39. Inquiries

820 70 22

1021 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ and I hope you enjoy~

Gah... Should be sleeping... But zee anime Gakuen Babysitters is just so adorable and fluffy... Berry doesn't even like children but the anime is just adorable >~<

Written June 26 2019
Posted September 2 2019

"Nakamori-Keibu, Megure-Keibu" Saguru nodded in greeting when the two inspectors stepped through the door, Aoko had left to buy some groceries. "Has everything regarding Kaito's capture been dealt with?" The blond inquired, eager for the cultists to be locked behind bars where they couldn't harm someone else. Ginzo glanced at Kaito and for once realized how odd the teen's healing speed was.

'No, I'm just overthinking things...'

"Yes, that bastard has no chance of escaping his sentence" Ginzo smirked, he always felt great when arresting someone dangerous, it meant that dangerous person couldn't hurt others anymore.

Saguru let out a relieved breath, knowing that the criminals, especially their leader would be closely guarded to prevent escape. "That is greatly relieving, those kinds of people shouldn't be free" He closed his eyes "Faithful religion is one thing, but there's also a point where it becomes too much to be acceptable, murder is unacceptable"

Ginzo nodded in agreement "True, thankfully most people who follow a religion aren't crazy cultists"

'Nobody needs crazy cultists killing people for their absurd beliefs of earning favour'

Megure shuffled his feet awkwardly before couching to catch their attention. "We have a few things we'd like to clarify regarding the leader's statement. Kalos Kal—" He paused when he noticed the blond's posture stiffen slightly. "Do you know him?"

"Yes... He is a doctor that I've known for years" Saguru admitted, knowing that a simple paper check would destroy any lies he made up. "He was the leader of the cult?" The blond asked, his mouth dry, he suddenly felt sick.

'That crazy bastard is a doctor?!?!'

"He was the leader" Ginzo replied gruffly, appalled at the thought of how many potential victims the doctor had possibly scoped out during his work.

"Well Kalos-kun had stated some really weird things about Kudo-kun and Kuroba-Kun" Megure paused before continuing his voice laced with skepticism. "Apparently Both Kudo-kun and Kuroba-Kun are angels, Kuroba-kun in particular is a black winged angel. He also for some reason said that you could verify that statement" Megure finished with a scoff, missing how Saguru tensed momentarily. Ginzo's eyes narrowed.

'He's hiding something...'

Saguru gave both inspectors his best perplexed look. "Dr.Kalos said that Kaito has wings?" He inquired, doing his best at acting innocent.

'He's acting, but why would he need to act?'

Ginzo decided to play along, the blond wasn't one for intentionally misdirecting information. "Yes, the loony said that he saw Kaito-Kun with wings and apparently decided to sacrifice him and Kudo-Kun together since they looked alike, thus they HAD to be angels" He snarled in disgust, doctors were supposed to help people, not sacrifice them for a cult.

'Is he protecting Kaito-Kun?'

Saguru blinked "I did indeed call Dr.Kalos for help since Kaito had a seriously high fever, though I have no idea how he came to the conclusion that Kaito had wings"


'Kaito is going to flip when he finds out if he doesn't already know, hopefully the fact that Dr.Kalos has been openly labeled as crazy will help sooth his concern'

"Why didn't you take Kuroba-Kun to a hospital? It would have been much cheaper" Megure inquired, he knew that the Hakubas had a lot of money, but private doctors were still very expensive.

'I can't very well say that I didn't want people to see his wings...'

"Kaito is very bad with hospitals, he could potentially drive the staff crazy if he was conscious in one for too long. It just seemed easier to call one of the private doctors" Saguru replied with a small smile, he'd heard stories. Kaito wasn't a good patient when conscious.

Ginzo nodded in agreement "True, he almost gave his last doctor a heart attack due to him hanging upside down from the ceiling, despite having a broken leg. He wasn't even in there for too long"

Megure blinked, glancing at the unconscious teen. "Is he really that bad?..." He inquired, wondering how someone with a broken leg could manage to hang from the ceiling before being caught.

"Kaito is both a magician, and a prankster" Saguru supplied.

"I see... So Kalos-Kun most likely learned of Kuroba-Kun's family and decided that he had wings, and since you had called him, he figured you already knew" Megure replied with a nod, Saguru shrugged, happy to let the inspector come to his own conclusions.

'If Kaito's family name wasn't Kuroba, this would have been a lot harder to explain...'

"Okay, now that everything's settled, we should head back to the station!" Ginzo announced, curiously glancing at Kaito before somewhat forcefully leading Megure out of the room.

'That was quite odd, that last look he gave kaito didn't seem right for the situation'


"Saguru wake up" Golden eyes blinked open as the blond sat up properly in the chair he'd been slouched in.

"Baaya" He greeted sleepily, she gave him a warm smile before pointing to her own cheek. With a blush he wiped away the drool. "Sorry"

'At least it was Baaya and not a doctor... Being caught drooling in front of strangers is embarrassing'

"You should have something to eat, I brought you some cold ham, cheese, and lettuce sandwiches. I know it's not an ideal dinner meal, however I doubt that you're in the mood to eat a fancy meal" She apologized as she handed him a bag of separately wrapped sandwiches, Saguru accepted them with a smile.

"Thank you Baaya, I greatly appreciate your efforts" Saguru replied softly, unwrapping one of the sandwiches. "Without you, I'd probably forget to eat all the time"

'Even the sandwiches she makes are delicious'

"And That is why I've always got to keep an eye on you, it wouldn't do for you to starve" Baaya teased before lowering her voice "How long do you think Kaito is going to stay unconscious?" She was concerned for both the magician, and her young ward.

"I don't know, but I hope it's soon Baaya" Saguru replied softly, feeling a little nauseous as he bit into his sandwich.

Me: that's the end of the chappy~ it was interesting to write~

Random fact I learned in Vet Assistant learning: You know how Ran in Japanese translates to orchid?.... Well orchid is also a medical term involving testicles when combined with a suffix or prefix.


You're welcome for the knowledge~That you probably didn't want

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