97. Walk

504 42 26

1008 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't do with zee owning of MK/DC~


Written January 23 2020
Posted February 12 2020

Almost over QAQ

The blond nodded, pleased with the outcome. He knew just how much Kaito's friendship with Aoko had meant to him "That's quite a bit better than some of the other potential outcomes that I'd thought of" Aoko had really matured a lot since she'd started dating Akako.

'Her anger towards him will eventually fade with time'

Kaito flashed a warm smile "That's one worry taken care of" With everything that had happened, he'd been fearful of her connecting the dots and reacting in a bad way. At least now he had one less thing on his mind. He stood up from the bed, wrapping his arms around Saguru's left arm, leaning his weight onto the other "Let's eat something before going out" He was feeling a lot lighter after working things out with Aoko. He glanced out the window, the sun had set a while ago "It's getting late"

Saguru raised a brow, Kaito's wings were trembling slightly despite the other's happy appearance. The magician still hadn't gotten the hang of preventing them from showing his emotions "Maybe we could go out tomorrow instead?" His voice was soft "Nakamori-san's appearance must have been hard on you" He didn't want Kaito to become ill from stress. 

'I never want to see him like that ever again...'

Indigos gleamed, a small pout playing on the magician's lips "I was Kaitou Kid you know" He nuzzled the other's neck "I'm confident that I can do this today" What if he didn't feel up to it tomorrow? It had to be tonight or it may be days before he feels up to it again.

"Very well" Saguru breathed, a faint blush on his cheeks "We can eat the pizza that I ordered while you were busy" It hadn't been left out for too long. Take out pizza was good no matter the temperature so long as it didn't vary between bites. At the very least it should be room temperature if not still warm.

'Pizza is a good comfort food, lots of fat and carbs'

"Thank you!" Kaito let go of his arm, hopping up and down a few times before heading out the door and down the stairs. It'd been so long since he'd had pizza!


"Are you really sure about this?" Saguru asked as they put on their shoes, concern lacing his voice. Kaito's wings were now hidden so he couldn't truly gauge how the other was feeling. He did trust Kaito, but he also knew that the magician could also be too stubborn at times. What if he fell ill outside?

Indigos gleamed, a fuzzy and warm feeling building in his chest. Saguru was so caring, he was lucky to have him as his boyfriend "I'll be fine as long as you stick with me" He assured, he would do this for both himself, and Saguru.

'And I think I know just where we should go...'

Kaito nodded to himself, his mind made up.

"Okay" Saguru breathed, he took Kaito's hand, giving it a small squeeze "Just know that we can head back whenever you want" He almost jumped when the magician laced their fingers together.

"Hold my hand?" Kaito inquired as they stepped out the door, shivering a bit at the initial chill of the outdoor air. He felt safer with Saguru's hand in his.

'It's really late, hopefully most people are inside by now'

Gold softened "Of course" If it gave Kaito strength then he'd hold his hand for as long as he wanted. He just wished that the other hadn't put the gloves back on, Kaito had been doing so well too.


Saguru had allowed Kaito to lead them, having wanted the other to be more in control of the situation. They'd been walking for quite a while, through narrow streets and alleyways, never once actually travelling on a main street. The longer they'd walked, the closer Kaito had gotten to him, so much so that he could easily feel the magician's warmth. He just hoped that the warmth wasn't from a fever.

"Do you think that we should head back soon?" The blond inquired as they exited yet another forgotten path, he'd never realized just how many hidden paths there were in Edoka before. He glanced at his pocket watch, it was nearing midnight.

'It'll take a while to get back if we don't call a cab...'

Normally time wouldn't matter much since he'd be able to just call Baaya, but he couldn't do that anymore. Gold misted a bit at the thought of his caretaker, it'd been months, but it still hurt to think about her.

Kaito gave his hand a squeeze, indigos soft as he met his gaze "Just a little longer" He breathed "We're almost there"

Gold blinked "We're not walking randomly?" He glanced around in an attempt to figure out where Kaito was taking him. Most of the bakeries in this area were already closed.

'With how many odd paths we've been taking, I hadn't thought that he'd have a destination already in mind'

Kaito giggled "I know that look" He poked Saguru's shoulder with his free hand "I'm not telling you" Indigos gleamed "You'll have to figure it out on your own or wait until we get there" He felt a bit better while teasing Saguru.

Saguru rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at his lips. He was glad that Kaito had the energy to tease him despite where they were "Very well, I will wait" He breathed.

'I'm quite curious, there aren't many places around this part of Edoka. Maybe he's taking me to see a nice scenery or something'

The two continued on walking for another 10 minutes before they arrived at a metal fence. Gold narrowed in confusion at the location "Why did you want to go here?" He inquired incredulously.

Indigos softened "Because you never did come here did you?" He knew the other well enough by now that Saguru had probably been avoiding it. He tested the gate with his free hand while his other tightened a bit so that Saguru couldn't leave. The fence rattled a bit, but was sturdy. Good, he didn't want to destroy public property.

Me: Where do you think Kaito brought them?

Hope you enjoyed~

I'm feeling so conflicted... I'm excited to post the end, but at the same time sad that it's almost over...

•~• I like zee name Richard, a lot. But I'd never name any of my pets that because the name has been ruined XD

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