17. Blood Test and X-Ray Results

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1031 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~

I just realized that this story is already 62 pages long (In a document without notes like this)~ yay~

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Kaito was relieved for the subtle offer of a break, he felt his wings shift as he laid back on the bed.

'I feel almost no pain in my wings at all, just a dull ache'

It was nice to lay on his back with surprisingly little discomfort, he briefly wondered if magic had something to do with it.

'I'm already bored...'

With a sigh, he hopped up off of the bed, the magician wasn't one to be idle outside of Kid work. Indigos glanced around at the labeled drawers, an idea popping into his head.

'I might as well do my bi-monthly blood test'

Kaito tested his blood at least twice a month due to how he often got injured as Kid. There were so many diseases to be caught by having an open wound in a sketchy area. The last thing he needed was to catch aids and not know it, resulting in him spreading it to others if he became injured.

With his mind made up, he snatched a fresh 100ml syringe and 21 gauge needle from the drawers, placing them on the counter unopened. He then found one red capped and one lavender capped blood tubes, a dropper, two slides, and the required staining ingredients; the fixative agent methanol, eosin dye, and methylene blue.

He pulled out a centrifuge from a cabinet and plugged it in. With a grimace, Kaito swabbed his elbow crease with alcohol before wiping it all away. The magician then placed the needle into his vein before slowly pulling the plunger until 20ml of blood was collected. Kaito then removed the needle and capped it off, removing the needle from the syringe and throwing it into the sharps biohazard bin.

'I took twice as much as I normally do, hopefully it's enough for other tests'

The magician then deposited 10ml each into the red and lavender capped blood tubes, the red had no coagulant but the lavender had the common EDTA Anti-coagulent to preserve the blood for a while.

'Now I need to wait a while before putting them in the centrifuge...'

He plopped the used syringe into a biohazard garbage before setting the tubes upright in the rack. He glanced towards the dark room and smirked at how the blond was still stuck in it.


When Saguru left the dark room, he was surprised to see Kaito looking through a microscope. Curious, he sidled up behind the other to see a blood smear beside him which meant the other smear was probably being looked at.

'At least Kuroba wasn't destructively active'

"Those are really well made smears, I hadn't expected you to be well versed in them" The magician looked up from the microscope, blinking at Saguru's words.

"I get injured a lot in unsavoury places so I have committed myself to bi-monthly blood tests" The brunette smirked.

'That is very smart of him, something I wouldn't have expected from Kuroba, though I should have since he's Kid'

"Have you found any abnormalities?" Saguru inquired, hoping for a negative.

"A slightly higher white blood cell count but that's to be expected after recovery" Kaito shrugged, flipping off the microscope before swiping the lens with special microscope lens cleanser and wipes. Surprisingly tissues were too rough for the lens and would scratch it. "There's also some capped with a lavender top in the medical mini fridge" The brunette waved a lazy hand towards the fridge.

"That is good to know" The blond replied as he handed over the complete X-rays to Kaito. "Your wings are apparently already completely healed, and I know that they were broken yesterday" Kaito let out a distressed whistle when he saw that his shoulder blades had grown into the first segment of his wings instead of them being attached by a joint.

"My bones are more hollow like a bird's..." Kaito sighed, he'd known however physical proof made it much more real.

"Indeed, however they are more dense than a real bird's thankfully, and not as fragile as your wings" Saguru gave a nod, he was pleased to find that Kaito wouldn't break a bone if he somehow managed to trip.

'There is less of a chance of needing to go to the hospital now'

"Even if I got rid of my wings, it'd be a pain to steer my hang glider..." The magician whined as he handed the X-rays back.

"You'll have to start carrying weights" Saguru suggested.

"But they'd have to be so heavy!" Kaito grimaced at the thought of carrying two fifty pound weights everywhere. "They'd rip any pockets I put them in due to the condensed weight! I don't want to become buff!" Kaito huffed, shaking his head. "A Phantom Thief is supposed to be slender, I can't disguise as girls easily if I'm macho!"

Saguru snorted, covering a laugh as he imagined the other as buff. "It definitely would not suit you"

'Kuroba's condensed muscle suits his build much more than if they were to bulge out'

"I know... Maybe if my clothes were weighted? I'd be doing acrobatics in them so maybe the muscle would be more condensed than if I were continuously carrying heavy weights?" Kaito murmured in thought.

"That would be expensive, having all of your clothes done like that" Saguru narrowed his eyes. "We could use vibration to change your bone density, but then you might not be able to fly with your wings"

"I don't mind, I'm not planning to keep them, I've lived most of my life without them" Kaito shrugged.

'It's a shame, I'm sure that if they were able to be... Magically retracted Kuroba would have been ecstatic about having wings'

"Since your wings are from the result of magic, could there be a way to magically retract them?" Kaito smirked at how Saguru grimaced at the mention of magic.

"I've been wishing them gone this whole time, but they're still there" The brunette sighed, glancing back at his black wings.

"Maybe you've got to think about putting them away instead of wishing them gone?" Saguru suggested, unsure. He obviously wasn't well versed in magic, but anything could be possible.

Me: this was a pain to write ( 'Д'), writing while someone is drilling loudly above my room in my apartment. But I persevered! Have you ever set a cup noodle on fire in the microwave?

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