27 2019
Posted January 6 2020

After checking himself out for a few minutes, Kaito had discovered the extra hole that he was pretty sure wasn't there before. The discovery had creeped him out enough that he'd decided that he should go ahead and get in the shower already, the hole's existence meant that he couldn't deny that he could've been bred before being rescued. The only thing that had stopped him from breaking down was the fact that there'd been no cuts around the area, which meant it wasn't added by the scientists. He took in a calming breath as he made his wings vanish and sat down under the warm spray, Shinichi had told him that the scientists had failed, it was fine.

'I'm so lucky... What would have happened if they had succeeded? I wouldn't be the only one, so maybe I'd have become more expendable?'

Kaito shivered despite the water's warmth, he was under no illusion that he'd been treated the worst. Just from his own observations, he could tell that the scientists had gone really easy on him. That was the scary part. If he was like this after the scientists had gone easy on him, how would he have turned out if he'd been expendable? The magician shook his head to clear his thoughts, he didn't really want to think about it.

'I should start cleaning myself...'

He grabbed the soap and began lathering it, it's familiar scent was comforting. It seems like someone had stocked the bathroom with his preferred hygiene items, for that he was grateful. It was nice to be surrounded by familiar scents instead of antiseptic. The previous room had a faint odour of antiseptic, but it hadn't been as strong as it had been when he'd been captured. The shampoo had also felt good, it had been nice to clean himself, so by the time he'd finished his shower, he was feeling a lot better than before.

Kaito turned off the water and stepped out of the shower onto the soft bathmat, he reached over and grabbed a fluffy blue towel from the counter. A small laugh escaped his lips when he'd noticed the Kid insignia stitched into the bottom left of it, this was his towel! It'd been snatched from his house, he could tell since it had a faint pink smudge from when he'd messed up a prank. He could feel tears well up, shit he was feeling weepy now, why were small details like this affecting him so much? It was just a towel. He burred his face in the towel for a few moments before he finished drying himself off and putting on some black sweatpants and a teat t-shirt, both of which belonged to him. Kaito cast a nervous glance towards the door.

'Why do I feel so nervous? It's just Saguru...'

The magician silently crept towards the door, slowly opening it a crack before peeking through it. His heart fluttered, it really was Saguru, he was sitting down on the bed reading a book! He made to jump at the blond but faltered for some reason, instead he settled for silently walking over towards Saguru "I missed you" He breathed softly as he sat next to him, eyes teary.


He'd noticed when Kaito had peeked out of the bathroom, but had refrained from acknowledging it, the magician had looked so jumpy that he hadn't wanted to startle him. He placed the book down to meet the other's gaze, opening his arms as an offering of a hug "I missed you too" He breathed, having Kaito beside him still felt surreal.

'I can't believe that Kaito's back...'

The magician paused for half a second before flinging himself into the blond's arms "I was so scared" He'd been so helpless, unable to do anything to plan his own escape. Normally he didn't like admitting his weaknesses but this was Saguru and, he needed to vent a bit "I couldn't do anything" Kaito choked out, he couldn't have fed himself, bathe himself, hell, he didn't even remember going to the washroom even once while captured.

Gold softened at how broken Kaito had sounded, the poor magician was trembling so much that it wasn't even funny "I'm sorry that it had taken so long to find and rescue you" Saguru whispered, wiping away Kaito's tears "I could barely do anything to help you" He admitted. He hadn't had the right connections to get anything done "Kudo-kun did the majority of the planning"

'Without Kudo-kun's help... Kaito would most likely be still in the Crow's grasp'

Kaito let out a watery laugh "It's kinda hard to track down the Crows without connections" He didn't care that the blond hadn't contributed much, all that mattered to him was that Saguru had done his best "It's hard to compete with all of Kudo's connections"

Saguru held the brunette closer, savouring the warmth of the other "I didn't care about the Crows" He placed a chaste kiss onto Kaito's cheek "I just wanted to get you back" Gold met indigo with complete adoration "Life just didn't feel the same without you Kaito" It had felt empty.

'He makes everything so much more vibrant'

The magician felt himself flush, his face going way too warm to be normal "I'm sorry for worrying you" He knew that it really wasn't his fault, but it didn't change the fact that he'd worried the blond "I promise that I'll take things easy for a bit"

Gold studied indigo for a moment, searching for any self-blame, when he found none he nodded in satisfaction "Good" He gently caressed the other's face, a fond look in his eyes "I don't think that I'd be able to handle you disappearing so soon" He wasn't even sure that he'd be able to leave Kaito for a while so soon after reconnecting with him. Hopefully Kaito would agree to sharing a room with him.

'I don't want to lose him again'

Kaito leaned into the touch, it was much better coming from Saguru than anyone else "How has Baaya been?" He inquired, a little worried that the kind woman would blame herself. He didn't blame her, she'd been trapped and desperate to protect Saguru.

Me: Did you guys forget that Kaito doesn't know about Baaya's death? Or that Saguru doesn't know that Baaya gave Kaito to the crows?

Hope you enjoyed~

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