96. Aoko

468 44 16

1014 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Mk/DC~

Written January 19 2020
Posted February 10 2020

"You know that I'm obviously not old enough to be the first Kid right?" Aoko nodded, feeling a bit confused. She hadn't thought about the first Kid. Indigos glanced over towards the picture of his father, the one hiding the way to his Kid room. He lowered his head, clenching his fists "My father was the first Kid" At Aoko's gasp he met her gaze "His death wasn't an accident"

"No..." Tears welled up in her eyes as she shook her head in denial "Why?" Toichi had been fun to play with and had been good friends with her father. She'd been so upset when he'd died.

'If his death wasn't an accident... Then he was murdered...'

Kaito gave a small shrug, avoiding her gaze "Dad didn't want to work for them so they killed him" His voice softened "I only found out a bit after Kid's return, so I confronted Kid" His voice wavered with his next words "I'd thought that dad had faked his death" He shook his head, letting out a weary breath "He didn't"

Aoko wiped at her face "Kaito..." She knew how much Kaito had both looked up to and loved his dad, for that to have happened, raising his hopes, he must have been crushed.

'Kaito adored uncle Toichi, his death almost broke him'

The magician let out a hollow laugh, flashing her a weak smile "It's fine" It had hurt so much, but he was over it "The new Kid told me about the ones who killed dad" His smile fell "That Kid was too old to be jumping around rooftops, he would have been killed for sure" Jii was skilled, but his body just wasn't young enough to recover as well as Kaito's "So I took his place in luring out dad's killers"

Alarm filled Aoko at Kaito's confession "Why didn't you tell Aoko's dad?!" Her voice cracked, Kaito had been luring out snipers on purpose, he could have been killed! "Dad would have listened to you"

'He could have died so many times... And I wouldn't have even known that anything was happening until his body was found'

"I know" Ginzo was trustworthy, he clenched his fists "But would the normal police be able to catch people that the FBI have been after for decades?" Kaito shook his head, a frown tugging at his lips "They were too sneaky and good at hiding" He paused, glancing away "They needed someone to lure them out" His voice softened "What better way to lure out bad guys than to pretend to be the very person they've killed?" He gave a small shrug "At the very least, I was a flashy white target"

"It didn't have to be you!" She was trembling "Why couldn't you have let someone else take the spot?!" Why did he have to be so stupid and reckless? Why did he have to put himself in so much danger?! "We're still in high school!" An adult should have been doing the job, not Kaito.

'Why is he such an idiot?... I don't know what I would have done if he'd died as Kid. Would I have hated him?'

Indigos softened as he pulled Aoko into a hug "I'm selfish, I wanted to be part of putting my dad's killers behind bars" He ran his fingers through her hair "I wouldn't have been allowed to help if they knew that it was me" The FBI were another story, but he'd only become connected to them because of Shinichi. His voice wavered "I wanted to stop them from taking more parents away from their children" They both knew how much it hurts to lose a parent.

"You're such a Bakaito!" Aoko cried, hitting his chest "Aoko can't hate you..." She'd already figured that he hadn't told her before out of fear "But I'm still mad at you" She warned.

"I can't help it" He gave a small laugh "I'm often prone to idiocy" A mad Aoko was better than a hateful one, she also had more than enough reasons to be mad at him.


Saguru glanced curiously at the stairs, it had been a few hours since Aoko had arrived. There had been a bit of shouting on Aoko's side but other than that there hadn't been much noise. He highly doubted that she'd killed Kaito, but he was still a little worried.

'I'll just check up on them to make sure that they're both okay'

He put down his book, placing it on an end table before ascending the stairs. He placed his ear on the bedroom door, opening it after hearing nothing. He was met with the sight of both Kaito and Aoko curled up together sleeping. He snorted, pulling out his phone to take a picture to tease them with.

'I should probably remove Aoko before he wakes up'

The poor girl didn't need to be smacked in the face after what was probably a hard conversation, nor did he need Kaito to feel guilty about hitting her. He gently prodded her cheek, signalling her to be silent when she sleepily opened her eyes. He motioned towards Kaito and she blushed at their positions before slipping off of the bed. She'd been told about the magician's aversion to being touched in his sleep.

"Sorry" She breathed, blushing a bit. It had been a long time since her and Kaito had both snuggled together.

Gold softened "It's fine" He trusted that cheating hadn't commenced "Kaito snuggles with people he trusts" It was a potentially risky act for some people, but not Kaito. Kaito was just very affectionate with those he trusts.

'We did snuggle a lot before we'd started dating after all'

Aoko gave the sleeping magician a glance before turning towards Saguru "I should head home and start on dinner" It was getting pretty late.

After Aoko had left, the blond threw a pillow at Kaito's face, waking the other up "Saguru!" Kaito whined, annoyed that he'd been woken up. He'd been so comfy.

Saguru rolled his eyes at the other's antics "I take it things went well?" He inquired, smirking "You two were cuddling after all" He teased.

The magician spluttered "She's mad but doesn't hate me"

Me: Akako has really helped Aoko to mature ^-^

2 more chapters... The reason I'm holding off the final chappy for this Saturday is so that I won't have to update 'To Understand You' three times this week since it's going to take over this time slot XD

Berry refuses to do that damage to her stockpile...

Hope you enjoyed~

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